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Published byMelvyn Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
Nieman Elem. Improvement Plan KSDE Peer Review Wed., Nov 17, 2010 Stan Anderson, Principal
Nieman’s Recent History 2006-2008 (3yrs) did not meet AYP building wide New School Building, completed Feb 2008 2009 AYP achieved by students & staff New Building Principal, July 2009 2010 did not meet AYP in Reading – Student Census jumps 88 students – School Improvement Plan Rewritten 2010 & 2011
Contributions to Vision Statement District Leadership Nieman Certified & Classified Staff Nieman PTA Parents Nieman Site Council’s Community Representatives p 8-9
MTSS Focus p. 9-10 Master schedule is developed annually to meet the Reading & Math needs of all Nieman students Maximizing Resources – People, Time, & Space Utilize research-based practices Positive Behavior Supports Connect & Communicate – Staff Development – Families – Culture is our responsibility – Community Members & Businesses Monitor & meet current/future student needs
School Profile Highlights p 12 512 students / 95% Student Attendance Rate Race Ethnicity K123456 88946975587652
School Profile p 12-13 343 of 512 or 67% of students on F/R lunch 80% Return Rate of students yearly grades K-5 145 students are Limited English Proficient – 53 receive aide & reading teacher support – 72 receive reading teacher support 380 behavior referrals 2009-10 – 50% in classroom or 190 incidents – April & May – Highest daily avg of 3.3 per day – OSS correlated to ethnicity and SPED %ages – Zero expulsions at Nieman last year
Reading & AYP 2010 Groups not making AYP – All Students – Free & Reduced Lunch – Special Education – English Language Learners – African Americans
Trends on KS Reading & Math Assessment p 14 Groups improved from 2007-2009, then declined in 2010: – All Students – African Americans – White students – Students receiving free & reduced lunch
Comparative Assessment Data: Nieman – District – State p 15 Nieman performed above the District & State average in Math in every subgroup except SPED. Nieman performed below the District & State average in Reading in every subgroup.
Nieman Climate p 19 Teacher-student interactions reflect high expectations. Teachers are in tune to student needs. Student feedback is encouraged in the classroom. Teachers complete annual survey to report concerns and evaluate principal. Parents complete annual climate surveys for PBS, Principal, and Title Programs.
Progress Monitoring MAP DIBELS District Math Basic Skills AIMSweb
Perception Data p 24-25 Staff perceive disparities in school engagement among subgroups Communities that Care survey results from Nieman Sixth Graders: – 50% believe that “the school lets parents know when they have done something well” – 88% “feel safe at school”
Strengths-Root Cause Analysis p 36 - 37 Strength – Consistency of the Core Reading Program – Nieman sustains 86 – 90% of students at Benchmark on Spring DIBELS (Strong Core Program would be 95%) – Maintained ELL Reading performance with more students Root Causes in Reading – Upward Trends attributed to core reading program and protected reading schedule – Targeted Tutoring, ELL Support personnel, staff development on reading strategies, and use of a correlation binder that aligns KSA skills in core reading
Strength-Root Cause Analysis p 36 - 37 Math Strengths – Nieman students have strong computational skills and geometry concepts plus the ability to apply when solving Root Causes – Strong Math Leadership & Curriculum knowledge: Collaboration between Math staff/classroom/specials/grade level teachers is critical - Nieman staff create strong relationships with students and have high expectations. Frayer model to enhance vocabulary.
Reading Challenges- Root Causes p 38-39 Perceptions: Increased student census Lack of Parent Involvement Less discipline support in the classroom from Principal Less data analysis, instructional feedback, & decision- making from new Principal Student attendance and tardies cause less instructional time for many students Decreased interventions during assessment times No instructional movement for 25 students pulled out of OC Core in favor of Kaleidoscope
Math Challenges- Root Causes p 38-39 Perceptions: – Abstract Math Concepts for ELL’s and students living in poverty – Need for more practice earlier in the year – Reading needs impact math performance – Development of problem-solving skills
Gaps – Current situation vs. Vision Reading – Address subgroup gaps by diagnosing and targeting individual needs of students through DIBELS, Formatives, MAP, Core Program – Use workshop time to target individualized interventions and to move students out of strategic & intensive DIBELS levels Math – Teach “test-taking perseverance” as well as specific interventions to target individual needs – Make abstract concepts more visual and concrete
Operations Gap p 40 Disproportionate amount of referrals for Black & White students. “We need to be diagnostic and address the specific behavioral needs of these students.”
