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Instrumentation and Measurement Background. GENI I&M Motivation To conduct useful and repeatable experiments, GENI experimenters require extensive and.

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Presentation on theme: "Instrumentation and Measurement Background. GENI I&M Motivation To conduct useful and repeatable experiments, GENI experimenters require extensive and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instrumentation and Measurement Background

2 GENI I&M Motivation To conduct useful and repeatable experiments, GENI experimenters require extensive and reliable instrumentation and measurement capabilities to gather, analyze, present and archive Measurement Data (MD). In addition, the GENI operations staff require extensive and reliable instrumentation and measurement capabilities to monitor and troubleshoot the GENI suite and its constituent entities. Some of this data will be made available to experimenters, to help them conduct useful and repeatable experiments. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/112

3 Relationship to GENI Architecture The Instrumentation and Measurement WG focuses on the instrumentation and measurement infrastructure that will be deployed and used in GENI. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/113

4 GENI I&M Services Goals (1/3) Provide broad data gathering, analysis and archival capability that is sufficient for scientific mission, operations, and success of the infrastructure. Remove the burden on researcher to become a system and network measurement infrastructure expert so that researcher can better focus on the science in the experiments Measure details of GENI behavior with high precision and accuracy in a ubiquitous, extensible, highly available, secure, and integrated manner without adversely impacting experiments. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/114

5 GENI I&M Services Goals (2/3) Provide drill-down performance transparency of system and network resources at hop, link, path and slice levels in terms of availability, health status, and diagnosis of perceived as well as impending problems. Allow and make-it-easy for various user groups to access and control functions involving interactions between I&M sub- services encompassing resources such as instrumentation taps in the network, time sensors, software-based and hardware- based measurement probes, router/switch MIBs, and (short- term/long-term) measurement data archives. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/115

6 GENI I&M Services Goals (3/3) Provide performance transparency of the status of the individual I & M sub-service components and their interfaces with other sub-services to ensure correctness of measurements provisioned. Through tight integration with the CFs, provide mechanisms to handle security, privacy and access control of measurement data archives to allow access only to authorized users, and also provide different data views based on authorization privileges. Make it easy for data providers (e.g., instrumentation device designers, experiments who implement custom instrumentation devices, etc) to supply data (within legal and ethical limits) to other entities. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/116

7 GENI I&M User Groups Experimenters Opt-In Users: users who participate or “opt-in” to a GENI experiment to utilize resources, applications or services. Central (i.e., GMOC) Operators Aggregate Providers and Operators Archive Providers and Operators: Groups that catalog indexes of GENI-related measurement datasets in a repository and provide tools for users to share, annotate, search and cite the measurement datasets. Researchers that use Archived Measurement Data: Users that utilize the measurement datasets provided by Archive Providers in order to test hypotheses, and promote reproducible research. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/117

8 GENI Key I&M Services Measurement Orchestration (MO) service Measurement Point (MP) service Measurement Information (MI) service Measurement Collection (MC) service Measurement Analysis and Presentation (MAP) service Measurement Data Archive (MDA) service FIBRE KOM - 29/10/118

9 GENI I&M Services Overview Wide range of MP Services Experimenter Operator Researcher MP MPs MAP MI MC MAP MDA MO

10 Measurement Orchestration (MO) Service FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1110

11 Measurement Point (MP) Services FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1111

12 Measurement Point (MP) Services FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1112

13 Measurement Point (MP) Services FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1113

14 Measurement Information (MI) Service FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1114

15 Measurement Collection (MC) Services FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1115

16 Measurement Analysis and Presentation (MAP) Service FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1116

17 Measurement Data Archive (MDA) Service FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1117

18 Experimenter Gathering MD from his/her Slice Experimenter MP MC MAP MO MDA

19 Experimenter Gathering MD from his/her Slice FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1119

20 Operator Gathering MD from GENI Infrastructure Operator MP MAP MI

21 Operator Gathering MD from GENI Infrastructure FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1121

22 Experimenters Gathering MD from their Slice and from GENI Infrastructure FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1122

