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EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 Project Reporting in FP6:

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Presentation on theme: "EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 Project Reporting in FP6:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 Project Reporting in FP6: an introduction EU-IndiaGrid Kick-off Meeting - Trieste, 19/10/2006 Federica Tanlongo - GARR

2 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 2 An important part of the Project works will be the periodic reporting Reporting is intended to allow the EC to monitor the Project’s progresses Reports will be the basis of the annual review that will be carried out by the EC experts The outcomes of the review are crucial to the success of the project and for the prosecution of works in the second project year Project Reporting: Why?

3 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 3 Reporting in EU FP6 For each FP and each type of projects, specific reporting rules are set. The following guidelines refer to FP6 and SSA (Specific Support Action) projects, i.e. the specific framework in which EU-IndiaGrid was conceived and funded. Further information and reference documents can be found on the EC website, at: management.htm#reporting management.htm#reporting Reference documents will be also made available on the EU- IndiaGrid website.

4 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 4 Reporting materials The following are the reporting materials required during the lifetime of the project: Project deliverables (due by the deadlines indicated in the Techincal Annex to the contract) Periodic Reports –Interim (due at the end of each project quarter) –Yearly (due at the end of each project year as stated in Art6 of the contract) Final Report (due at the end of the project)

5 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 5 All reports must be: –Paper copy sent via standard mail –PDF File sent electronically All Reports and Deliverables must be submitted to the EC services within 45 days from the end of the reporting period (as identified in Articles 6 and 7). Submission od reports

6 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 6 Yearly reports The yearly report will include the following documents: Periodic Activity Report (including Publishable Executive Summary and Plan for Using and Disseminating the knowledge) Periodic Management Report Periodic Report on the Distribution of the Community’s Contribution Interim Science and Society Reporting Questionnaire Interim Socio-Economic Reporting Questionnaire

7 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 7 Yearly Report: The Periodic Activity Report includes: Publishable Executive Summary (2-4 pages directly publishable by the EC providing some project facts, results achieved so far and expected ones) 4 sections describing: 1.Project objectives and major achievements during the reporting period 2.Progresses of the period per each WP 3.Activities related to Consortium management 4.Other issues Plan for Using and Disseminating knowledge The Periodic Activity Report

8 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 8 what each Partner should do Each team leader will be responsible of reporting about his/her Organization’s activities: Writing a short report (approx 1-2 pages) on activities carried out for each task/WP by his/her staff Registering new workers, timely informing the PO of new appointments, changes in the staff etc. Reporting (or checking the correctness of each worker’s own report) the worked hours of the staff These reports should be delivered to the PO after 2 weeks from the end of the reporting period at the latest; the TB and PO will put together the information and send out a coherent version to the Partners for comments/corrections. Periodic Activity Report:

9 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 9 The Periodic Management Report includes the following: Justification of major cost items and resources: –Describing cost and resources deployed by each contractor –Providing a justification of costs –Linking costs to activities –Explaining any relevant deviation from the expected budget Form C (“Financial statement per activity”), to be completed by each contractor NB: this will include the provision of Audit certificates!!! Summary financial report Yearly Report: The Periodic Management Report

10 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 10 The PMB representative (or other administrative staff on his/her behalf) of each partner organization will be responsible to: Describe and justify costs to be claimed to the project Describe the resources deployed for the project and justify their necessity Fill the Form C (“Financial statement per activity”) Timely provide a valid Audit certificate what each Partner should do Periodic Management Report:

11 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 11 Costs Claims: some guidelines Costs can be claimed from the project start date (1 October 2006) until the project ends (30 September 2008). Eligible costs must be: –Actual (i.e. they must in principle be real and not estimated or budgeted). –Economic (i.e. they need to be in line with the usual administrative and management practices of the contractor, not excessive or extravagant). –Necessary for the implementation of the project; –Determined in accordance with the usual accounting principles of the contractor (i.e. in principle EC will reimburse costs that are normally considered as eligible by the contracting organization)

12 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 12 Costs Claims: some guidelines/2 Direct costs (i.e. eligible costs that can be identified by the contractor in accordance with its accounting system) can be attributed directly to the project. (100%) Indirect costs (i.e. eligible costs that cannot be attributed directly to the project activities, but can be identified and justified by the accounting system as being incurred in relationship with the direct ones) cannot be directly attributed to the project, but are covered by the overhead flat rate (20%). NB: For the FC model, the real hoverhead must anyway result from the cost claim (but will be anyway covered up to 20%)

13 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 13 Costs Claims: some guidelines/3 Detailed information about the definition of costs etc can be found in the Annex II - General conditions Part B – Financial Provisions to the EC contract. Here are defined: –Eligible costs (II.19) –Direct costs (II.20) –Overheads (II.21) –Reimbursement rates – per activity (II.25) –Audit certificates (II.26) –Control and audits which may be performed by the EC (II.29)

14 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 14 Guidelines for audit certificates/1 The audit certificate is a document provided by an auditor certifying that the costs claimed during a specific period meet the contractual requirements. (see art 7 of the contract) The Commission will use the audit certificate as a main assurance mechanism in the processing of costs claimed and their subsequent payment. Submission of an audit certificate per contractor is mandatory. Certifying auditors must carry out the audits in compliance with International Standards of Auditing (ISA).

15 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 15 Guidelines for audit certificates/2 –Each contractor is free to choose a qualified external auditor, including its usual external auditor, provided that: the external auditor is independent from the contractor; the external auditor is qualified to carry out statutory audits of accounting documents. –Public bodies have the choice between an external auditor or a competent public officer. The internal auditor must be independent from the project and not involved in any way in drawing up the Financial Statement (Form C).

16 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 16 Guidelines for audit certificates/3 Content of the audit certificate: –The certification that the total eligible costs declared by the contractor are: determined according to the relevant cost reporting model; fulfill the definition of eligible costs, except for the requirement of necessity (which is assessed by the EC); –(For the cost models with a flat rate contribution for indirect costs (FCF and AC), the certification that the correct rate has been used and that it has been applied correctly. –The total amount of receipts declared; –The total amount of interest yielded by the pre-financing; –The conversion rate used of EURO –The price paid for the audit certificate.

17 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 17 Guidelines for audit certificates/4 –The reference guide for audit certificates in FP6 is available at: s_r5/natdir0000001/s_6918005_2005072 7_150035_2521en.pdf –It includes a template for audit certificates

18 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 18 It shows the distribution (in euros) of funds made by the coordinator to contractors during the reporting period. May give an account and justify repayments to the Cooordinator in case this necessity arises (i.e., for instance, in case that a contractor leaves the project and another takes his place). Periodic Report on the Distribution of the Community’s Conmtribution Yearly Report:

19 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 19 Interim science and society reporting questionnaire –Monitoring the relation between Science&Society and the project –To be completed by the Coordinator Interim reporting questionnaire on workforce statistics –Collecting gender statistics on the project workforces. –To be completed by each contractor Interim socio-economic reporting questionnaire –Providing information on the integration of the socio-economic aspects of the research in the project. –To be completed by each contractor All questionnaires need to be filled online at the end of the first reporting period only. Instructions will be communicated by the Commission Project Officer (EC reference documents & sample questionnaires are available). Yearly Report: Interim questionnaires

20 EU-IndiaGrid (RI-031834) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 20 That’s all!!! Thank you for your kind attention For any doubt, please contact me at and CC the project general list in case your question is of general interest.

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