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Formal Verification of fFSM Model Sachoun Park, Gihwon Kwon Department of Computer Science Kyonggi University, Korea IWFST, Shanghai, China, 2005.11.08.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Verification of fFSM Model Sachoun Park, Gihwon Kwon Department of Computer Science Kyonggi University, Korea IWFST, Shanghai, China, 2005.11.08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Verification of fFSM Model Sachoun Park, Gihwon Kwon Department of Computer Science Kyonggi University, Korea IWFST, Shanghai, China, 2005.11.08.

2 2 Formal Verification Minimization (e.g. bisimulation) Property specification State space: - Kripke structure - LTS (Lab.Trans.Syst.) - Marking graphs Modeling languages: - Communicating FSMs - Process algebra - Petri nets Generation init(state):= 0; next(state):= case state=0: {2,3}; state=1: 1; 1 : state; esac; Verification: - Model checking - Equivalence checking - ?? Logical results with counter-example

3 3 fFSM Model Hierarchy Concurrency Internal Event Variable State A2B C D A1 E F f1 f2 B1 B2 B3 snd rcv D1 rcv snd fFSM Dataflow wormhole (super-block with different domain inside) System-level Specification in PeaCE Event generators Display Backplane: Discrete Event

4 4 Flattened Model pFSM = (I, IT, O, M, , V), I = {coin, ready, stop, time}, O = {tilt, game_over, game_on, …} V = {randn, remain} M = {m 1, m 2, m 3, m 4 }  (m 1 ) = {m 3, m 4 },  (m 2 ) = ,  (m 3 ) = ,  (m 4 ) =   m 1 = (S 1, s 0 1, L 1, T 1 )  S 1 = {GameOff, GameOn},  L 1 = {(GameOff,  ), (GameOn,  )}  T 1 = {(GameOff, coin==1,  game_on=1, timeset=1000 , GameOn), …} m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4

5 5 fFSM Semantics {GameOff, TimeInit, Ready, Rand}, {coin},  {GameOn, TimeInit, Ready, Rand}, {timeset},  {GameOn, Wait, Ready, Rand}, ,  {game_on:=1}{remain:=1000} {GameOff, TimeInit, Ready, Rand}, {coin},  {GameOn, Wait, Ready, Rand}, ,  {game_on:=1, remain:=1000} Micro Step: Macro Step: Macro step Environmental change Micro steps Environmental change stable

6 6 Desired Properties No unused components  EF component 1  …  EF component n  Components: states, events No unreachable guards  EF (s i  EX s j ), guard(t) = g, source(t) = s i, target(t) = s j No unambiguous transitions (ambiguous transition)  AG  ((t 1  t 2 )  (t 2  t 3 )  (t 1  t 3 )), where {t 1, t 2, t 3 } is a set of outgoing transitions from the same state. No deadlocks   EFAG deadlock, where deadlock is  (t 1  …  t n ) No divergent behavior (circular transition)  AG (  stable  A[  stable U stable]) Race condition violation  AG(  stable  uadate  AX A[  uadate U stable])

7 7 Stepper: Simulation & Verification Tool F2V Model Checker SMV Translator SMV Model checke r Graph Generator *.xml fFSM simulator *.smv Model Result CTL Property Formal fFSM Verifier (F2V) Explicit model checker Properties to be checked Reachability Race condition Ambiguous transitions Circular transitions

8 8 Discussion Topics How to avoid the state explosion problem ?  State explosion problem occurs due to variables  How to abstract them away ? How to integrated heterogeneous models ?  fFSM models the control flow of a system  SDF models the data flow of a system  How to integate them ? 1. data transfer 3. result(flag) transfer Display Event source “flag ” Backplane “ a” fFSM XY a/out flag B “out” A SDF C 2. execution A SPDF C B Event source Backplane domain node_name: foo script: “stop foo ”script:“run foo ” XY a FSM reset Asynchronous Interaction Synchronous Interaction

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