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Censorship Thomas Morrissy and Sam Joiner. Individual rights as determined by the government o Adults should be able to read see and hear what they.

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Presentation on theme: "Censorship Thomas Morrissy and Sam Joiner. Individual rights as determined by the government o Adults should be able to read see and hear what they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Censorship Thomas Morrissy and Sam Joiner


3 Individual rights as determined by the government o Adults should be able to read see and hear what they want o Minors should be protected from material likely to harm or disturb them o Everyone should be protected from exposure to unsolicited material that they find offensive; o The need to take account of community concerns about: o Depictions that condone or incite violence, particularly sexual violence and the portrayal of a persons in a demeaning manner Individual Rights

4 Laissez-faire approach o Individuals are capable of determining the quality of internet content and the governments should not intervene in the 'marketplace of ideas' Interventionist approach o Government's' role is to ensure that the law deals with online phenomenon like racial hatred and pornography o This approach will involve:  enacting legislation  imposing obligations on ISPs  strengthening enforcement agencies

5 Internet Censorship in Australia One of the strictest in the West Arguments for: o Protection of children o Privacy o Makes the internet a safer and cleaner place Arguments against: o Internet Service Providers say that it can be too easily bypassed o Enforcement too onerous o Filter may block material than has nothing to do with the type of content that the law aims to fight

6 Mobile Censorship Australian Communications Authority guidelines: o Mobile phones with chat services were to monitor all content o The ABA had been given the power to remove all outlawed content or services o Phone companies were to check a customer's age before making any content that would be classified MA15+ or R18+ available

7 Legislation Broadcasting Services Act 1992 Allows the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to ban content from Australia o Refused classification (or X18+) o R18+ o MA15+

8 Legislation Howard government introduced a filtering scheme that was imposed on all Internet Service Providers (ISP) Labor Party proposed to extend censorship into a mandatory filtering that would ban potential refused content material Argued that it would not only block inappropriate material, it would also combat child pornagraphy

9 Future Directions In order to combat cyber crime, there must be enforceable laws Government provides public goods that enable individuals and businesses to use the internet o cable network and communication laws o criminal laws o laws governing property rights o enforcement agencies

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