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C4, L1, S1 Probabilities and Proportions. C4, L1, S2 I am offered two lotto cards: –Card 1: has numbers –Card 2: has numbers Which card should I take.

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Presentation on theme: "C4, L1, S1 Probabilities and Proportions. C4, L1, S2 I am offered two lotto cards: –Card 1: has numbers –Card 2: has numbers Which card should I take."— Presentation transcript:

1 C4, L1, S1 Probabilities and Proportions

2 C4, L1, S2 I am offered two lotto cards: –Card 1: has numbers –Card 2: has numbers Which card should I take so that I have the greatest chance of winning lotto? Lotto

3 C4, L1, S3 In the casino I wait at the roulette wheel until I see a run of at least five reds in a row. I then bet heavily on a black. I am now more likely to win. Roulette

4 C4, L1, S4 Coin Tossing I am about to toss a coin 20 times. What do you expect to happen? Suppose that the first four tosses have been heads and there are no tails so far. What do you expect will have happened by the end of the 20 tosses ?

5 C4, L1, S5 Coin Tossing Option A –Still expect to get 10 heads and 10 tails. Since there are already 4 heads, now expect to get 6 heads from the remaining 16 tosses. In the next few tosses, expect to get more tails than heads. Option B –There are 16 tosses to go. For these 16 tosses I expect 8 heads and 8 tails. Now expect to get 12 heads and 8 tails for the 20 throws.

6 C4, L1, S6 In a TV game show, a car will be given away. –3 keys are put on the table, with only one of them being the right key. The 3 finalists are given a chance to choose one key and the one who chooses the right key will take the car. –If you were one of the finalists, would you prefer to be the 1st, 2nd or last to choose a key? TV Game Show

7 C4, L1, S7 Let’s Make a Deal Game Show You pick one of three doors –two have booby prizes behind them –one has lots of money behind it The game show host then shows you a booby prize behind one of the other doors Then he asks you “Do you want to change doors?” –Should you??! (Does it matter??!) See the following website:

8 C4, L1, S8 Game Show Dilemma Suppose you choose door A. In which case Monty Hall will show you either door B or C depending upon what is behind each. No Switch Strategy ~ here is what happens Result A B C WinCarGoat LoseGoatCarGoat LoseGoat Car P(WIN) = 1/3

9 C4, L1, S9 Game Show Dilemma Suppose you choose door A, but ultimately switch. Again Monty Hall will show you either door B or C depending upon what is behind each. Switch Strategy ~ here is what happens Result A B C LoseCarGoat WinGoatCarGoat WinGoat Car Monty will show either B or C. You switch to the one not shown and lose. Monty will show door C, you switch to B and win. Monty will show door B, you switch to C and win. P(WIN) = 2/3 !!!!

10 C4, L1, S10 Matching Birthdays In a room with 23 people what is the probability that at least two of them will have the same birthday? Answer:.5073 or 50.73% chance!!!!! How about 30?.7063 or 71% chance! How about 40?.8912 or 89% chance! How about 50?.9704 or 97% chance!

11 C4, L1, S11 Probability In this section we will… –Introduce us to basic ideas about probabilities: what they are and where they come from simple probability models conditional probabilities independent events –Teach us how to calculate probabilities: through tables of counts and probability tables for independent events

12 C4, L1, S12 I toss a fair coin (where fair means ‘equally likely outcomes’) What are the possible outcomes? Head and tail What is the probability it will turn up heads? 1/2 I choose a person at random and check which eye she/he winks with What are the possible outcomes? Left and right What is the probability they wink with their left eye? ????? Probability

13 C4, L1, S13 What are Probabilities? A probability is a number between 0 & 1 that quantifies uncertainty A probability of 0 identifies impossibility A probability of 1 identifies certainty

14 C4, L1, S14 Where do probabilities come from? Probabilities from models: The probability of getting a four when a fair dice is rolled is 1/6 (0.1667 or 16.7%)

15 C4, L1, S15 Probabilities and Proportions Probabilities and proportions are numerically equivalent. (i.e. they convey the same information.) e.g. The proportion of U.S. citizens who are left handed is 0.1; a randomly selected U.S. citizen is left handed with a probability of approximately 0.1.

16 C4, L1, S16 Probabilities from data –In a survey conducted by students in a STAT 110 course there were 348 WSU students sampled. –212 of these students stated they regularly drink alcohol. –The estimated probability that a randomly chosen Winona State students drinks alcohol is 212/348 (0.609, 60.9%) Where do probabilities come from?

17 C4, L1, S17 Subjective Probabilities –The probability that there will be another outbreak of ebola in Africa within the next year is 0.1. –The probability of rain in the next 24 hours is very high. Perhaps the weather forecaster might say a there is a 70% chance of rain. –A doctor may state your chance of successful treatment. Where do probabilities come from?

