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Presentation on theme: "INFORMACJA O WSOSP Dęblin, 26.04.2014. THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER TRAINING CENTRE (ATC TC) The scope of training provided to."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMACJA O WSOSP Dęblin, 26.04.2014

2 THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER TRAINING CENTRE (ATC TC) The scope of training provided to Air Force Personnel by ATC TC is based on legal regulations including:  Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 on the provision of air navigation services in the Single European Sky  Commission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 of 10 August 2011 laying down detailed rules for air traffic controllers’ licences and certain certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council  ANEX 1 ICAO on personel licencing

3 THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY AVIATION ENGLISH” ELPAC LANGUAGE TRAINING CENTRE Well linguistically prepared personnel - new documentation - new work environment - new operational requirements - new language skills demands ELPAC STANDARDS

4 Language Proficiency Skills, The ICAO Definition: The knowledge and abilities which impact on the capacity of a given individual to communicate spontaneously, accurately, intelligibly, meaningfully and appropriately in a given language. (ICAO Doc 9835: Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements) Language Proficiency Requirement

5  Why did ICAO introduce English Language Proficiency Requirement?  Language as a contributing factor in accidents and incidents: - incorrect use of standardised phraseology - lack of plain language proficiency - use of more than one language in the same airspace THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY

6  Choosing competency based training and testing solutions based on ICAO best practice recommendations.  Considerations for the choice of the test.  ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements – a key competency skill throughout the career of Aviation professionals. THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement

7 Aviation English: Competency based approach  Competency can be described as: an essential knowledge, skill and attitude required for effective and proficient performance of a task or activity relative to language learning and testing: what learners can do with language rather than what they know about it. THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement

8 .. Maintaining English Language Proficiency Infrequently used language is located at the back of your mind and requires more time and effort to be accessed. Frequently and recently used language is stored at the front of your mind and is rapidly accessible.

9 Language Proficiency Requirement English Language Proficiency Standard RadiotelephonyPhraseology vs Aviation English unexpected, non routine situations Effective Communication Safe Air Traffic Management PILOT ATC

10 Language Proficiency Requirement ICAO Standard Phraseology ‘Teaching and testing standardized phraseology are operational issues, not a language proficiency issue.’ ICAO Doc 9835: Aviation English While an aviation language test may include phraseology … is important that tests elicit a broad range of plain language and not be limited to tasks that require standardized phraseology. The focus of a language proficiency test for compliance with ICAO requirements should be on plain language.’ ICAO Doc 9835: THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY

11 Language Proficiency Requirement Selecting appropriate Aviation English Training and Testing solutions Best Practices based on: ICAO Doc 9835: Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements. 1st Edition 2004 - 2nd Edition 2010 ICAO Circular 323: Guidelines for Aviation English Training Programmes ICAO Circular 318: Language Testing Criteria for Global Harmonization ICAO Aviation English test endorsement service

12  ICAO compliant English Language proficiency tests ICAO Aviation English proficiency test endorsement  Addresses concerns for lack of harmonious results between tests which may threaten the fundamental safety objectives of English language proficiency requirements.  Impartial and objective evaluation on the validity and reliability of tests designed to meet ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements as stated in SARPS and ICAO doc 9835. THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement

13  ELPAC tests English language proficiency at ICAO level 4 (operational), level 5 (extended) and level 6 (expert). Both phraseology and plain language is included in the test.  Plain language proficiency is an essential component of radiotelephony communications as it is not possible to develop phraseologies to cover every conceivable situation.  ELPAC is partly a web-based test. This will not only ensure that test administration is as economical as possible but it also fosters a high level of test security and ensures confidentiality of all content.  There are two test papers:  Paper 1 : Listening Comprehension  Paper 2 : Oral Interaction. THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement

14 THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement Paper 1 (Listening Comprehension) tests understanding communications between pilots and controllers and between controllers and controllers in both routine and non-routine situations. The recordings are based on authentic material and range from short standard pilot transmissions to longer communications in which the controller deals with non-routine or unusual situations. ELPAC Paper 1 is administered via internet and takes around 40 minutes. Paper 2 (Oral Interaction) assesses the controller's proficiency through non-visual and visual communication in three tasks. This includes: the correct use of standard ICAO phraseology switching between structured phrases [RTF] and plain English making an appropriate response to a pilot message resolving misunderstandings dealing effectively with the relationship between pilot and controller negotiating a developing unusual situation making a verbal report in English (of the unusual situation)producing extended speech in an aviation context ELPAC Paper 2 is administered by two ELPAC examiners, a language expert and an operational expert, and takes around 20 minutes

15 Language Proficiency Requirement In ELPAC case, the test construct is defined by the rating scale in ICAO Annex I. Pronunciation Structure Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Interaction

16 THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement Rater Reliability Intra-rater reliability – Extent to which a particular rater consistently uses a proficiency scale Inter-rater reliability – Extent to which a group of independent raters agree on a candidate’s performance Good feedback from the candidates ELPAC test administration is as economical as possible, fosters a high level of test security and ensures confidentiality of all content

17 THE POLISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY Language Proficiency Requirement If today what attracts students’ attention comes through electronic, visual and digital means… then educators must make use of the same tools… to ENGAGE them. If students are to learn, it’d better be via tools with which they (not us) are most familiar with. Keeping Aviation Attractive Trends are there to be followed Stay up-to-date Novelty must not be resisted Be prepared for change


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