RB Strategies to address gaps Reading – Differentiation strategies Sheltered Instruction Grade level teams will use data driven decision-making Classroom, SPED Resource, & reading teachers will participate in data review sessions to target student needs of ALL STUDENTS
Reading- District MTSS Interventions K-PALS & PALS => Phonemic awareness & phonics Read Naturally => Fluency CARS & STARS => comprehension Open Court Interventions Early Interventions in Reading(EIR) => phonemic awareness & phonics Voyager Passport & Beginnings => Big Five REWARDS => multi-syllabic word decoding
RB Strategies to address gaps Math – Differentiation Strategies to reteach & enrich skills of every learner Develop conceptual understanding & skill proficiency through math manipulatives and progress through concrete, representational, abstract learning sequence providing visuals to assist.
Operations p 41 SWPB Support Develop social competencies Develop response strategies AMAO strategy – “24% of Nieman’s ELL subgroup tested at the fluent level on 2010 KELPA. 71% made KELPA composite gains of at least 1 level.” (state requirements are 15% and 20%)
SMART Goals p. 43 Student Achievement – Reading: – 1. By spring 2012, 80% of students in grades K-6 scoring at Intensive on the fall universal screener (DIBELS) will move to the Strategic or Benchmark level and 80% of all students scoring at Strategic on the fall universal screener (DIBELS) will move to Benchmark level. – 2. Annually from 2011 to 2012, the percent of All Students and each disaggregated subgroup (free/reduced, ELL, white, black, Hispanic, SPED) scoring at standard or higher on the Kansas Reading Assessment will improve by 3.5% (2010: all students 71.1%, free/reduced 67.8%, ELL 66.3%, white 78.4%, black 61.3%, Hispanic 68.4%, and SPED 38.9% ). By increasing the percentage of students scoring at standard or higher, the percentage of students scoring below standard will decrease.
SMART Goals Student Achievement – Mathematics – 1. By the 2010-11 school year and annually thereafter, the percent of students scoring at or above Meets Standard on each of the math basic skills tests will improve by 2% (2010: first quarter 82%, second quarter 86%, third quarter 82%). – 2. By spring 2011 and annually thereafter, the percent of All Students and each disaggregated subgroup (Black, Hispanic, White, ELL, free/reduced, and SPED) scoring at or above Meets Standard on the Kansas Math Assessment will improve by 3% (All Students 90.7%, Black, 80.6%, Hispanic 90.9%, 90.0%, White 94.6%, ELL 92.6%, free/reduced 88.2%, SPED 72.2%). By increasing the percentage of students scoring at standard or higher, the percentage of students scoring below standard will decrease.
SMART Goals School Operations Goal(i.e., curriculum alignment to include ELLs, discipline, attendance, etc.): – Social Competency – By the end of the 2010-11 school year all students will have less than 5 office referrals, with 90% having zero to one office referral.
Reading - Tier 1 Core Open Court (2002) Screeners – DIBELS & MAP Monitor DIBELS weekly or Bi-weekly & w/ OC unit test The classroom teacher will implement the core reading program. Some buildings have interventionists push-in to the classroom during core instruction. Kindergarten receives 70 minutes of core reading instruction per day. Grades 1-3 receive 90 minutes of core reading instruction per day. Grades 4-6 receive 60 minutes of core reading and 30 minutes of Language Arts instruction per day.
Changes to Tier 1 Classroom teachers differentiate for individual student needs within the core Open Court reading program.
Reading Tier 2 Supplemental Interventions for students needing strategic reading support include K-PALS and PALS for phonemic awareness and phonics, Read Naturally for fluency, CARS & STARS for comprehension, and Open Court Interventions which targets phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Classroom teachers will also provide differentiated instruction through the core and workshop time and practice activities that reinforce student-specific targeted skills.
Tier 2 Changes Interventionists are pushing in during classroom reading workshop time at grades K, 2, 3, 4, and 6 allowing more differentiation of activities.
Reading Tier 3 Intensive Early Interventions in Reading and Voyager Passport and Beginnings are interventions used with students with intensive reading needs. These programs are systematic and explicitly address the Big 5 components of reading. Intervention is provided by a reading specialist, special education teacher or member of the reading or special education support staff for an additional 30 minutes beyond Tiers 1 and 2.