18 C4, L1, S18 Simple Probability Models Terminology: a random experiment is an experiment whose outcome cannot be predicted –E.g. Draw a card from a well-shuffled pack a sample space is the collection of all possible outcomes –52 outcomes (AH, 2H, 3H, …, KH,…, AS, …,KS)

19 C4, L1, S19 Simple Probability Models an event is a collection of outcomes –E.g. A = card drawn is a heart an event occurs if any outcome making up that event occurs –drawing a 5 of hearts the complement of an event A is denoted as, it contains all outcomes not in A Eg = card drawn is not a heart = card drawn is a spade, club or diamond

20 C4, L1, S20 For equally likely outcomes, and a given event A: Simple Probability Models “The probability that an event A occurs” is written in shorthand as P(A). P(A) = Number of outcomes in A Total number of outcomes

21 C4, L1, S21 Example: Sum of two die

22 C4, L1, S22 Example: Sum of two die

23 C4, L1, S23 Example: Sum of two die

24 C4, L1, S24 Example: Sum of two die

25 C4, L1, S25 1.House Sales Example Below is a table containing some information for a sample of 600 sales of single family houses in 1999. Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

26 C4, L1, S26 1.House Sales Example Let A be the event that a sale is over $400,000 – is the event that a sale is NOT over $400,000 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

27 C4, L1, S27 1.House Sales Example B be the event that a sale is made within 45 days –So is the event that a sale takes longer than 45 days Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

28 C4, L1, S28 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: a)over $400,000, i.e. event A occurs. P(A) = 61/600 = 0.102 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

29 C4, L1, S29 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: b)not over $400,000, i.e. occurs. P( ) = (155+384)/600 = 539/600 = 0.898 * Note that P(A) + P( ) = 1 and that P( ) = 1 – P(A) Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

30 C4, L1, S30 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: c)made in 45 days or more, i.e. occurs. P( ) = (300 + 54)/600 = 354/600 = 0.59 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

31 C4, L1, S31 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: d)made within 45 days and sold for over $400,000, i.e. both B and A occur. P(B and A) = 20/600 = 0.033 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

32 C4, L1, S32 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: e)made within 45 days and/or sold for over $400,000, i.e. either A or B occur. Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

33 C4, L1, S33 1.House Sales Example Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600 P(B and/or A) = (246 + 61 – 20)/600 = 287/600 = 0.478 For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: e)made within 45 days and/or sold for over $400,000.

34 C4, L1, S34 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: f ) on the market for less than 45 days given that it sold for over $400,000 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

35 C4, L1, S35 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, find the probability that the sale was: f ) on the market for less than 45 days given that it sold for over $400,000 Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600 P(B given A) = P(B|A) = 20/61 = 0.328

36 C4, L1, S36 Conditional Probability The sample space is reduced. Key words that indicate conditional probability are: “given that”, “of those”, “if …”, “assuming that”

37 C4, L1, S37 “The probability of event A occurring given that event B has already occurred” is written in shorthand as P(A|B) It is defined as follows: P(A|B) = P(A and B)/P(B) Conditional Probability

38 C4, L1, S38 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, g)What proportion of the houses that sold in less than 45 days, sold for more than $400,000? Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600

39 C4, L1, S39 1.House Sales Example For a sale selected at random from these 600 sales, g)What proportion of the houses that sold in less than 45 days, sold for more than $400,000? Days on the Market Less than 45 Days 45 - 90 DaysMore than 90 Days Under $250,000 75773155 $250,000 - 400,000 15119241384 Over $400,000 20311061 24630054600 P (A|B) = 20/246 = 0.081

40 C4, L1, S40 1. Heart Disease In 1996, 6631 New Zealanders died from coronary heart disease. The numbers of deaths classified by age and gender are: Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631

41 C4, L1, S41 Let A be the event of being under 45 B be the event of being male C be the event of being over 64 1. Heart Disease Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631

42 C4, L1, S42 Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: a)under 45 P(A) = 92/6631 = 0.0139 1. Heart Disease Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631

43 C4, L1, S43 1. Heart Disease Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631 Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: b)male assuming that the person was younger than 45.

44 C4, L1, S44 Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631 Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: b)male given that the person was younger than 45. P(B|A) = 79/92 = 0.8587 2.Heart Disease

45 C4, L1, S45 Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631 Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: c)male and was over 64. P(B and C) = (1081 + 1795)/6631= 2876/6631 1. Heart Disease

46 C4, L1, S46 Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631 Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: d) over 64 given they were female. 1. Heart Disease

47 C4, L1, S47 Sex AgeMaleFemaleTotal < 45791392 45 - 64772216988 65 - 7410814991580 > 74179521763971 Total372729046631 P(C| B ) = (499+2176)/2904 = 0.9211 1. Heart Disease Find the probability that a randomly chosen member of this population at the time of death was: d) over 64 given they were female.

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