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Violence Around Us Violence – a physical force that is used to harm people or damage property. What are some examples of violence that you have observed in our society? Violence doesn’t solve a problem…it only makes it worse.
Where do we find violence?
What are some TV shows, video games, and movies that depict violence? What is the effect of constant exposure to violence?
Factors that can lead to violence…
Felling threatened Unmanaged anger Lack of respect Bullying Gangs
Bullying Aggressive behavior
Intended to hurt, control, intimidate or humiliate Usually escalates over time By someone who has more power than the targeted person Can be in written, verbal, electronic or physical expression
Bullying…AISD AISD expands on bullying as…
… having the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm … being sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student.
CYBERBullying… Cyberbullying involves using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, cell phones or other electronic devices to engage in written, verbal or physical expression that has the effect of harming someone.
Bullying prevention… Many schools provide support for students who are being bullied or discipline for those who bully but limit their outreach to these two groups. An often overlooked audience is the students who witness bullying— the peer bystanders. Because they make up the majority, they can be influential in changing the social climate of a school.
Bullying prevention… Peer bystanders, more than adults, are in a unique situation to send targets of bullying the crucial message that it is not their fault and nothing is “wrong” with them. Bystanders can provide support for youth who bully others by having a positive impact as well-behaved, well-respected peers who want to connect with them. Bystanders can be personally affected by witnessing bullying—with guilt the result of inaction and confirmation of capability the result of action. This teaches an important lesson, which will hopefully lead them students to act positively and effectively in the future.
Ways to Stop Bullying Don’t Participate. This includes not passing on rumors, not standing and watching or recording and posting on-line when someone is being bullied. Intervene yourself (if it is safe to do so) or with friends by speaking up, or get an adult. Report incidents to teachers, parents, or other authorities. Let people know that you don’t respect people who mistreat other people. Support the one being bullied **Video on picture
Gangs… A GANG is a group of peers who claim a territory.
Gangs continue to be a major public safety threat because they are often associated crimes and violence.
Keys to staying Gang Free…
Spend quality time with your family or a positive adult Focus on school and get help with your classes if needed Watch television shows and listen to music that have a positive message Learn to deal with peer pressure and practice saying, “NO” Choose your friends wisely Get involved with positive activities such as sports, after school programs, volunteer work, or job training Find good positive role models
Sexual Harassment Unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable, offends you, hurts your reputation, frightens or threatens you and interferes with your ability to get an education or participate in school activities Sexual harassment: Is defined by the target Is a violation of school rules, state and federal law 81% of students experience some form of sexual harassment during their school lives and 27% experience it often (AAUW, 2004).
AISD Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Examples Sexual advances Touching intimate body parts or coercing physical contact that is sexual in nature Jokes or conversations of a sexual nature Other sexually motivated conduct, communications, or contact AISD Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
When does flirting become sexual harassment?
Flirting is welcome attention. Sexual harassment is not wanted. Flirting goes both ways. Sexual harassment is one-sided. Flirting makes you feel in control. Sexual harassment makes you feel put down or ugly. Flirting makes you feel good about yourself. Sexual harassment makes you feel powerless. Flirting is legal in school. Sexual harassment is a violation of school rules.
AISD Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Dating Violence Dating violence occurs when one partner in a dating relationship, either past or current, intentionally uses physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control the other partner. AISD Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Dating Violence… Nearly 1 in 3 (29%) teens that have been in a dating relationship experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, or threats of physical harm to a partner or self. 1 in 3 teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, or physically hurt by a partner. 45% of teen girls know someone who has been pressured or forced into having intercourse or oral sex
WHAT IS PHYSICAL ABUSE Any unwanted contact with the other person’s body. Physical abuse does not have to leave a mark or a bruise. Slapping Spitting Biting Scratching Pinching Using a weapon Pushing Physical Restraint Kicking Shoving Pulling Hair Burning Strangling Punching Choking
Threatening to commit suicide
VERBAL / EMOTIONAL ABUSE Saying or doing something to another person that causes that person to be afraid and/or have lower self-esteem. Trying to manipulate or control another person’s feelings or behaviors. This can include online posts or digital communications designed to threaten, harass, or embarrass. Making unwanted comments or sending unwanted messages of sexual nature to the person. Threatening to commit suicide Insulting the person or his/her family or friends Embarrassing the person in front of others Telling the person what to do Intimidating the person Stalking Spreading negative rumors about the person Name Calling Making racial, ethnic, or religious slurs about the person he/she care for Yelling or Screaming Making the person feel guilty Put Downs
Cycle of violence
Cycle of Violence…Phase 1
Tension Building: Things start to get tense between the two people. In this phase: The two people argue a lot. • The abuser yells at the target for no reason. • The abuser makes false accusations about the target. • The target feels that she or he can’t do anything right. • The atmosphere is tense, as if things could blow up at any moment. In many abusive dating relationships, the physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse is not a one-time incident. It usually happens again and again.