Changes Tier 3 Interventionists have added the REWARDS program for grades 4-6 and are using the Quick Phonics Screener to be more prescriptive with student instruction.
Math – Tier 1 Core enVision Math, 2011, Grades K-5 Mathematics Course 1, Holt, Grade 6 For Universal Screening, grades K-1 utilize the Tests of Early Numeracy (TEN) (AIMSweb) 3x/year. Grade 2 utilizes Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (MBSP) (ProEd) 3x/year. The NWEA MAP data is considered when making intentional decisions regarding student need in grades 3-6. NWEA MAP is administered in the fall, and is optional in the winter and spring. The MBSP is used as needed for additional data as needed for students in grades 3-6. Students in grades 2-6 also take the SMSD Math Basic Skills Tests quarterly.
Math – Tier 1 Core The classroom teacher will implement the core mathematics program. Some grade levels have interventionists push-in to the classroom during core instruction. Kindergarten receives 40 minutes of core math instruction per day. Grades 1-3 receive 90 minutes of math instruction per day. Grades 4-5 receive 70 minutes of math instruction per day. Grade 6 receives 60 minutes of core math instruction per day.
Math – Tier 1 Changes With the new core textbooks, there is more use of manipulatives and visuals in our math instruction. The scheduling model for Title 1 Math support has changed so that there is more push-in support during core math instruction. The push-in approach allows for immediate differentiation within the classroom for students who need an alternate approach, additional scaffolding, more manipulatives, etc.
Math Tier 2 Supplemental Intervention for students needing targeted support will be provided through differentiated activities and practice assignments, primarily through the support and intervention components of the core textbook series. Mastering Math Facts will be utilized for fact fluency development and differentiated to meet student needs. Intervention is provided by the classroom teacher, a math specialist, special education teacher or member of the math or special education support staff for up to 30 minutes of the time represented in Tier 1. For full- day kindergarten, 30 minutes beyond Tier 1 are utilized for Tier 2.
Changes - Math Tier 2 The new textbooks provide more ready-made options for differentiating skill/concept practice than our previous textbook series. The K-5 book includes leveled Center Activities for each lesson to meet the needs of students at the Intervention level, On-level, and Advanced Level. The 6 th grade book contains 11 different practice worksheets for reteaching, practice and enrichment each textbook lesson. As the students work on the independent practice that is appropriate for their level of understanding, the classroom teacher and interventionists are able to provide individual or small group instruction to support the practice.
Math – Tier 3 Intensive Intervention for students needing targeted support will be provided primarily through the support and intervention components of the core textbook series (enVision Diagnosis and Intervention kit and Holt Are You Ready?) and Mastering Math Facts with more frequency and in smaller groups or individually. Intervention is provided by a math specialist, special education teacher or member of the math or special education support staff for an additional 20-30 minutes beyond Tiers 1 & 2.
Math - Tier 3 Changes The intervention materials that complement the core textbook are more diagnostic and prescriptive than those with our previous textbook series. Data is used to determine the skills on which individual students need intervention and the appropriate resources are selected based on those needs. There is also an increased emphasis on error analysis and intervention related to specific errors and misconceptions.
Smart Goal #1 Reading – DIBELS By spring 2012, 80% of students in grades K-6 scoring at Intensive on the fall universal screener (DIBELS) will move to the Strategic or Benchmark level and 80% of all students scoring at Strategic on the fall universal screener (DIBELS) will move to Benchmark level.
1 Identify students with strategic and intensive needs at fall data review. 2 Form intervention groups and determine appropriate interventions based on skill- specific student needs 3 Implement intervention groups Smart Goal #1 Reading – DIBELS
4 Utilize diagnostic tools contextualized within a curriculum based evaluation (CBE) process (such as Quick Phonics Screener, Multi-Dimensional Fluency Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) 5 Ensure and support implementation of the core reading program with integrity, including differentiated activities during workshop (such as ability/interest centers, tiered assignments, flexible grouping, high-level questioning, and goal setting) to meet the skill-specific needs of students 6 Implement Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) strategies for English language development 7 Conduct progress monitoring data reviews every 6-8 weeks including classroom teachers, the reading team, and SPED teachers, C&I support will be provided.
