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Why Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence?
21/04/2017 CFMU User Forum ‘09 Why Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence? Welcome, thanks for your interest Christian Faber: Responsible for Operational Investigation, reporting and Quality of Service Christian Faber Head of Investigation Enter here your Presentation Title
Traffic exceeds capacities by more than 10% = ATFCM "over delivery"
21/04/2017 The problem Traffic exceeds capacities by more than 10% = ATFCM "over delivery" Not flying at the requested flight level (RFL) Arriving in the sector earlier or later than planned Departing at times different from EOBT/CTOT Deviating from their original planned route Problem Statement Too many aircraft? No Too many aircraft at the place at the wrong time? No Too many aircraft at a unknown place at an unexpected time! Definition of “Over Delivery” Not flying at the requested flight level (RFL) Arriving in the sector earlier or later than originally planned Departing at times different from the original estimated off block time (EOBT) or calculated take off time (CTOT) Deviating from their original planned route (often direct routeing (DCT)) Network effect impacting SAFETY! CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Example 1 regulated airspace FL380 FL340 re-filed FPL
21/04/2017 Example 1 regulated airspace FL380 FL340 re-filed FPL “Request FL 380!” The basic principle/example of FL non-adherence. ADEP ADES distance CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Example 2: over delivery in Austria
21/04/2017 Example 2: over delivery in Austria 16 flights flying higher than filed A real example on an over delivery: LOVVWHT sector (FL ) on a day in August 2009 between The sector could be split, only because staff were available at the time to control the situation. 53 CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
What’s the effect… Potentially excessive workload,
21/04/2017 What’s the effect… Potentially excessive workload, Wasted capacity in some sectors, An overall lack of confidence in the accuracy of forecast traffic counts, Protective capacity reduction, Increased workload, stress or working conditions such that the ability of ATC controller may be significantly impaired and thus a safety issue. CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
FPL route - real route 21/04/2017
Example of a adherence during one day in Europe. CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
The network impact Actual routes FPL routes 21/04/2017
Comparing flight plan routes plotted on a map against the actual routes in central Europe CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence awareness campaign
21/04/2017 Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence awareness campaign Three main elements of adherence Adherence to requested FL (one of the main reason for over-deliveries) Adherence to Flow Measures, mainly CTOT (thus arriving too early/late in the sectors) Adherence to filed route (incomplete or incorrect ATFCM picture) Procedures and rules exist already Purpose of the campaign: Increase awareness amongst aviation staff, including pilots, ATCOs and dispatchers on the network impact of non-adherence. CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
21/04/2017 ICAO Doc 7030/4 (EUR) “ATC is responsible for departure slot monitoring at departure aerodromes…” “…Aircraft operators shall inform themselves of and adhere to… current ATFM measures…” “Any changes to the EOBT of more than 15 minutes for any IFR flight within the IFPZ shall be communicated to the IFPS” “ATC is responsible for departure slot monitoring at departure aerodromes…” “…Aircraft operators shall inform themselves of and adhere to… current ATFM measures (e.g. specific measures applicable on the day in question such as ATFM slot or flight suspension)” “Any changes to the EOBT of more than 15 minutes for any IFR flight within the IFPZ shall be communicated to the IFPS” CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Commission regulation (EC) No 1033/2006 (1st January 2009)
21/04/2017 Commission regulation (EC) No 1033/2006 (1st January 2009) “The operator shall ensure that the conditions of acceptance of a flight plan and any necessary changes thereto as notified by IFPS to the originator are incorporated into the planned flight operation and communicated to the pilot.” “The operator shall ensure prior to operation of the flight that the content of the initial flight plan correctly reflects the operational intentions.” CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
