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A non-profit organization. What does Seacology Do Seacology’s main goal is to preserve the highly endangered biodiversity of islands and coral reef throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "A non-profit organization. What does Seacology Do Seacology’s main goal is to preserve the highly endangered biodiversity of islands and coral reef throughout."— Presentation transcript:

1 A non-profit organization

2 What does Seacology Do Seacology’s main goal is to preserve the highly endangered biodiversity of islands and coral reef throughout the world.

3 How Seacology Does the Great Things They Do? Seacology creates marine preserves, and island preserves, while working with indigenous people. What they do is build a school, community center, water delivery system, or other critically needed system in exchange for land that is set aside and cant be built upon, or if it’s a marine preserve cant be fished in.

4 Accomplishments Seacology has saved 161,476 square acres of island habitat, and 1,812,720 square acres of marine habitat. They have built 86 schools, community centers, water delivery systems, or other critically needed systems. Also 36 scholarship programs have been developed, vital to medical services and supplies Newly Constructed Community Hall

5 Where Have Seacology Helped Seacology has helped in 46 countries and in 109 different islands worldwide making a huge positive impact.

6 Support Seacology To support Seacology go to http://www.seacology.org Then click on donate now and fill in the appropriate information Also there is a carbon offset fund, and with just 40 dollars you can offset your cars emissions for a year

7 Pictures A school in Madagascar

8 Pictures Water tank in Chuuk

9 Pictures Solar panels in the Marshall Islands

10 Pictures Samoan fruit bat

11 Where are they located Seacology is loacated on, 1623 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, CA ‎ Telephone (510) 559-3505 ‎

12 Citations “Comunity service.” web defintions. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.. “non profit organazation.” Web Definitions. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.. seacology. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2009.. “Service learning.” Web definitions. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2009..

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