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Published byTrinity Hicks Modified over 11 years ago
1 All Powder Board and Ski Microsoft Access Workbook Chapter 7: Integrity and Transactions Jerry Post Copyright © 2007
2 Compute Sales Tax Sales Tax From Figure 6.17
3 Action Create a new module At the top add: Option Explicit Add the function ComputeSalesTax Use Debug/Compile to find errors Close the module
4 Create Access Code Module New Module Visual Basic Editor Application code
5 Action Edit the Sale form in Design view Right click the SalesTax box and select the Build Code option Select the Enter event Add the line: SalesTax = ComputeSalesTax(Subtotal) Run the form Click on the SalesTax box to test the calculation
6 Add Event Code to the Sales Form Right click and Build Code Choose the Enter event Call the new function
7 Debugging Set a break point Use F8 to step through the code Roll the cursor over a variable to see its current value
8 Action Open the SaleItem subform in Design view Open the form properties and modify the Record Source query to add the QuantityOnHand column View the Field List box Drag QuantityOnHand onto the form Run the form and improve the layout
9 Adding QuantityOnHand to Subform Right click to set properties Build query to add QuantityOnHand Drag QOH from Field List box onto form
10 Form Events 1) Open2) Load3) Resize4) Activate5) Current 12 33 b a d 6) Enter 12 33 b a d 7) GotFocus 12 33 b a d 5) Close4) Deactivate3) Unload2) LostFocus 12 33 b a d 1) Exit 12 33 b a d ControlsForms Change rows Close a Form Open a Form
11 Main Control Events 32 131 Enter GotFocus Change: keystrokes Exit BeforeUpdate AfterUpdate time controlevent 131 LostFocus
12 Action Edit the SaleItem subform in Design view Right click the QOH box and build code Select the AfterUpdate event Add code to refresh the row and subtract QuantitySold from QuantityOnHand Test the form
13 First Attempt: QOH Code Private Sub QuantitySold_AfterUpdate() Me.Refresh Save data for new rows QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand - QuantitySold End Sub
14 Problems What if the clerk entered the wrong value and should have entered 1 instead of 2 units? Test it, and the code subtracts 1 from the QOH, leaving 7. You need to add the original 2 units back. QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand – QuantitySold + OldQuantity
15 Clerk Changes SKU 95004910 950050 10 Enter SKU 950049, Quantity 2 8 Inventory SKU QOH Change SKU to 950050 Subtract 8 10 Add back to 950049 Subtract for 950050
16 Clerk Changes SKU: Events Clerk enters original SKU (950049) and Quantity Code subtracts QuantitySold from QuantityOnHand (10 - 2 = 8) Clerk changes SKU to new value (950050) Active row becomes set for new value Need to subtract QuantitySold from QuantityOnHand for 950050 Need to add QuantitySold back into QuantityOnHand for 950049 Private Sub cboSKU_Enter() If IsNull(cboSKU.Value) Then OldSKU = "-1" Else OldSKU = cboSKU.Value End If End Sub
17 Action Open the SaleItem subform in Design view Choose View/Code Add and modify the code as specified to handle changes in quantity Test the form
18 SKU Changes: Code Private Sub cboSKU_Enter() If IsNull(cboSKU.Value) Then OldSKU = "-1" Else OldSKU = cboSKU.Value End If End Sub Private Sub cboSKU_AfterUpdate() If OldSKU <> "-1" And Not IsNull(QuantitySold) Then QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand - QuantitySold Dim sql As String sql = "UPDATE Inventory SET QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand + " _ & QuantitySold & " WHERE SKU='" & OldSKU & "'" Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection cmd.CommandText = sql cmd.Execute End If End Sub
19 Delete Code Dim DelQuantity() As String Dim DelSKU() As String Dim nDel As Integer Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer) If IsNull(cboSKU.Value) Or IsNull(QuantitySold) Then Exit Sub If (nDel = 0) Then ReDim DelQuantity(Me.CurrentView) ReDim DelSKU(Me.CurrentView) End If DelSKU(nDel) = cboSKU.Value DelQuantity(nDel) = QuantitySold nDel = nDel + 1 End Sub Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To nDel - 1 DeleteOneRow DelSKU(i), DelQuantity(i) Next i nDel = 0 End Sub
20 Delete Code 2 Private Sub DeleteOneRow(ByVal SKU As String, ByVal Qty As String) Dim sql As String sql = "UPDATE Inventory SET QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand + " _ & Qty & " WHERE SKU='" & SKU & "'" Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection cmd.CommandText = sql cmd.Execute End Sub
21 Action Open the SaleItem subform in Design view Add the oldSKU variable Add the SKU event code as described Place a breakpoint in the code before the Execute line Test the form by changing an SKU number Examine the sql line before it runs Add the delete code as shown Test multiple changes to validate the code
22 Transactions for Discounts New table
23 Rental Form Button to open discount form
24 Action Create the Rental Discount form in Design view Add the text boxes and button Save the form Open the Rental form in Design view Add a button to open the Discount form Modify the open code as indicated Run the form and test the button
25 Rental Discount Form RentID and Amount are filled in by code on the Rental form Date default value is set to =Now() This is an unbound form built from design view with no Record Source
26 Action Open the Rental Discount form in Design view Add the specified code to the button click event Test the forms
27 Rental Form Code: Discount Button Private Sub cmdDiscount_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdDiscount_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "GiveRentDiscount" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName,,, stLinkCriteria Forms!GiveRentDiscount!txtRentID = RentID Forms!GiveRentDiscount!txtDiscountAmount = SubTotalCharges Exit_cmdDiscount_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdDiscount_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdDiscount_Click End Sub
