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RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 1 Building ALICE for heavy-ion physics at LHC Ladislav Šándor Slovak Academy of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 1 Building ALICE for heavy-ion physics at LHC Ladislav Šándor Slovak Academy of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 1 Building ALICE for heavy-ion physics at LHC Ladislav Šándor Slovak Academy of Science Institute of Experimental Physics Košice Slovak participation in ALICE Contribution of Košice team

2 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 2 Why Slovak involvement in ALICE ? Active work of Slovak physicists (both experimentalists and theorists) in heavy-ion physics for more then a decade Fruitful experience from a number of SPS experiments (NA34-Helios, WA97, NA49, NA57) Unique potential of ALICE – the only dedicated heavy-ion experiment at LHC – for A-A, p-A and also p-p physics attracting interest of qualified teams from Bratislava and Košice to continue working in heavy-ion physics

3 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 3 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 19901992199419961998200020022004 ALICE Collaboration statistics LoI MoU TP TDR 937 members (63% from CERN MS) 77 institutions 29 countries ~ 25 Slovak physicists and engineers ALICE collaboration

4 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 4 ALICE physics goals Deconfinement: charmonium and bottonium spectroscopy Chiral symmetry restoration: neutral to charged ratios, res. decays Fluctuation phenomena - critical behavior: event-by-event particle comp. and spectra Geometry of the emitting source: HBT, impact parameter via zero-degree energy flow pp collisions in a new energy domain  Selective triggering  Excellent granularity  Large acceptance  Good tracking capabilities  Wide momentum coverage  PID of hadrons and leptons  Good secondary vertex reconstruction  Photon detection Use a variety of experimental techniques ! Global observables: Multiplicities,  distributions Degrees of freedom as a function of T: hadron ratios and spectra, dilepton continuum, direct photons Early state manifestation of collective effects: elliptic flow Energy loss of partons in quark gluon plasma: jet quenching, high pt spectra, open charm and open beauty

5 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 5 The ALICE experiment ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing TPC Tracking, dEdx TPC Tracking, dEdx

6 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 6 Slovak contribution to ALICE Comenius University Bratislava (see talk by B. Sitár)  read-out chambers for the TPC detector  pixel testing set-up, SPD on-line software IEP SAS and Šafárik University Košice  electronics for silicon pixel detector  electronics for central trigger unit  physics simulations Total CORE commitment: 700 kCHF

7 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 7 Košice ALICE team activities Contribution to the Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) electronics Contribution to the central trigger electronics and software Simulations of the radiation situation in ALICE environment Physics simulations, analysis tools development (new, just starting activity) Košice team: 12 physicists and engineers from Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS and Physics Institute of P.J. Šafárik University Laboratory for design and development of electronics built at the IEP SAS (Quartus & PADS software, 6U/9U VME crate, …)

8 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 8 R out =43.6 cm 2 strips 2 drifts 2 pixels The Inner Tracking System (ITS) Silicon Pixel Detector The ALICE SPD ALICE Magnetic field < 0.5 T Charged particle multiplicity up to 8000 per rapidity unit in central Pb-Pb collisions Two SPD layers at r = 3.9 & 7.6 cm Structured to 60 staves containing 9.8 M active pixel channels

9 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 9 SPD readout architecture DC S Trig DAQ JTAG, CLK, Detector Data ~100m PCI-MXI-II-VME VME Router Card 1 router services 6 halfstaves SPD contains 20 router boards Košice commitment (J. Bán, M. Krivda)

10 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 10 Main tasks of SPD Router Receive trigger signals from the Local Trigger Unit (L0 - only for synchronization, L1, L2Y, L2N) and send them to detector Send busy signal to ALICE trigger and DAQ Read-out data from 6 half staves ( after receiving L2Y ) Assert the flag “flush event” (no read-out) after receiving L2N Check errors and store them in status register accessible from VME (DCS) Merge data to one block with a defined ALICE data header Send data to DAQ Extract data flowing to DAQ and store them to SPY memory available for analysis via VME (for debugging purposes) Automatic configuration of SPD after power up Autocalibration of SPD Processing power available to run complex algorithm (future)

