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Resource Planning & Workforce Management Workshop

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1 Resource Planning & Workforce Management Workshop
Wednesday 21st April 2010 Presented By: Fergus Kelly Tel:

2 National Technology Park National Software Centre
The Company People – Leading technology specialists in Verint and Avaya solutions. Locations – Offices in Dublin, Cork and Limerick with support nationwide Specialists – Contact Centre Technology Dublin -Head Office Sandyford Limerick– Support Centre Beacon Court National Technology Park Cork – Support Centre National Software Centre

3 Solutions Applications WFO CTI WFM Reporting Quality ACD Tagging
Support Applications WFO CTI WFM Delivery Reporting Quality ACD Tagging Design IP Telephony Compliance

4 Awards and Recognition
Winner - Contact Centre Supplier of the Year 2009 at the Irish Contact Centre and Shared Services Awards Finalist - One to Watch Award at the Ulster Bank Business Achievers Awards 2009

5 Verint Workforce Management

6 Why is WFM so Important? Operating Costs- 60% - 70% of Operating Cost is personnel related Overstaffed Understaffed Labour Cost Attrition Productivity Service/Revenue

7 Fixed Shifts Idle Time = High 8:00 18:00 Service Level = Low Staffing

8 Flexible Shifts

9 Headaches with WFM Inaccurate Forecasts Unable to Track Administrative
Missed Service Levels Excess Idle & Over Time Ineffective Reporting High Turnover No Visibility On Performance Unable to Track Agent Adherence Inaccurate Forecasts Low Agent Satisfaction Shrinkage Schedule Changes, Effective Schedules Administrative Time Now that we understand some of the basic principles of WFM, let’s look at the top WFM related headaches or pains that contact centers face. The primary problem the CC Mgr is facing is that running a contact center is a complex, and highly visible job. Some of the challenges CC Managers face are: <review a few, not all, of highlighted challenges> Inaccurate Forecasts – not having a clear enough picture of anticipated demand as input to the schedule, made more difficult by the increased use of alternative contact channels High Shrinkage – keeping track of what agents are actually doing when they’re supposed to be helping customers, and the impact that shrinkage has on service levels No Strategic Plan – having time to look ahead towards how the contact center can play a more strategic role for the company, be it driving more revenue, or how to enter new markets Low Agent Satisfaction – usually the result of many of these other factors, which in turns drives higher turnover Not aligned to biz objectives – too focused on the daily crisis to figure out how to align priorities against broader business goals, such as how to make customer service a competitive advantage, especially in service industries Excess Idle time and Over time – an obvious, and very costly, outcome of other factors, such as a poor forecast. Ineffective Training – the real point is that managers seldom know if training was helpful or not, and what the outcome is in terms of improved agent performance Missed Service Levels – A very visible and widely watched metric of contact center success, the risk of this drives other behaviors that ultimately can be detrimental to overall effectiveness (e.g. excess idle time) Stuck in Crisis Mgmt – many CC Mgrs have told us that they’d really like to spend more time planning and managing, but there’s always a crisis to handle. Limited Coaching – managers simply don’t have enough time to really manage; to coach their team towards better performance and productivity High Turnover – losing their most experienced agents; and the constant influx of new people makes scheduling all that much more difficult

10 Limitations of Manual WFM
Forecasting Difficult to Acquire Data Hard to Spot Trends Tedious & Time-Consuming Staffing Difficult to Analyze Tradeoffs Time-Consuming to Perform Multiple Calculations Difficult to Meet Complex Work Rules Scheduling Skill based scheduling - difficult to analyze all possible options Results in Over/Understaffing Hard to Meet Desires of Staff Reporting and Analysis Historical and real-time insight into the activities of the center Now that we know the non –linear behavior and some of the intricacies of the contact center operations, let us summarize the limitations of manual methods or spreadsheets. For Forecasting It is difficult to Acquire Data: There is no shortage of data in the contact center. ACD have weeks and weeks of data that need to be pulled in for forecasting and other calculations. WFM software can automate this process. Hard to Spot Trends among in the sea of data and ACD reports. Witness WFM software effectively present key metrics on a real time basis and shows trends – historical and future. Tedious & Time-Consuming: Manual spreadsheets can get complex when you have to factor multiple agent skills, agent preferences for when they want to work and other business requirements like Service level goals and cost. Staffing Difficult to Analyze Tradeoffs: Manual methods do not allow for easy ‘What-If’ scenario analysis. Time-Consuming to Perform Multiple Calculations Difficult to Meet Complex Work Rules: It is difficult to factor in complex government and union rules and regulations using manual methods. Scheduling Skill based scheduling - difficult to analyze all possible options Results in Over/Understaffing Hard to Meet Desires of Staff Reporting and Analysis Historical and real-time insight into the activities of the center: Finally, as contact centers are becoming more strategic, it is getting senior management attention and therefore requires a lot of reporting and analysis. Spreadsheets and manual tools do not fit the bill.

