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IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20061 AUG Physics Program to prepare / in parallel to ITER Aim is to establish the physics base for ITER.

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Presentation on theme: "IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20061 AUG Physics Program to prepare / in parallel to ITER Aim is to establish the physics base for ITER."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20061 AUG Physics Program to prepare / in parallel to ITER Aim is to establish the physics base for ITER (and DEMO) Two main areas of ITER preparation with unique features:  Consolidation of the standard scenario - W components for wall and divertor, - MHD control with ECCD (variable frequency) versatility of heating systems - ELM tailoring and disruption mitigationpellet and killer gas injection  Exploration of 'Advanced' modes beyond standard scenario - Improved H-mode (ITER Hybrid scenario) pulse length/current diffusion time - ITER relevant digital CODAC system Direct influence on ITER component design Strategy: - in close collaboration within EU fusion program - supported by strong theory program at IPP - experiments on ASDEX Upgrade and JET Otto Gruber, ASDEX Upgrade Team Report on ASDEX Upgrade EURATOM Association

2 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20062 Hardware extensions in 2005: - towards a C-free first wall all LFS limiters (water cooled) & roof baffle with thin W coating - 2 steerable ECRH mirrors (movement tested) - first two-frequency gyrotron: leak after commissioning (1 MW / 10 s / 105 & 140 GHz) AUG operation 2006 Operation till 27 April: about 1/3 of program executed EZ4 damaged (loss of electrical supply for control, no braking)  new CODAC commissioned - reduced cycle time <1.5ms - extended regime recognition & performance control - real-time diagnostics  replaces CAMACs) Significant overlap with W7-X CODAC (joint IPP project XDV)  Pellet Injection Systems: - centrifuge (HFS launch capability, variable pellet size, frequency & velocity) - blower gun (optimized for decoupling ELM pacing and refuelling)

3 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20063 Technical incident with EZ4 at 27.04.06 flywheel EZ4 construction 1986, power 220 MVA, total weight ca. 160 t number of pulses est. 75.100, operated for est. 7.900 h flywheel generator - operation will be resumed after careful assessment by external experts - technical tests with EZ3 in July ?

4 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20064  AUG uses three flywheel generators as power/energy source EZ2 (1.45 GJ / 167 MVA): toroidal field EZ3 (500 MJ /144 MVA) + EZ4 (650MJ/220MVA): OH, pol.field, add. heating  Present settings for PF coils: reduced power and energy with EZ3 alone allow only 15 % of the last 2000 # (Ip<800 kA, Padd<5 MW,  <5 s)  Reduced max. coil voltages (except divertor coils)  reduced reactive power consumption (speed)  about 50% of the last 2000 # are still possible Ip=800 kA, 5-10 MW,  5 s Ip= 1 MA, 5-7.5 MW,  3-4 s at lower dens.& triang.   W program (highest priority in 2007) nearly without restriction  full ELM and disruption control program  restricted high-  discharges at low  * and  *  strongly reduced NTM stabilization schemes  the planned short-term investigations can be done with only minor restrictions  medium-term the full power/energy supply is needed for all relevant ITER work Operation with reduced generator capacity (EZ2, EZ3) 0 5 10 15 20 EZ3 (kA) I p (MA) EZ3 > 11 kA EZ3 ≤ 11 kA Limit: 11 kA A.C. Sips, W. Suttrop

5 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20065 Influence of ECCD deposition width d on NTM stabilisation  narrow deposition d<W: - decisive is peak j CD  I/d (maximal at  tor = -5° /TORBEAM) ⇒ full stabilisation with dc ECCD at reduced P ECCD /P NBI ⇒ higher  N achievable at stabilisation  broad deposition d > W: - reduces the stabilisation efficiency (experiment) - required current increases significantly for dc ECCD (theory) ⇒ modulated ECCD (at mode frequency / O-point injection) required for ITER [M. Maraschek et al, PPCF, 2005] only partial dc stabilisation for d > W dc stabilisation at ITER relevant conditions

6 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20066 Full stabilisation of (3,2) NTM with modulated ECCD (d>W)  ECCD modulated with phase from magn. signals with f mode < 30kHz  reduced overall deposited ECCD power  complete stabilisation at high  N / ~ 4.0 MW -1

7 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20067  Combination of high power, flexible addititional heating, current and shaping capability, density operation up to Greenwald and long pulse length (> current diffusion time) allows unique exploration of advanced scenarios beyond ITER baseline  Improved H-Mode in ITER allows Q>30 and / or pulselength above 1 h  Improved H-Mode may allow even ‚steady state‘ in DEMO Scenario development for ‚Improved H-Mode‘ (Hybrid mode)

8 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20068 Scenario development for ‚Improved H-Mode‘ (Hybrid mode)  early versus late heating

9 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 20069 Scenario development for ‚Improved H-Mode‘ (Hybrid mode)  early versus late heating  pol Reich, Stober

10 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200610 (3,2) NTM stabilisation in improved H-mode (dc ECCD, d<W)  clear stabilisation with increasing / decreasing B t ramp  fishbones and sawteeth after stabilisation; good confinement H 98-P =1.15  lowest achieved q 95 =2.9 for stabilised NTMs Maraschek, Stober

11 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200611 Fast particle losses caused by MHD activity FILD spectrogram shows fast particle losses well correlated with TAE activity (NBI, ICRH, ICRH beat waves) - ICRH creates trapped fast particles - v perp /v ~0.9, energy up to several hundreds keV - TAEs modify orbits of fast particles Munoz, K. Sassenberg, PhD, Cork, Ireland

12 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200612 Fast particle losses caused by MHD activity FILD spectrogram shows fast particle losses well correlated with NTM activity - slow MHD activity like NTM (~5-20 kHz, harmonics) induces fast particle losses - decrease of losses observed when NTM is actively stabilized with ECCD - modulated NBI experiments allow for studying time scales of losses Munoz, PhD

13 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200613 Main thrusts for AUG program 2007 w. full W coverage Re-evaluation after  3 months of operation I. W compatibility of ITER related scenarios - characterization of transition to a W machine - storage / release of noble gases - optimization of ICRH II. Extension of working space - radiatively cooled integrated scenarios - improved H-Mode (high  low density) III. Other ITER related physics investigations, compatible with above results and requirements envisaged rel. weight (whole campaign) priority 30% 20% 50% Power / Energy Limits set by operation with EZ2/EZ3 only

14 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200614 Boundary conditions set by W-PFCs (to be refined): - W concentration slowly increasing with coverage, saturation around 10 -5 -reduced c W at relevant auxiliary heating power and densities -carbon inventory decreasing Needed for ITER compatible W concentration:  density > 6e19/m³ (gas puff rate > 6e21/s)  q-edge > 3.2  f(ELM) > 60 Hz  ELM pacing  dominant central heating  P heat < P threshold or P heat > 2x P threshold  power/energy limits for upper divertor (5 MW 4s, 10MW 1s)  monitoring of limiter & divertor glow (safety loops) W concentration line aveaged electron density all data q<3.5 and PICRH>1 MW q<3.5 and PICRH>1 MW (2005/06) 10 -7 10 -5 10 -3 R. Neu, PSI06

15 IEA IA PolDiv ExCo-Meeting, Cadarache 28 June 200615 Consolidation of ITER Standard operation Preparation of ITER Advanced operation 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 LHCD (projected) Tungsten Wall ECRH Extension Modular Flywheel Generator(s) Internal Coils Conducting shell Design Construction Operation Future AUG hardwre extensions

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