Smart Goal #1 Reading – DIBELS 8 Use data-based decision making process to differentiate instruction during the core and workshop for students with strategic needs 9 Make decisions based on diagnostic data and prescriptively implement interventions to address students with intense or more comprehensive reading needs during core reading time and tier 2 and 3 instruction 10 Refine support model for students with disabilities to include appropriate differentiated instruction during core reading time 11 Strengthen IEPs by mirroring district MTSS efforts. This will result in PLEPs that are more diagnostic, describing the students’ strengths and needs in the essential components of reading. 12 Assist students in establishing reading goals related to the DIBELS assessment.
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements Annually from 2011 to 2012, the percent of All Students and each disaggregated subgroup (free/reduced, ELL, white, black, Hispanic, SPED) scoring at standard or higher on the Kansas Reading Assessment will improve by 3.5% (2010: all students 71.1%, free/reduced 67.8%, ELL 66.3%, white 78.4%, black 61.3%, Hispanic 68.4%, and SPED 38.9% ). By increasing the percentage of students scoring at standard or higher, the percentage of students scoring below standard will decrease.
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 1 Review Kansas Reading Assessment data to identify targeted indicators for each grade level 2 Using the assessment correlation binder and reading long-range plans, implement the identified Open Court lessons in which each tested indicator is taught (grades 3-6)
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 3 Ensure and support implementation of the core reading program with integrity, including differentiated activities during workshop (such as ability/interest centers, tiered assignments, flexible grouping, high-level questioning, and goal setting) to meet the skill-specific needs of students 4 Continue and expand tutoring program with an emphasis on tested indicators on which the student has not demonstrated mastery through formative assessment
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 5 Implement Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) strategies for English language development 6 Identify and implement reading strategies across the curriculum: summarization, retelling main ideas and supporting details
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 7 Utilize the vocabulary sketch technique 8 Use KCA formative assessment data to drive intervention groups and classroom instruction. 9 Design a plan to continue intervention instruction for intensive students during the assessment window.
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 10 Design and implement a reading homework program to encourage parental involvement, family reading night, tips in bulletin for family reading success, and translation of important communication for ELL parents to encourage parental involvement. 11 Assist students in establishing reading goals related to the state reading assessment
Smart Goal #2 – Reading - Subgroups Interval Improvements 12 Utilize Quarterly Long-range Reading Plans to unify reading instruction both in the classroom and in the intervention groups.
SMART Goal #1: Mathematics By the 2010-11 school year and annually thereafter, the percent of students scoring at or above Meets Standard on each of the math basic skills tests will improve by 2% (2010: first quarter 82%, second quarter 86%, third quarter 82%).
SMART Goal #1: Mathematics 1 Implement new core math textbooks and intervention materials 2 Refine and expand use of math manipulatives and visual representations to develop conceptual understanding and make connections within and outside mathematics 3 Administer Universal Screening Assessments (Tests of Early Numeracy, K-1; Monitoring Basic Skills Progress, 2; and NWEA MAP, 3-6)
SMART Goal #1: Mathematics 4 Identify students with strategic and intensive needs at fall data review 5 Form intervention groups and determine appropriate interventions (concept-based or skill-based) 6 Implement intervention groups
SMART Goal #2: Mathematics By spring 2011 and annually thereafter, the percent of All Students and each disaggregated subgroup (Black, Hispanic, White, ELL, free/reduced, and SPED) scoring at or above Meets Standard on the Kansas Math Assessment will improve by 3% (All Students 90.7%, Black, 80.6%, Hispanic 90.9%, 90.0%, White 94.6%, ELL 92.6%, free/reduced 88.2%, SPED 72.2%). By increasing the percentage of students scoring at standard or higher, the percentage of students scoring below standard will decrease.
SMART Goal #2: Mathematics 1 Implement new core math textbooks and intervention materials 2 Refine and expand use of math manipulatives and visual representations to develop conceptual understanding and make connections within and outside mathematics
SMART Goal #2: Mathematics 3 Identify students with strategic and intensive needs at fall data review (include previous year’s Kansas Math Assessment data in data review) 4 Form intervention groups and determine appropriate interventions (concept-based or skill-based) 5 Implement intervention groups
SMART Goal #2: Mathematics 6 Continue and expand tutoring program 7 Pose higher-level thinking questions in regards to interpreting and analyzing data displays including those in science, social studies, PE, music, and library and student- created graphs of student progress on weekly assessments (Power Drill/Quick Check, Mastering Math Facts 2-minute timings, Distributive Review Weekly Review, etc.)