21/04/2017 Possible reasons for non-adherence (received via ‘Support Request’ on Skybrary) Request for support issed via Skybrary: 1. How does non-adherence of EOBT/CTOT, requested level, or change of routeings affect your operations? 2. What are the possible reasons (root causes) of non-adherence? 3. What are your recommendations or proposed solutions to improve adherence and avoid re-occurrence?” Congestion on the ground of the airport and inefficient or unrealistic turnover process. Underestimation of the network effects by ATC due to low traffic at own airport/sector. Lack of trust in load figures. Weather problems. Lack of knowledge of the network effect. Pressure to make up lost time. Discrepancy between estimated and actual winds. … CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Recommendations (received via ‘Support Request’ on Skybrary)
21/04/2017 Recommendations (received via ‘Support Request’ on Skybrary) Request for support issed via Skybrary: 1. How does non-adherence of EOBT/CTOT, requested level, or change of routeings affect your operations? 2. What are the possible reasons (root causes) of non-adherence? 3. What are your recommendations or proposed solutions to improve adherence and avoid re-occurrence?” Recommendation: Move away from RPLs, filed per season, not flexible. Enable direct filing – route structure should be gradually re-designed. Solve problems leading to delayed off-block, ground handling, late passenger. Ensure update of EOBTs, inform pilot of FPL changes. Ensure that ATC and cockpit systems display relevant ATFCM information, e.g. overloads, levels capped. Provide or improve ATFCM training for TWR and AO personnel. OPS Management to promote strict adherence to EOBT/CTOT and FL/route. Change of FL should only be initiated to ensure safe separation and other reasons for the safe conduct of flight. CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
What has been done? Publications:
21/04/2017 What has been done? Publications: Website*, brochures, flyers, posters, presentations, WBT (e-learning) Promotion with international organisations and working groups: IATA, IACA, IFATCA, IFALPA/ECA, IFALDA, ODSG, DOP Contacted: ANSPs, ACCs, AOs, AOs military, FPL Service Providers to AOs, Airports, Pilots (via IATA / IFALPA), Industry. CFMU User Forum 2009 * Enter here your Presentation Title
request lower (unable)
21/04/2017 What has been done? CTOT adherence Following countries are/were involved or have been contacted regarding CTOT adherence: EB, LK, HE, LF, LG, LH, LT, EG OPS evaluation Maastricht and Rhein UAC operational evaluation of requested FL Training SkyGuide include subject in ATCO refresher training (MUAC plans to do the same) System SkyGuide system trial of identification of flights at differing RFL prior to ACC entry. TFV No. of FLTs request higher request lower request lower (unable) EDUFBM 78 2,56 1,28 EDU FFMM 336 10,12 8,04 0,00 EDUFMT 489 7,16 16,36 0,20 EDUUNTM 370 5,41 16,22 EDUERLH 144 8,33 9,03 0,69 CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
From awareness to improvements
21/04/2017 From awareness to improvements Continue awareness activities and assessments at local, regional and network levels Continue to address adherence issues at individual airports and ACCs with ANSPs, AOs and authorities concerned Best Practices (local initiatives, ATCO & pilot training, etc) Trials, comparison exercises (routes filed versus flown) and simulations to show impact Adherence Day (see next slide) CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Adherence Day One day operational evaluation through
21/04/2017 Adherence Day One day operational evaluation through ‘full’ application of adherence procedures Objectives: Measure the effect of adherence to FPL and ATFCM measures Determine benefits arising from accurate EOBT/CTOT & RFL with regard to sector counts (potential release of capacity) Improve the quality of FPL with regard to routes (incl. DCT) and FLs To be addressed: Scope of adherence procedures to be applied Geographical scope Need for awareness and participation of many actors: ANSPs, ATCO’s, AO’s, Pilots, FPSP, Authorities, … Need for clear guidance on “rules of the game” Address any legal aspects Use of results: Compare filed and real trajectory with other similar days Show impact of (non-) adherence on network performance Identify issues Use as basis for further convincing of operational partners Use as basis for further improvement actions CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Benefits of adherence reliable and accurate data for all involved
21/04/2017 Benefits of adherence reliable and accurate data for all involved improved predictability of traffic improved network demand-capacity balancing increased capacity increased safety flight efficiency CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
Questions 21/04/2017 Enter here your Presentation Title
CFMU User Forum 2009 Enter here your Presentation Title
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