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Chapter 3 Review Cells: The Basic Unit of Life.

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1 Chapter 3 Review Cells: The Basic Unit of Life

2 Instructions Completely clear off your table.
ONE person per team – pick up from the front table: 1 white board, 1 dry-erase marker, & 1 paper towel When you are given your team number, write it on your board. Sit quietly so we can begin.

3 RULES Only talk to your team. Talking with other teams in ANY form will result in losing ALL points. Talk quietly – other groups can hear your answers! Hold up boards ONLY when told to do so. Take turns writing the answers.

4 (The basic unit of life)
1 What is the smallest unit that can perform all processes necessary for life? (The basic unit of life)

5 (The basic unit of life)
1 - Answer 1 What is the smallest unit that can perform all processes necessary for life? (The basic unit of life) A: The Cell

6 List the 3 parts to the Cell Theory
2 List the 3 parts to the Cell Theory

7 The cell is the basic unit of life
2 - Answer The cell is the basic unit of life All living things are made of 1 or more cells All cells come from existing cells

8 List the 5 building blocks of life.
3 List the 5 building blocks of life.

9 List the 5 building blocks of life. A: “PLANC”
3 - Answer List the 5 building blocks of life. A: “PLANC” Proteins, Lipids, ATP, Nucleic Acids, Carbohydrates

10 The cell would collapse without this structure.
4 The cell would collapse without this structure.

11 The cell would collapse without this structure.
4 The cell would collapse without this structure. A: The Cytoskeleton

12 In 1665, ____________ looked under his microscope to see _____ cells.
Fill in both Blanks.

13 5 5 - Answer A: In 1665, Robert Hooke looked under his microscope to see cork cells.

14 6 What organelle allows plants (and some protists) to make their own food?

15 6-Answer What organelle allows plants (and some protists) to make their own food? A: The Chloroplast

16 Carbohydrates and Lipids are converted to ATP in this organelle.
7 Carbohydrates and Lipids are converted to ATP in this organelle.

17 Carbohydrates and Lipids are converted to ATP in this organelle.
7-Answer Carbohydrates and Lipids are converted to ATP in this organelle. A. Mitochondria

18 8 What organelles are in this cell that you would not find in an animal cell?

19 8-Answer What organelles are in this cell that you would not find in an animal cell? Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall

20 What are the 3 benefits of being multicellular?
9 What are the 3 benefits of being multicellular?

21 What are the 3 benefits of being multicellular?
9-Answer What are the 3 benefits of being multicellular? A: Larger Size, Longer Life, Specialization

22 Starting with the organelle, list the 6 levels of organization for multicellular organisms.

23 10 - Answer Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Organism

24 11 What are the green dots shown in this magnified image of the Elodea Plant?

25 11-Answer What are the green dots shown in this magnified image of the Elodea Plant? A: Chloroplasts Elodea at 400x

26 List the two basic types of cells.
12 List the two basic types of cells.

27 List the two basic types of cells. A: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
12-Answer List the two basic types of cells. A: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

28 This type of cell has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
13 This type of cell has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

29 This type of cell has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
13-Answer This type of cell has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles A: Prokaryotic

30 List the 3 scientists that helped develop the cell theory.
14 List the 3 scientists that helped develop the cell theory.

31 List the 3 scientists that helped develop the cell theory.
14-Answer List the 3 scientists that helped develop the cell theory. A: Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow

32 The rough ER is “rough”, because it contains_____________
15 The rough ER is “rough”, because it contains_____________

33 The rough ER is “rough”, because it contains_____________
15 - Answer The rough ER is “rough”, because it contains_____________ A: Ribosomes

34 ________& _________ helped to develop the earliest microscope
16 ________& _________ helped to develop the earliest microscope

35 ________& _________ helped to develop the earliest microscope
16 - Answer ________& _________ helped to develop the earliest microscope A: Hooke, Leeuwenhoek

36 17 Muscle cells contain more of this organelle than fat cells because they require more energy.

37 17 - Answer Muscle cells contain more of this organelle than fat cells because they require more energy. A: Mitochondria

38 If this organelle does not contain enough water, a plant will wilt.
18 If this organelle does not contain enough water, a plant will wilt.

39 If this organelle does not contain enough water, a plant will wilt.
18-Answer If this organelle does not contain enough water, a plant will wilt. A: Vacuole

40 19a This is only found in plant cells. It is the outermost layer that gives a plant cell structure and support.

41 19a - Answer This is only found in plant cells. It is the outermost layer that gives a plant cell structure and support. A: Cell Wall

42 19b What is the name of the complex sugar that makes up cell walls in plants?

43 19b - Answer What is the name of the complex sugar that makes up cell walls in plants? A: Cellulose

44 20 Plants, Animals, Protists, and Fungi are organisms that contain these types of cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

45 20 - Answer Plants, Animals, Protists, and Fungi are organisms that contain these types of cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. A. Eukaryotic Cells

46 21 Our bodies break down carbohydrates and lipids into this useable form of energy.

47 21 - Answer Our bodies break down carbohydrates and lipids into this useable form of energy. A: ATP

48 This is made in the ribosomes.
22 This is made in the ribosomes.

49 This is made in the ribosomes. A: Protein
22 - Answer This is made in the ribosomes. A: Protein

50 Cells that are like each other and do the same job form______________
23 Cells that are like each other and do the same job form______________

51 Cells that are like each other and do the same job form______________
23 - Answer Cells that are like each other and do the same job form______________ A. Tissues

52 23a Tissues that work together to do a specialized job form a(n) __________

53 23a - Answer Tissues that work together to do a specialized job form a(n) __________ A. Organ

54 23b Organs that work together to perform body functions form a(n) __________.

55 23b - Answer Organs that work together to perform body functions form a(n) __________ A. Organ System

56 Identify the organelle:

57 Identify the organelle:
24 Identify the organelle: Nucleus

58 Identify the organelle:

59 Identify the organelle:
25 Identify the organelle: Golgi Complex

60 Identify the organelle:
26 Identify the organelle: (green)

61 Identify the organelle:
26 Identify the organelle: Chloroplast

62 Identify the organelle:

63 Identify the organelle:
27 Identify the organelle: Ribosome

64 Identify the organelle:

65 Identify the organelle:
28 Identify the organelle: Vacuole

66 Identify the organelle:

67 Identify the organelle:
29 Identify the organelle: Endoplasmic Reticulum

68 List the 6 characteristics of living things.
30 List the 6 characteristics of living things.

69 List the 6 characteristics of living things. Have 1 or more cells
30 - Answer List the 6 characteristics of living things. Have 1 or more cells Sense and respond to change Reproduce Have DNA Need energy Grow and Develop

70 What is one example of a prokaryotic cell?
31 What is one example of a prokaryotic cell?

71 What is one example of a prokaryotic cell? A: Bacteria or Archaea
31 - Answer What is one example of a prokaryotic cell? A: Bacteria or Archaea

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