23 Experimenters Gathering MD from their Slice and from GENI Infrastructure FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1123

24 GENI I&M Architecture Overview: Types of Services Type 1 Service: Service contained within a slice. Type 2 service: Common service platform plus multiple slivers dedicated to multiple experiments. Type 3 service: Common service with shared data provided to multiple experiments. Type 4 Service: MDA service with a portal for sharing data FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1124

25 perfSONAR PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture

26 perfSONAR as a Middleware FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1126

27 Measurement Points Data Services Measurement Archives Transformations Service Configuration Auth(n/z) Services Infrastructure Information Services Topology Service Lookup Analysis/Visualization User GUIs Web Pages NOC Alarms perfSONAR Architecture Overview FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1127

28 perfSONAR Base network measurement schema – OGF Network Measurement Working Group (NM-WG) Topology Schema – OGF Network Markup Language (NML-) WG – Includes Topology Network ID perfSONAR Protocol Documents – OGF Network Measurement and Control (NMC-) WG FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1128

29 MonIPÊ Infrastructure FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1129

30 Visualização dos Resultados 30

31 Results visualization

32 Backbone transition from 2.5 to 10Gbps FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1132

33 perfSONAR-MDM Developed within the scope of the GÉANT project Written in Java, was designed as a monitoring solution for LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Available in Debian or RPM packages FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1133

34 perfSONAR-MDM 3.3 Components RRD Measurement Archive SQL Measurement Archive SSH/Telnet Measurement Point Lookup Service Authentication Service and Authorization Service OPPD (previously called BWCTL) Measurement Point) E2EMon Measurement Point FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1134

35 perfSONAR-PS Collaboratively developed by: – ESnet, Fermilab, Georgia Tech, Indiana University, Internet2, SLAC, The University of Delaware Written in Perl. Available for independent deployment or through the Performance Toolkit (pS-PT). FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1135

36 pS-PT perfSONAR Performance Toolkit (pS-PT) Current version: 3.2.1 – LiveCD or Net-Install based on CentOS 5.5 – Easy to deploy Boot with the instalation CD – User-friendly Web Interface FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1136

37 FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1137

38 perfSONAR-OS Services SNMP Measurement Archive perfSONAR-BUOY perfAdmin GUI Lookup Service Topology Service Status Measurement Archive PingER Services PingER GUI LS Registration Daemon FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1138

39 pS-PT Metrics – Throughput – Delay – Ping – SNMP Utilization – Cacti graphs with host performance information – Scheduled tests: Throughput, one-way delay, and ping. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1139

40 LAMP Leveraging and Abstracting Measurements with perfSONAR perfSONAR is a multi-domain performance monitoring framework, which defines a set of protocols standards for sharing data between measurement and monitoring systems. Objectives – Collaborate on defining a common but extensible format for data storage and exchange. Use perfSONAR NM-WG schema as starting point – Develop a representation of GENI topolgy to be used to describe measurements and experiment configuration – Collaborate on a common GENI I&M architecture FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1140

41 perfSONAR-based GENI I&M Operations & Management: – Federated GENI is perfect match to perfSONAR – perfSONAR SNMP MA setup to query ProtoGENI switches on Internet2 Experiments: – perfSONAR architecture is modular and extensible – Integration with GENI will need Measurement Portal Measurement Orchestration FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1141

42 Onelab Monitoring

43 MySlice FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1143

44 TopHat (Topát) PlanetLab Europe’s active measurement component Part of OneLab’s effort: global federated environment TopHat provides PlanetLab applications with a topology monitoring service for the entire lifecycle of an experiment. Uses DIMES and ETOMIC for specialized Services FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1144

45 Experiment Lifecycle Support Experiment set up: – Assist users in choosing the nodes for their experiments based on measured characteristics of the network Run time: – Provides info to support adaptative applications and experiment control. Post-morten data: – Data are archived for further analysis. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1145