SMART Goal #2: Mathematics 8 Apply MAPS strategy to all computation- based word problems and apply reading strategies such as main idea, visualizing, and retell to word problems 9 Represent Part-to-Whole relationships with bar diagrams to solve problems
SMART Goal: Operations By the end of the 2010-11 school year all students will have less than 5 office referrals, with 90% having zero to one office referral. Action steps 1 Conduct PBS Team and Coaches Training 2 Conduct Faculty PBS Training
SMART Goal: Operations 3 Develop Lesson Plans for Teaching School- Wide Expectations 4 Instruction and Modeling of School Wide Expectations for staff and students 5 Implement Behavior Management Flow Chart 6 Analyze Office Discipline Report and add modifications as needed 7 Teach staff the distinction between minor and major infractions 8 Identify Existing and Potential Community Agency Partners
RB Staff Development Reading Refresher training and reflective feedback on core Open Court components and workshop Training on embedding summarization, main idea, and retell strategies across the curriculum Training on matching student profile to differentiation strategies (such as ability/interest centers, tiered assignments, flexible grouping, high-level questioning, and goal setting) within core and workshop and classroom management strategies to facilitate differentiation Training reading specialists and SPED staff on the administration of diagnostic tools specific to the big five areas of reading (named in the action steps) and interpretation of the data
RB Staff Development Reading (-cont.) Training SPED staff to strengthen the goal writing of IEPs which will result in PLEPs that are more diagnostic, describing the students’ strengths and needs in the essential components of reading. Book study on Shelter Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP). Implement effective core reading and workshop with students engaged in meaningful differentiated activities facilitated by appropriate staff members during times identified in the master schedule Side by side coaching of classroom teachers for core Open Court and workshop
RB Staff Development Reading (-cont) Utilize summarization, main idea, and retell strategies across the curriculum Administer diagnostic tools and utilize the data for instructional planning within the core and workshop and for forming intervention groups Write more specific IEP goals IEPs which will result in PLEPs that are more diagnostic, describing the students’ strengths and needs in the essential components of reading. Side by side coaching of reading specialists, SPED staff, and interventionists Implement SIOP strategies in the classroom. RESULT of RBSD = Improved student performance in the classroom and on DIBELS and Kansas Reading Assessment
RB Staff Development Math Training on implementation and best-practices for new textbook materials and technology (all teachers attend ½ day program training session lead by a publisher consultant and ½ day technology training session led by a trained colleague) Training on using math manipulatives to enhance instruction and develop conceptual understanding, make math more visual and make connections within and outside mathematics (incorporate use of manipulatives into grade level instructional planning meetings)
RB Staff Development Math (-cont.) Training on the types of graphs students need to be able to read, which types of graphs are appropriate for which types of data and questioning strategies for graphs Training on effectively using the MAPS problem-solving process outside the MAPS+ program and incorporating reading strategies into solving word problems Training on the use of Bar Diagrams in mathematical problem solving Training on scoring and administration of the Tests of Early Numeracy and Monitoring Basic Skills Progress
RB Staff Development Math (-cont.) Implement effective core math and workshop utilizing technology and manipulatives with students engaged in meaningful differentiated activities facilitated by appropriate staff members during times identified in the master schedule Incorporate bar diagrams and the MAPS problem- solving strategy in solving word problems Administer the Tests of Early Numeracy and Monitoring Basic Skills Progress
RB Staff Development Math (-cont.) Result of RBSD => Improved student performance in the classroom and on math basic skills and the Kansas Math Assessment
RB Staff Development Strategies – Operations Goal PBS Behavior Expectations and Systems Protocol Training District PBS Training Peer Modeling Peer Coaching Outside Presenters Self-Reflections Result of RBSD =>Student office discipline referrals will decrease
How will Nieman monitor this plan? P 82 Review of Action Steps in SMART Goals and Results- Based Staff Development Plan Review of evaluative data – DIBELS - Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills – NWEA MAP tests – Measure of Academic Progress in Reading & Math – Math Tests of Early Numeracy & Basic Skills Progress & Tests – KS Reading & Math Assessments & Indicator Reports – Professional Development evaluations & classroom observations – Attendance at Parental Involvement activities – Parent Surveys – Site Council & PTA Mtg Minutes – Review of Action plan steps for effectiveness – SW Information System (SWIS) Data
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