Cycle of Violence…Phase 2
Explosion: The tension is released in a burst of physical, sexual and/or verbal/emotional abuse. The abuser may: • Scream and yell in a way that is frightening and/or humiliating. • Hit, grab, shove, kick, slam the other person against the wall, etc. • Throw objects. • Threaten to hurt the other person or someone he or she cares about. • Rape the other person or force him or her to go further sexually than he or she wants to.
Cycle of Violence…Phase 3
Honeymoon: The abuser tries to make the target stay in the relationship by apologizing and/or shifting the blame for the abuse onto someone or something else. The abuser may: • Apologize and promise that the abuse will never happen again. • Say “I love you.” • Buy the other person flowers or gifts. • Accuse the other person of doing something to cause the abuse. • Blame the abuse on other things such as alcohol, drugs or stress.
After the honeymoon phase: The tension starts to build again, leading to another explosion. Over time, the honeymoon phase may get shorter or even disappear, and the explosions may become more violent and dangerous. Some targets of dating abuse never experience the honeymoon phase—just the tension building and explosion phases. These phases do not happen in every abusive relationship. Someone may be experiencing dating abuse even if this pattern is not present THE CYCLE CONTINUES…. OVER and OVER AGAIN!!!
WHAT IS SEXTING? Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones.
Images sent by mobile phone can easily fall into the wrong hands, and once posted online, may never really go away. Others may copy and post your images in other places online where friends, parents, teachers can see them. Sexting can lead to public humiliation, cyber-bullying or even sexual assault. It is illegal to take sexual photos of minors, and it is also a crime to pass them on. THINK before you hit SEND!
Did you know… 1 in 5 teen girls and boys (20%)
say they have electronically sent or posted online, nude or suggestive images of themselves.
40% of young people say “pressure from guys” is a reason girls and women send/post sexual messages and images. 20% young people say “pressure from friends” is a reason guys send/post sexual messages and images. **Video
Consequences of Sexting
Psychological-stress, fear, shame, guilt Legal-child pornography charges, sexual harassment, attorney fees Emotional-sad, embarrassed, feeling used Social-being labeled, judged, comments, rumors
Is sexting sexual harassment?
Yes, If it makes you feel uncomfortable in a sexual way
Ending a violent Relationship
Be cautious. The most dangerous time for a person in an abusive relationship is during and after a break-up. This is when the abusive partner is most likely to feel a loss of control over his/her partner. Put safety first. If you are considering breaking up, involve a parent, counselor or other trusted adult who can help you stay safe.
Complaint Procedure for Bullying, Harassment and Dating Violence
Complete a Complaint Form available in the school’s main office. The Complaint Form will be submitted to the principal immediately. The principal or designee will investigate complaints by meeting separately with each student involved in the situation. The principal or designee will conference with the targeted student and parent to discuss safety. The principal or designee will conference with the accused student and parent to discuss appropriate behaviors and consequences. With the prior consent of the targeted student, the principal may issue a School-based Stay Away Agreement to the accused student during the parent conference.
Support for victims… Empathy - the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.
How can you show empathy towards the victim of violence or bullying?
Why do you think it is important to show empathy towards the victim of violence or bullying? How can you show empathy towards the victim of violence or bullying?
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