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Sandy Smith, Supervisor Sandra Erickson, Resource Teacher Callie Locascio, CDA/Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandy Smith, Supervisor Sandra Erickson, Resource Teacher Callie Locascio, CDA/Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandy Smith, Supervisor Sandra Erickson, Resource Teacher Callie Locascio, CDA/Technology

2 Our Models-Past and Present 2005-2006 2009-2010 Most were self- contained Center, SVE, IVE, ASD, EBD, LI, DHH, ½ day VE,½ day SI 3 Classrooms reverse mainstream (12 ESE/4 Typical) 4 Inclusion teachers for community and Head Start Most are included Blended VE 3 year olds and 4- 5 year olds, Blended LI, Inclusion teachers (5), Itinerant services, SLP’s to Community sites and Head Start Self contained-Center, SVE, ASD, EBD, ½ day SI-all have decreased except ASD

3 2005-2006 103 Classrooms Serving 1294 students with 10% served in full time inclusion 2006-2007- Year One of Blended Model 102 Classrooms Serving 1134 students with 38% served in full time inclusion 90% received a K code 2009-2010- Currently 116 Classrooms Serving 1198 students with 73.48% served in full time inclusion 97% receive inclusion opportunities during day


5 Model Descriptions Blended 3 year old (Title 1 and Fee Pay) Blended 4-5 year old (VPK) Blended Language Impaired (VPK) Inclusion Teachers Community Inclusion SLP’s

6 Students Transitioned to Gen Ed K 2006-2007 593 students transitioned 29 Retained 29 Center/SVE, 13 ASD, 55 EBD 70 % Gen Ed 2007-2008 593 students transitioned: 24 Retained 13 Center/SVE, 27 ASD, 43 EBD 68% Gen Ed.

7 2008-2009 602 students transitioned 11 Retained 19 Center/SVE,20 ASD, 30 EBD 81% Gen Ed. 2009-2010 (proposed) 581 students transitioned 5 Retained 17 Center/SVE, 47 ASD, 18 EBD 80% Gen Ed. (proposed)

8 Professional Development Materials/Supplies/Curriculum 2006-07: Trainings to address new inclusion models: Collaboration – day-long training for teams of teacher/CDA/associate. Developing collaborative lesson plans Differentiating instruction Disability awareness 2006-07: Materials/Supplies: Additional furniture needs for increased number of students Harder/easier puzzles, toys, books, manipulative for increased variety of levels Piloted literacy curriculum 2006-07 Support staff Four inclusion teachers supported blended classroom teachers with monthly visits

9 Trainings and materials (cont.) 2007-08 Trainings Developmentally Appropriate practices Scaffolding – Beyond Centers and Circletime Collaboration Teaching in Centers 2007-08 Materials Houghton Mifflin literacy curriculum Continued to expand classroom libraries – focus nonfiction Added math extension kits 2007-08 Staff Added resource teacher – focus on knowledge of typical development and appropriate activities Continued support from inclusion teachers

10 Trainings and materials (cont.) 2008-09 Trainings Collaboration Differentiated instruction DEC speaker – Susan Maude – two day conference – accommodations Inclusive Centers resource book and CARA’s book from CEC Planning lessons for themes and centers 2008-09 Materials Focus on dramatic play centers Expanded libraries – nonfiction and science books and center materials

11 Training and materials (cont.) 2009-10 Trainings Collaboration Data collection Peer models and facilitating peer interactions Supporting students with significant needs Dr. Phyllis Jones (USF): trained 10 “teacher supporters” 2 separate trainings with 5 small groups of teachers series of 5 monthly Professional Learning Community meetings (five varying locations to accommodate teacher travel) PLC groups are facilitated by the teacher supporters

12 2009-10 Materials Pretend play – puppet theatres and puppets Big books and continued expansion of class libraries Need for special seating and other equipment and materials (feeding, toileting) in more classes to include students with physical needs 2009-10 Staff Two behavior specialists to support teachers in blended classes with students who have behavior concerns and to support teachers in general classroom management Continued support from inclusion teachers and resource teachers – who also serve as teacher supporters along with classroom teachers Training and materials (cont.)


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