11 WFM = Optimisation of Objectives
Customer Retention and Business Growth Enhance customer experience Minimize crisis management Provide decision support & management tools Communicate effectively Differentiate through service Premier service for premier and profitable customers Employee Satisfaction Preferences Schedule needs Vacations Consistent and fair processes Participate in WFM process Communication and information sharing Contact Centre The challenges shared in the previous slide are only at the tip of the iceberg. A deeper set of challenges facing contact centers today can be grouped into 3 main areas: customer service and retention, employee satisfaction, and costs. Employee Satisfaction – There are a wide range of issues that fall into this category, all of which affect employee satisfaction. (Review some bullets on slide) Costs – Controlling or reducing costs is an ever-present challenge. Some of the underlying issues that call centers must face in order to manage costs are….(review some bullets on slide). Customer retention and growth – For most companies, this is the primary objective. But it often conflicts with the other two. Some of the specific issues and opportunities that affect customer service levels, customer loyalty, and business growth are…. A good WFM solution should balance and optimize all of these factors. Costs Create optimal schedules Accurate forecasting Precise resource scheduling Minimal over/under staffing Optimized use of overtime

12 Verint Workforce Management
A proven, best of breed WFM solution with powerful, yet easy to use forecasting and scheduling features required by contact centers globally. Active and anchor component of broader analytics powered Workforce Optimisation solution It helps contact centers Meet service levels Lower costs of delivering service Improve agent satisfaction and productivity Gain visibility into contact center operations Plan strategically for the long term The process of WFM in most contact centers can be broken down into 4 or 5 steps. Centers typically first determine the level of service that they need to provide to their customers. This is determined by their industry, competitors and other business conditions that will help them retain customers and sell to them. We will discuss more about service level a little later. They next have to develop a contact forecast – the number of calls, s, chats etc. that the center expects to handle for a given duration. Forecasts are typically done on a weekly basis down to the 15 minute interval level for each day. Once they have a handle on the forecast (i.e Workload), the next step is to schedule the right number of agents with the skills at the right time so that the center as a whole can meet the service level goals. The schedules are then published to the agents. Finally, once they are working the plan or schedule, Managers and Supervisors use various tools and methods to ensure that agents are adhering to schedule, and that all key operational metrics are going according to plan or forecast. Corrective action is taken as necessary.

13 Verint Workforce Management
Proven Solution Value-add Services Forecast Flexibility Impact 360 Business Process Integrations Complete Web-Enabled Self Services CONTACT CENTER AND ENTERPRISE-WIDE Optimized Scheduling Following are some areas we feel are particular strengths of Witness Systems…. Superior Adherence Management Better Intraday Management Strategic Planning

14 Payback – WFM System Improve service levels Increase forecast accuracy
Manage Intraday variations from plan Schedule breaks, training, etc. at the optimal time Lower cost of delivering service Use agent skills and proficiency for more efficient scheduling Reduce staff hours and need for overtime Identify overstaffed periods – Time off opportunities Manage schedule adherence in real time Reduce workforce shrinkage Increase agent satisfaction Better schedules that fit agent preferences View schedules, swap shifts, bid for shifts, request time off from desktop Gain visibility into center’s performance Get alerted and monitor key operational metrics in real time Comprehensive out-of-the-box reports Increase productivity Automate routine administrative tasks Frees up time for critical 1:1 coaching Better budgeting and planning So what does Witness WFM offer contact centers over Excel or other manual methods: Centers can improve and consistently meet SL by increasing forecast accuracy, managing and correcting intraday deviations from plan. It seamlessly integrates with the other systems in your environment (ACD, routing, etc.) Centers can meet SL goals but lower the cost of delivering service by using agents skills and proficiencies to create optimized schedules that reduce the need for over time and also by identifying overstaffed periods that can be treated as time off opportunities. Skill-based scheduling is virtually impossible using spreadsheets. In addition, by managing adherence in real-time, centers can reduce shrinkage and lower costs Centers can increase agent satisfaction by factoring into the schedules their preferences for when they want to work. Using a single browser-based interface from their desktop, agents can view schedules and their personal scorecards, swap shifts, bid for shifts, request time off and access their e-Learning, significantly simplifying their day to day tasks and routines. Supervisors and managers gain increased insight into the activities of their center, through real-time and historical reporting/analysis. They can monitor key operational metrics in real-time and get notified by a comprehensive set of configurable alerts when the metrics go out of range. Witness WFM also automates or digitizes a number of routine non-value add administrative processes. This improves overall productivity and at the same time frees up valuable time that supervisors and manager can use for value-add one-on-one coaching. Finally Witness WFM helps centers get out of crisis mode with long term strategic budgeting and planning As you can see, these benefits clearly linked to the main headaches and pains identified a few slides back.

