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Foreclosure Short Sale Late on your credit card payments Tired of chasing “not real” opportunities Sick of selling: pills, diets, etc. How about a REAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreclosure Short Sale Late on your credit card payments Tired of chasing “not real” opportunities Sick of selling: pills, diets, etc. How about a REAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreclosure Short Sale Late on your credit card payments Tired of chasing “not real” opportunities Sick of selling: pills, diets, etc. How about a REAL OPPORTUNITY?

2 Real Estate; even has “Real” in its’ name And we are not talking about……. 1.Being a real estate agent 2.Fix and flips 3.Borrowing “Hard Money” 4.Being a landlord Even though ALL of those ways are good

3 Just by simply signing up with FOR And sharing the OPPORTUNITY Of Home Ownership with: Family Friends Strangers, etc.

4 Share The Dream of Home Ownership And they will thank you again and again and again……………..

5 What do they receive? A chance to bid on a house, and if they are the highest bidder (based on monthly payment) They automatically qualify for: No credit required No down payment 0% FIXED interest They choose the payment size It is 100% guaranteed FOREVER It only costs them $69 to join in the bidding

6 How much do you make? Just by sending them your affiliate link to signup for an auction……….. You make $20 EVERYTIME THIS CAN ADD UP

7 Learn more…visit

8 Sign up now FOR FREE

9 How do we help you? You receive: All kinds of marketing materials including Banners Individual Property sites Individual connections to web Craigslist, Trulia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Customized Webinars Regular Online TV Show http://www.REChampShow.com And a story that everyone wants to hear RE Champ saves the housing industry part of the economy

10 How Do I Share the Dream and Earn Money For It? Add a Banner to your website Or Send a Friend an Email from your Account

11 If you “Share The Dream” And those people share too……. And the rewards don’t stop at $20

12 Winner! $5,000.00 For each and every property sold via auction for the person that gets the most folks to sign up for any specific bidders pool.

13 Just think about how many houses are sold in your area alone, and you can do this worldwide!

14 Just to review so far………………….. YOU MAKE $20 for each person you get to join a bidders pool YOU CAN MAKE $5,000 for every house in which you sign up the most bidders And…………………………………………….

15 YOU GET PAID for up to 6 levels: 1.$20 for anyone you personally sign up in a bidders pool 2.$ 1.75 for anyone you sign up. Signs up a bidder 3.$ 1.40 for anyone your level 2 signs up 4.$.80 for anyone your level 3 signs up 5.$.55 for anyone your level 4 signs up 6.$.50 for anyone your level 5 signs up

16 YOU GET PAID for up to 6 levels: BONUS money too (if you sign up the most bidders for any property and/or if anyone in your down line does you get: 1.$5,000.00 2.$1,000.00 3.$1,000.00 4.$1,000.00 5.$1,000.00 6.$1,000.00

17 Money, Money

18 And you are just helping people: Those who are losing their home Those who can’t buy a home because of credit or money Those who can barely get enough monthly to pay rent And the list keeps on going

19 Share The Dream And Earn Extra Money

20 And it is Free!


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