46 Topology Information Sources at IP level: – BGP feeds: RouteViews, Team Cymrum, and PWhoIs – Active measurements: ScriptRoute (PL native) Other: eg, perfSONAR FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1146

47 TopHat and perfSONAR Measurement tools: – “perfSONAR offers a uniform set of tools from a set of peer entities” – TopHat federates heterogeneous systems Focus: – perfSONAR focus on troubleshooting across network boundaries – TopHat focus on experiment support TopHat could benefit from accessing router information via perfSONAR (queue lengths and packet drop rates). FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1147

48 TopHat Architecture perfSONAR FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1148

49 Core API Get: – request information and measurements about nodes and paths Filter: – filters a ser of nodes or paths SetCallback: – Configures conditions on which the system will react by triggering a callback function FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1149

50 DIMES distributed scientific research project, aimed at studying the structure and topology of the Internet, with the help of a volunteer community (similar in spirit to projects such as SETI@Home). Traceroute measurement module Large number of vantage points (ca. 1700 measurement agents) FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1150

51 ETOMIC Infrastructure with GPS synchronized servers. With special cards for a precision of 10 ns Performs one way delay and available bandwidth measurements pre-scheduled tests Deployment on PlanetLab and other points Similar to the results produced by OWAMP and BWCTL MPs in perfSONAR. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1151

52 SONOMA On-demand tests Precision on the order of ten’s of microseconds Uses web services for test requests FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1152

53 OML The Orbit Measurement Library

54 OML A client library (liboml2) for instrumenting your applications; plus A measurement server for collecting and storing measurements, remotely. Tutorial: orkshopAgenda/OML_tutorial.pptx orkshopAgenda/OML_tutorial.pptx 54FIBRE KOM - 29/10/11

55 Monitoring in OFELIA

56 Monitoring in OFELIA (D5.1) The control framework should perform monitoring tasks, for both the components conforming the control framework, and the resources on the testbed. Main focus: monitoring resource usage in order to avoid congestion and guarantee slices isolation. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1156

57 Monitoring in the FIBRE-BR testbed Initial ideas/proposals

58 Initial Ideas Ideally we would monitor: – Experiments (slices) – Infrastructure (Testbed) User groups: – Experimenters – Central Operators – Aggregate (Island) Managers Initial proposals: – Leverage on existing monitoring – Federation through perfSONAR 58FIBRE KOM - 29/10/11

59 Existing Monitoring by Aggregate OF Aggregate: – Flow information: SNMP, Controller (and FlowVisor) info, directly from OF API PlanetLab Aggregate: – TopHat, other tools OMF Aggregate: – OML ProtoGENI Aggregate: – LAMP FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1159

60 Initial Ideas Adapting LAMP to the FIBRE CMF Collect and Export OpenFlow Data Integration of OML to perfSONAR FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1160

61 Adapting LAMP to the FIBRE CMF LAMP was developed for ProtoGENI We plan to study and possibly adapt it for use with the FIBRE- CMF 61FIBRE KOM - 29/10/11

62 Collect and Export OpenFlow Data Information about slices, queues, response time, flow aggregation and flow setup time, not limiting the monitoring framework to these parameters. OpenFlow switch table and port statistics can be collected at its controller, e.g., NOX. The collected data will be made available through a measurement archive (MA) and shared to other monitoring tools. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1162

63 Integration of OML to perfSONAR OML main feature is the possibility to add Measurement Points (MP) to applications or services and it is a researcher’s decision to enable it at run-time [White, 2010]. OML focuses mainly on mobile networks and FIBRE proposed monitoring framework could benefit from this expertise and could integrate this service to perfSONAR, at least through a MA interface to OML’s server. It is also interesting to analyze and monitor the communication between the client and the server in FIBRE’s federated environment. FIBRE KOM - 29/10/1163

64 Interconnection Monitoring connections among FIBRE-BR Islands, FIBRE-EU islands, and intercontinental link routers SNMP data (wherever available). [passive measurements ?!] 64FIBRE KOM - 29/10/11

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