15 Forecasting and Scheduling

16 Forecasting Flexible multi-contact forecasts
Forecast Profiles for quick relevant forecasts Sophisticated trending analysis, special event and outlier handling Shrinkage by the hour What-If with unique Agent Profiles

17 Multi Channel and Blending
One Integrated Solution Full support for inbound phone, and chat Supports dedicated inbound, outbound and blended inbound – outbound centers and back-office operations Inbound forecast metrics Contact Volume Average Handle Time Outbound forecast metrics Connect Rate Connect Rate AHT Right Party Connect (RPC) Rate RPC AHT Incoming lists Meets all service goals as closely as possible while maximizing staffing at points where Right Party Connect Rate or Connect Rate is highest Witness F&S also has a unique feature called Forecast Profiles. Profiles are selections of particular periods that can be saved and reused for different time periods. Selections can be from any specific week or weeks from any time period. Profiles are useful for modeling contact behavior for any recurring or seasonal events like holidays and marketing campaigns. In this screen, the example is for a company that is in the tax business. To forecast for the current tax season, they can quickly bring in the ‘Tax Season’ profile from previous years that has data for similar weeks. The Profile data can then be quickly altered. For example, if they know that the business has increased by 15% over the previous year, they can correspondingly increase or scale up the Profile data to meet the current business conditions. By using relevant data and incorporating recent trends, you can improve forecast accuracy.

18 Forecast Flexibility Forecast for different media and skills
Select, combine weight and alter (scale) contact volume, from any week, to predict future contact behavior One of the first steps a contact center can take if they are not meeting their service level goals is to improve their forecasts. Witness Forecasting and Scheduling has excellent and flexible forecasting features that help contact centers quickly come up with accurate forecasts. We can forecast contact volume and average handle time for different media, namely phone, , chat and fax. Unlike competitors, like IEX, which limit you to data from the previous 13 weeks, you can import historical data from any week in the past for forecasting. It can be data from last week, month or year. We believe that just the last 13 week is too limiting. Each week of data can be assigned different weights depending on their relevance or importance to the current forecast. Once the data is brought in, forecasters can select, combine and scale the historical data to meet current business conditions.

19 Quick Accurate Forecasts
Forecast Profiles Quick Accurate Forecasts Witness F&S also has a unique feature called Forecast Profiles. Profiles are selections of particular periods that can be saved and reused for different time periods. Selections can be from any specific week or weeks from any time period. Profiles are useful for modeling contact behavior for any recurring or seasonal events like holidays and marketing campaigns. In this screen, the example is for a company that is in the tax business. To forecast for the current tax season, they can quickly bring in the ‘Tax Season’ profile from previous years that has data for similar weeks. The Profile data can then be quickly altered. For example, if they know that the business has increased by 15% over the previous year, they can correspondingly increase or scale up the Profile data to meet the current business conditions. By using relevant data and incorporating recent trends, you can improve forecast accuracy. Model contact behavior for holidays, events, marketing campaigns, or any other event using Profiles

20 Sophisticated Forecasting Techniques
More sophisticated and powerful forecasting techniques in Strategic Planner. Benefit: Increases forecast accuracy by forging tighter link between Strategic Planner and Forecasting & Scheduling functions. Using Regression Analysis to account for Daily trends Weekly trends Monthly trends Quarterly / Seasonal trends Annual growth trends Special Events Days treatment Allows user to flag specific days in the past and future.  User can give a name to the flag, and create as few or as many as they want.  Reconfiguration Mark changes to a queue (e.g. change the groups feeding to a queue) Depending on what was reconfigured, some trends will ignore past data and some will continue to use it. Use regression analysis based techniques in Strategic Planning to increase forecast accuracy. Identify daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly / seasonal and annual growth trends, flag special events/day and outliers and account for changes due to queue reconfigurations. Combine this forecast with weighted average of selected historical weeks in Forecasting and Scheduling. For purposes of a Strategic Forecasting, not all data prior to the reconfiguration is ignored.  Depending on what was reconfigured, some trends will ignore past data and some will continue to use it.

