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Materials And Construction Technology Materials And Construction Technology PALESTINE UNIVERSITY Chapter No.#8 Mechanical Works Dr. Ali Ibrahim Tayeh.

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Presentation on theme: "Materials And Construction Technology Materials And Construction Technology PALESTINE UNIVERSITY Chapter No.#8 Mechanical Works Dr. Ali Ibrahim Tayeh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials And Construction Technology Materials And Construction Technology PALESTINE UNIVERSITY Chapter No.#8 Mechanical Works Dr. Ali Ibrahim Tayeh

2 MECHANICAL WORKS General Mechanical works must have high control in order to prevent any damage. Mechanical works must have high control in order to prevent any damage. Because its problem appear after some times. Because its problem appear after some times. All life on Earth depends on water. Human uses include drinking, bathing, crop irrigation, electricity generation, and industrial activity. For some of these uses the available water is not clean enough and requires treatment prior to use. Over the last century, the primary goals of water treatment have remained the same – to produce water that is biologically and chemically safe, is appealing to consumers, and is non-corrosive and non-scaling.

3 MECHANICAL WORKS considerations MECHANICAL WORKS considerations We should take in our considerations Bath room accessories distribution  Accessories (such as grab bars, paper towel dispenser, seat cover dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, soap dispenser, hand dryer, etc.) should not be appeared by doors.  Bath room accessories distribution depend on accessories dimensions

4 Structural factors pipes must be taken in consecration when we design structural element for buildings as drop beams. pipes must be taken in consecration when we design structural element for buildings as drop beams.

5 MECHANICAL WORKS considerations  water pipes must be prevented to locate near to footings or in the middle of buildings  water pipes must be prevented to locate near to footings or in the middle of buildings. Collector boxes  Collector boxes must be located in a suitable place enable the human move with more friability in order to be easier maintenance and easier insulation  Collector boxes must be located in a suitable place enable the human move with more friability in order to be easier maintenance and easier insulation.


7 MECHANICAL WORKS considerations Fresh water and waste water pipes must check it after installed it. It is preferred to control any supplier by water switch. To prevent leakage losses or to make high control and easy maintenance. It is preferred to use a good kind of switch to prevent water leakage and brokenness.

8 MECHANICAL WORKS Valves  All valves shall be installed so that they are accessible for inspection and maintenance, and are fully operable.  Air vents shall be located at highest points in the lines.  No joints shall be made within walls, floors or ceiling thickness, or in inaccessible positions.  Drain valves shall be provided at the bottom of every riser and on the outlet side of branch isolating valves, and at all low undeniable points.

9 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves Stop Valves With Threaded Ends

10 MECHANICAL WORKS Testing  The domestic hot and cold water service pipe work shall be tested with potable water to a pressure of 1 1/2 times the working head and maintained for two hours without further application of pressure, and without visible leakage or drop in indicated pressure.  In the event of the failure of any test the defect shall be located and repaired, and the test repeated.

11 MECHANICAL WORKS Testing  All pipe work shall be hydraulically tested as soon as is practicable after installation and before completion of shaft walls, access panels, suspended ceilings and application of insulation.  The pipe work shall be inspected and hydraulically tested to not less than 1 1/2 times the working pressure whichever is greater. The test shall be maintained for 2 hours without further application of pressure and without visible leakage or drop in indicated pressure.

12 MECHANICAL WORKS Pipe Sleeves  Where pipes pass through floors or walls, compatible pipe sleeves shall be supplied. Unless otherwise stated pipe sleeves shall be sized to provide 15 mm clearance around the pipe to be installed or, where the pipe is to be thermally insulated or otherwise covered, 15 mm clearance around the surface covering in order that the sleeve may be packed and sealed with mineral or glass wool sealed at both ends with water and fire retardant mastic. Particular attention should be given to necessary fire-stop approval materials.

13 MECHANICAL WORKS Pipe Sleeves  Sleeves shall be of the same material as the piping and shall be cut to the correct required length at site with due allowance for the thickness of plaster and/or other finishes.  Water protecting pipe sleeves through floors shall be supplied and fixed in the following locations:  in floors provided with a waterproof membrane  in plant rooms  in kitchen areas



16 MECHANICAL WORKS Drainage System  This system shall be installed to collect the foul drainage from sanitary and waste water items and convey this effluent to the external authority sewers. Also this system shall cover the storm water (rain water) drainage.  Drainage water can be grouped to three group:  Clean water  Rain water  waste water

17 MECHANICAL WORKS Drainage System  Drainage water coming to its manholes by gravity generally  Some times we used pumps in order to getting water to manholes,in this case the reason to use pump is:  Difference of level  This happen if the lowest level of pipes is lower than the bottom level of manholes, so we use pump to come over this problem and getting the water out.





22 MECHANICAL WORKS Drainage System Huge quantities Some times huge quantities of water cause discharge problem, so we use pump to come over this problem and getting the water out. Water distribution systems carry drinking water from a centralized treatment plant or well supplies to consumers’ taps. These systems consist of pipes, pumps, valves, storage tanks, reservoirs, meters, fittings, and other hydraulic appurtenances The type and age of the pipes that make up water distribution systems range from cast iron pipes installed during the late 19th century to ductile iron pipe and finally to plastic pipes introduced in the 1970s and beyond.

23 MECHANICAL WORKS Water supply distributions

24 MECHANICAL WORKS Water supply distributions

25 MECHANICAL WORKS Roof isolation Roof isolation   To check roof isolation we must close all sewage or rain water pipe opening then pump a big water quantities to special datum and observe the change of water level with respect to datum level   Piping requiring to be thermally insulated or otherwise covered shall be so fixed as to permit the application of the covering around the full circumference and also leave adequate space between covered pipes.

26 MECHANICAL WORKS ELEVATOR ELEVATOR There are General spas faction should be taken in our consideration in order to get more safe elevators as:   Driving system.   Capacity (LOAD).   Power supply.   Motor capacity.   Stops and saftey.   Travel   Rate speed.   Door systems.   Door size.   Car Size.   Hoist way Size.



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