28 Discount Code Private Sub cmdDiscount_Click() Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim SQL1 As String, SQL2 As String Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection SQL1 = "UPDATE RentItem SET RepairCharges=0 WHERE RentID=" & txtRentID SQL2 = "INSERT INTO RentalDiscount (RentID, DiscountDate, DiscountAmount, Reason)" & _ " VALUES (" & txtRentID & _ ", #" & txtDiscountDate & "#" & _ ", " & txtDiscountAmount & _ ", '" & txtReason & "')"
29 Discount Code Continued On Error GoTo Err_DiscountTrans cmd.ActiveConnection.BeginTrans cmd.CommandText = SQL1 cmd.Execute cmd.CommandText = SQL2 cmd.Execute cmd.ActiveConnection.CommitTrans lblMessage.Caption = "Changes recorded." Exit1: Exit Sub Err_DiscountTrans: cmd.ActiveConnection.RollbackTrans lblMessage.Caption = Err.Description Resume Exit1 End Sub
30 Action Create a new query in Design view Tables: Sale and SaleItem Create column SaleWeek: Val(Format([SaleDate],ww)) Create column Value: [QuantitySold]*[SalePrice]) Sum the Value column
31 Query for Cursor: Weekly Sales Val(Format([SaleDate],ww))
32 Action Create a new form in Design view Add a button Add a text box named txtAverage Add the specified code to the button Run the form and test the code Place a breakpoint and step through the code as it runs
33 Form to Compute Average Increase
34 Code to Compute Average Increase Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Dim SQL As String SQL = "SELECT SaleWeek, [Value] FROM qryWeeklySales" rst.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Dim avg1 As Double, n As Integer Dim prior As Currency prior = -1 Do Until rst.EOF If (prior > 0) Then avg1 = avg1 + (rst("Value") - prior) / prior n = n + 1 End If prior = rst("Value") rst.MoveNext Loop rst.Close Me.txtAverage = avg1 / n Open the SQL statement or table Skip the first week because there is no prior value Compute the percent change and keep a running total Save the current value and move to the next row
35 Keys: Create Sales and Items (barcode) Customer ID card is scanned Create new sale Scan an item Save sale item, update QOH and totals Repeat until done (payment key) Get SaleID Save SaleID, SKU, Quantity
36 Action Create a new form in Design view Add boxes for CustomerID, EmployeeID, SKU, and txtSaleID as the generated key Create a command button and add the indicated code Test the form Place a breakpoint at the top of the code and step through the code
37 Generate Sale Form IDs and SKU would be scanned, but to test code, set default values
38 Generate Sale Code-1 Dim sqlSale As String, sqlItem As String, sqlSaleItem As String Dim rstSale As ADODB.Recordset, rstModel As ADODB.Recordset Dim rstSaleItem As ADODB.Recordset Set rstSale = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rstModel = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rstSaleItem = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sqlSale = "SELECT SaleID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, SaleDate FROM Sale" sqlItem = "SELECT ModelID, ListPrice FROM Inventory INNER JOIN & _ ItemModel ON Inventory.ModelID = ItemModel.ModelID & _ WHERE SKU='" & SKU & "'" sqlSaleItem = "SELECT SaleID, SKU, SalePrice, QuantitySold FROM SaleItem" Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
39 Generate Sale Code-2 ' Get the List Price for the SKU rstModel.Open sqlmodel, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Dim ListPrice As Currency ListPrice = rstModel("ListPrice") rstModel.Close ' Open the Sale table and create a new sale rstSale.Open sqlSale, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Dim SaleID As Long rstSale.AddNew rstSale("SaleDate") = Now rstSale("CustomerID") = CustomerID rstSale("EmployeeID") = EmployeeID SaleID = rstSale("SaleID") rstSale.Update rstSale.Close
40 Generate Sale Code-3 ' Add the SKU to the SaleItem table using the new SaleID rstSaleItem.Open sqlSaleItem, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rstSaleItem("SaleID") = SaleID rstSaleItem("SKU") = SKU rstSaleItem("SalePrice") = ListPrice rstSaleItem("QuantitySold") = 1 rstSaleItem.Update rstSaleItem.Close txtSaleID = SaleID
41 Action Create a new form in Design view Add a combo box to select customers Add a text box to enter a new ZIP Code Create a button and add the indicated code for it Test the form
42 Lock Test Form Combo box to select customer
43 Action Create a CustomerLocks form as a datasheet into the Customer table Run the form Edit a ZIP Code but do not leave the cell Switch to the new form and run it for the same CustomerID Return to the table and press the Tab key
44 CustomerLock Test Form
45 Optimistic Lock on the Form Change the ZIP but do not leave the cell Select the first customer, enter a ZIP code and change it Switch back here and Tab out of the cell Error message that value was changed
46 Action Switch to design view on the change form and add the specified error-handling code Open the CustomerLocks form in Design view and set the Record Locks property to Edited Record Run both forms Change a ZIP Code in CustomerLocks Enter a new ZIP Code in the change form for the same customer
47 Pessimistic Lock on Forms Change the ZIP but do not leave the cell Select the first customer, enter a ZIP code and change it The change is not made and the error is trapped because the row is locked
48 Handle Optimistic Locks in Code RetryUpdate: rst.Open SQL, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rst("ZIP") = NewZIPCode rst.Update rst.Close Exit_cmdNewZipCode_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdNewZipCode_Click: If (MsgBox(Err.Description, vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel) Then Resume Exit_cmdNewZipCode_Click End If rst.Cancel rst.Requery Resume RetryUpdate
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