21 Identification of Outliers
Increase forecast accuracy by automatically flagging data that is not relevant for forecast Unique feature automatically identifies forecast outliers Special Events Holidays Queue reconfigurations

22 Powerful Yet Easy Use a combination of the long term forecast and
previous historical weeks in Forecasting & Scheduling to increase forecast accuracy.

23 Forecast Shrinkage Meet Service Levels
Set Shrinkage and Modeling Factor By Hour With an accuracy of 2 decimals

24 Set Service Level Goals
Inbound Service Level or ASA goals Outbound Connect or Right Party Connect Goals Ex. 20% RPC of list for campaign week

25 Forecasting And Scheduling
What–If Mode Explore and instantly understand how changes in contact center behavior and customer service needs will affect forecasts, staffing needs and costs. Use copy of the main database to explore other scenarios while keeping initial scenarios intact for immediate management needs. Start with a populated database for these scenarios and report to compare to the original data. Before we dive into the Strategic Planning function, let us take a few minutes to point out the other planning feature that is available in the core Forecasting and Scheduling function. Witness Forecasting and Scheduling includes a What-If planning feature with a unique and extremely useful feature. The What-if mode enables managers to explore and instantly understand how changes in contact center behavior and customer service needs will affect forecasts, staffing needs and costs. For What-If mode, a copy of the main database is made and used to explore other scenarios while keeping initial scenarios intact for immediate management needs. It therefore allows users to start with a populated database for these scenarios and report to compare to the original data.

26 What if? With Agent Profiles
Unique Verint feature for workforce planning. Answers the question: Do we have enough and / or the right type of agents to meet the new business requirements? Use fictitious “agent profiles” with respect to skill mix and schedule preferences that can be used to see if the new business requirements can be met. Gives an absolute answer in terms of which “agent profiles” and how many instances of that profile are needed to achieve lower labor costs and/or better workload matching. Staffing or Agent Profiles is a unique Verint feature that can be used for workforce planning in the What-if mode. Examples of situations requiring this are when a center is planning on adding a new line of business / another call type or want to improve their service levels and may not have enough and / or the right type of agents to meet the new business requirements. The user can create “agent profiles” that describe fictitious agents with respect to skill mix and schedule preferences. These “agent profiles” can be used in What If scheduling to see if the new business requirements can be met. The scheduling engine will use the “agent profiles” in addition to real agents to achieve optimum aggregate schedules.

27 Optimised Scheduling Individual agent skill and proficiency
Single, multi, virtual and outsourced sites Multi-contact: Inbound, outbound, blended, and chat Events and training Powerful work patterns and rules Multi-week scheduling Easy to use

28 Agent Proficiencies – Not Accounted For
Most WFM systems use agent skills when scheduling. Witness takes this to the next level by considering each agent’s proficiency by skill. This is a key differentiator and underscores a fundamentally superior way of scheduling agents. Unlike competitors who treat agent skills at the group level, we recognize that each agent is different and considering their proficiency by skill. Ex. Agent A and Agent B, both speak Spanish but Agent B is more proficient which makes him / her more productive.

29 Agent Proficiencies – Taken into Account
Lower Costs to Service Here, by taking each agent’s individual capabilities into account, and as such the agents have different proficiency figures as shown; When we rerun the scheduling engine, we find that we are indeed meeting or exceeding the service goals: 82% against the requirement of 80% without increasing the number of FTEs. So in effect, by taking proficiencies into account, we are able to lower the costs of achieving service level.

30 Event Optimiser Schedule events with minimal impact on service levels
Flexibly take into account several constraints Event Optimiser Specify parameter Occur during a shift Occur at anytime Select employees 1:1 meeting Group training Identify times Specify attributes Min/max sessions Min/max attendees A B C D Among the problems contact centers face with regards to scheduling meetings, training and other events are: That coaching sessions keep getting cancelled or postponed That not all agents are able to attend training sessions when needed and The fear of risking service levels for meetings Event Optimizer solves these problems. It allows centers to schedule events at the most optimal time with minimal impact on service levels. Scheduling events at the right time, minimizes the chances of training getting cancelled or delayed and thereby increases agent productivity because they have the information or training when needed.

