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BY Keith A. Anderson.  District-wide Initiative  Link between Differentiated Instruction and Danielson  What is Differentiated Instruction?  Why Differentiate?

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Presentation on theme: "BY Keith A. Anderson.  District-wide Initiative  Link between Differentiated Instruction and Danielson  What is Differentiated Instruction?  Why Differentiate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BY Keith A. Anderson

2  District-wide Initiative  Link between Differentiated Instruction and Danielson  What is Differentiated Instruction?  Why Differentiate?

3  A teacher’s response to learner needs  The recognition of students’ varying background knowledge and preferences  Instruction that appeals to students’ differences

4 Is a teacher’s response to learner’s needs by “Consistently using a variety of educational approaches to modify content, process, and /or product in response to learning readiness and interest of academically diverse students.” Carol Ann Tomlinson

5 Content Process Product Readiness Interests Learning Profile according to student’s through a range of instructional and management strategies… Source: The Differentiated Classroom, Tomlinson 1999

6  The teacher carefully evaluates how to achieve student learning goals and uses appropriate strategies and resources to adapt to the needs of individuals and groups of students (e.g., prior knowledge, interests and developmental differences in how students learn).

7 The teacher plans how to achieve student learning goals, choosing appropriate strategies, resources and materials to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of students; developing appropriate sequencing of learning experiences; and allowing multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and skill.

8  The teacher provides multiple models and representations of concepts and skills with opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge with a variety of products and performances.

9  The teacher knows when and how to use appropriate strategies to differentiate instruction and engage all students in complex thinking and meaningful tasks.

10 C. Tomlinson RAFTS…Graphic Organizers…Scaffolding …Cubing…Tic-Tac-Toe…Learning Contracts….Tiering… Learning/Interest Centers… Independent Studies…Intelligence Preferences….Orbitals…..Complex Instruction…ETC.

11 Lesson introduction Initial teaching Locating or designing a pretest based on observed or anticipated differences Pretesting Analysis of pretest results Decision making and planning Formation of flexible groups Differentiated teaching and learning activities.

12 Teachers DOTeachers DON'T Provide several learning options, or different paths to learning, which help students take in information and make sense of concepts and skills. Develop a separate lesson plan for each student in a classroom. Provide appropriate levels of challenge for all students, including those who lag behind, those who are advanced, and those right in the middle. “Water down" the curriculum for some students.

13  All kids are different.  One size does not fit all.  Differentiation provides all students with access to all curriculum.

14 Rather than simply "teaching to the middle" by providing a single avenue for learning for all students in a class, teachers using differentiated instruction match tasks, activities, and assessments with their students' interests, abilities, and learning preferences.

15 The sense of joyful belonging is key to the differentiated classroom. It must feel ok, to students, to be different and aware that they will not all start or end at the same point or accomplish their learning in exactly the same way.

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