11 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 11 SPD Router architecture 9U-VME board with mezzanine boards 3 Link receivers on mezzanine board (6 half staves) TTC Rx chip (BGA package) soldered on board – interface to ALICE trigger SIU DDL module on mezzanine board – interface to ALICE DAQ JTAG controller with 6 ports (half staves) SPY controller and memory for sampling DAQ data SPY memory (external big dual port RAM) for debugging purposes and calibration data Parallel synchronous bus (32 bit data, 21 bit address, control lines) All controllers implement I/O buffers in one FPGA

12 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 12 Router architecture – data flow Router controller JTAG controller TTC rxDDL Link receiver 1 Link receiver 2 Link receiver 3 Clock distribution SPY controller Data (32) Address (21) Optical links of detector ALICE Trigger DAQ SPY memory DCS VME bus

13 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 13 SPD router board prototype  First router board prototype (designed by M. Krivda in co-operation with CERN team) has been produced at CERN, now undergoing testing  Complex tests of router prototype functionality during the forthcoming SPD testbeam run (October 2004)  Production of the second prototype in Slovak industry (end 2004 / beginning 2005)

14 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 14 JTAG controller card Fully functional part of the router produced as a stand-alone card for pixel testing set-ups 6U VME board with 4 JTAG channels control of data processing with macroinstructions very complex design fitting specific ALICE requirements with possibility to implement new algorithms in future 24 JTAG controllers produced in Slovak industry for usage in testing set-ups at CERN, Italian and Slovak laboratories Used in test setups of pixel chip for: configuration and testing of pixel chip registers control and monitoring of test setup environment

15 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 15 JTAG controller

16 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 16 VME Master JTAG Controller R/O Controller Pixel Carrier DAQ Adapter Pixel Chip Pixel test system components

17 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 17 ALICE trigger development Close collaboration with the University of Birmingham Design and prototyping the TTCit (Trigger Timing and Control interface test) board – an optional debugging and monitoring tool at the level of the subdetector TTC partition (S. Fedor) Development of corresponding monitoring software (I. Králik) Design and implementation of the CTP online software (A. Jusko, now at Birmingham) Participation in design and production of a part of the CTP hardware (future)

18 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 18 TTCit board 6U-VME board Dedicated L0 input in LVDS format Single TTC optical channel Reprogrammable TTCit logic via VME bus Oscilloscope access to FPGA and TTCrx signals Design in final stage Review of design in October First prototype end 2004

19 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 19 Radiation levels in ALICE The ALICE design parameters together with running plans (collision systems, luminosity, running time) determine the radiation load. Order of magitude of the problem:  4 x 10 15 particles produced in all planned primary collisions (6 x 10 14 particles in Pb-Pb interactions)  2 x 10 14 particles are produced in beam-gas collisions inside the ALICE experimental area (IP +/- 20 m)  8 x 10 14 particles enter ALICE environment as a beam-halo Detailed knowledge of radiation level important for optimization of detector and electronics design

20 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 20 Simulations Detailed estimate of the radiation level can only be obtained from simulations using transport codes –Input primary particles simulated with HIJING, Pythia, DPMJET and boundary source for beam halo –Transport code: FLUKA –Scaling of results performed for 10 years running scenario of ALICE Simulations of the radiation level in ALICE – commitment of Košice team from 1998 (principal investigator - B. Pastirčák) Large-scale amount of simulations performed resulting in : optimisation of radiation level in the muon and trigger chambers leading to proposal of a shielding (small angle absorber) in the ALICE muon arm global calculation of radiation level in all subdetectors (including electronics racks) assuming 10 years of ALICE operation

21 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 21 Doses and neutron fluences in mid-rapidity ALICE detectors For more details see ALICE internal publications

22 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 22 Neutron fluence map z (cm)

23 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 23 Dose map (Gy) z (cm)

24 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 24 Charged hadrons fluence map z (cm)

25 RECFA meeting, Bratislava, 1 October 2004L. Šándor, IEP SAS, Košice 25 Lessons from simulations … Primary physics collisions in the IP are the dominant source of radiation load. However, with more pessimistic assumptions on residual gas pressure the beam-gas contribution could be of equal order of magnitude Highest doses (several kGy) are reached in the inner SPD layer and at the inner radii of forward detectors (FMD, V0, T0) Hadron fluences are up to 4 x 10 12 cm -2 (SPD1) The highest doses in the electronic racks are on the level of 10 mGy with n-fluences up to 10 9 cm -2 Radiation simulations now practically completed and the results were utilitized at different stages of detector and electronics design and prototyping

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