31 Ensure all agents are assigned to event
Event Optimiser Ensure all agents are assigned to event E Event Optimiser Move agents around Drag-drop agents Identify unassigned agents View scheduled event Placed on top of original schedule Event Optimizer displays how the schedule grouped people into classes so that you can keep track to see who is in what class and who’s not yet scheduled. This way, we can ensure that everyone has gone through the training courses. It also provides for an easy way to drag and drop people to make further changes. The scheduled event is placed on top of the original calendar activity in the calendar view. F

32 Work Patterns Flexible Shifts with Work Patterns
Verint Forecasting and Scheduling allows centers to generate flexible schedules using work patterns and easy to use assignment rules. Work Patterns enable centers to easily create potential schedules by putting shifts and associated activities together and then applying special rules to them. Centers can define these rules very tightly or make them general and allow the scheduling engine to determine the optimum schedule. Using Work Patterns, centers define the combinations of shifts that employees can work, on what days they can be assigned, and which days should be off and then attach the patterns to different agents. Work patterns can be used to give the system choices of full-time schedules, part time schedules, or choices of 4 x 10 shifts or 5 x 8 shifts for example. The scheduled event is placed on top of the original calendar activity in the calendar view.

33 Assignment Rules Optimize and Comply with Assignment Rules
Flexible, easy to use wizards to create Assignment Rules Shift Rules Fairness Rules Rotation Rules Team Scheduling Rules

34 Real time Management                  

35 Set Alerts Comprehensive set of configurable and Screen Pop-Up Alerts 1. Organizational Alerts Schedule change Request change status Out of adherence Serialized bid notification Activity reminder 2. Campaign Alerts Actual Service Level or ASA variation from Goal Actual data versus forecast - Abandons, AHT, ASA, Backlog, CV, Occupancy, SL, Staffing Bodies, FTEs, Dials, Connects, CR and RPC Actual data versus defined range System Alerts

36 New method of delivering alerts in addition to e-mail
Screen Pop Alerts New method of delivering alerts in addition to Benefit: Does not require users to be logged into their systems or into Impact 360 to be notified of events, activities, schedule changes or when key metrics deviate from plan or forecast.

37 Monitor the ‘Pulse’ of the Contact Centre
Gain Near Real-time Visibility Spot and respond to events in real-time Track and compare actual, forecasted and required statistics View intra-day trends and historical data

38 Overtime and Vol Time Off
Resolve intraday under and over staffing with OT and VTO Events and Rescheduling Quickly address intraday understaffing and overstaffing issues Intraday reforecast & rescheduling Scheduling OT / VTO using employee rank, seniority or preferences

39 Adherence – Quick Snap Shot
“One fewer agent = 60% increase in Average Speed to Answer for a 50-agent contact center - The Call Center School

40 Web Self Service                  

41 Web Self Service Agent preferences based scheduling
Schedule viewing and publishing Full and Partial Shift Swap Performance-enabled Shift Bidding Time off Management Unified interface for WFM, Scorecards and Learning Easy to use “For every 1% increase in agent satisfaction, customer satisfaction increases 0.53%” - Gartner

42 Capture Agent Preferences
Improve Agent Satisfaction 1 2 3 Capture Agent Preferences Indicate start-time preference for each day of the week Indicate desired day(s) off in a week Weigh importance of days off vs. start time

43 Automate Agent Activities
Automate agent requests for shift swaps & time off Agents can post partial shift swap requests Agents can request time off down to 15 minutes* Track all times off

44 Increase Agent Satisfaction and Supervisor Productivity
Leave Management Increase Agent Satisfaction and Supervisor Productivity Approved time off can be withdrawn and a wait list of time off requests will be maintained for substitution. Waitlist can be automatically sorted by the user’s criteria and processed when a change in time off has occurred. Two new reports Withdrawn requests Waitlisted Requests

45 Improve Agent Satisfaction and Center Productivity
Shift Bidding Improve Agent Satisfaction and Center Productivity Shift Bidding + Performance

46 Improve Agent Satisfaction and Center Productivity
Shift Bidding Improve Agent Satisfaction and Center Productivity

47 Workforce Optimisation

48 Web Self Service

49 Unique WFM Integrations
Include quality scores in scheduling Drill to interaction from adherence Optimal scheduling of integrated eLearning Drill to adherence from Scorecards Pre-Integrated Suite of Applications

50 Thank You                  

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