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Autonomous Multiagent Systems Instructor: Peter Stone.

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Presentation on theme: "Autonomous Multiagent Systems Instructor: Peter Stone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autonomous Multiagent Systems Instructor: Peter Stone

2 Welcome! Introductions Goal: to make this a fun and memorable course Exposure to cutting-edge research Experience doing the things researchers do

3 Administrative Stuff Please follow instructions on course web page: –Get on the mailing list Who doesn’t have a cs account? Who doesn’t know Unix? Signup for presentations Grading

4 Today A brief introduction to autonomous agents –Details in the readings for next week An introduction to Robocup: robot soccer world cup –Your programming assignments will be in the RoboCup simulator.

5 Words without (accepted) definitions Intelligence Agent But there are examples…. All proposed definitions include too much or leave gaps.

6 Intelligent (autonomous) Agents Autonomous robot Information gathering agent –Find me the cheapest… E-commerce agents –Decides what to buy/sell and does it Air-traffic controller Meeting scheduler Computer-game-playing agent

7 Not Intelligent Agents Thermostat Telephone Answering machine Pencil Java object

8 Agents vs. Objects Agents decide what to do Object methods are called externally Agents react flexibly to sensory inputs

9 My Requirement of Agents They must sense their environment They must decide what action to take (“think”) They must execute the action in their environment

10 For more on agents… Assignment 1 readings Written assignment (on web page) is to identify an intelligent agent not listed above and not defined in the readings Programming assignment (on web page) is to get familiar with the RoboCup simulator –No real programming this week, but there is something to turn in.

11 RoboCup The rest of today is an introduction to RoboCup –A great domain for studying agents –Basis of your programming assignments Today: video about all of RoboCup including work with real robots, disaster rescue, etc. This class: all in the RoboCup simulator

12 RoboCup The Robot World Cup Initiative

13 What is RoboCup? An international initiative to promote AI and robotics research using the game of soccer. Administrated by The RoboCup Federation. Activities: –Robot World Cup Soccer Games –RoboCup-Rescue –RoboCup Jr. –Technical conferences

14 The Dream By 2050, build a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots which win against the human world champion under the official regulations of FIFA.

15 Why RoboCup? A Landmark Project –Challenging goal and spill-over of technolgoies A platform for project-oriented education in science and technology A standard problem for AI and robotics.

16 Apollo Project Dream: Send men to the moon and safely return them to the earth. (J.F.K.) Technologies: systems science, electronics, aviation, project management, etc. Effects: Major impacts to U.S. industries.

17 Computer Chess Dream: to develop a computer that can beat human chess champion. Technologies: Search algorithms, parallel computing, parallel machine architectures, etc. Effects: Basic computer algorithms, parallel programming, etc.

18 Computer Chess Vs. RoboCup

19 Technology areas RoboCup promotes Intelligent robotics Multi-agent systems Real-time recognition and behavior systems Agent architecture Real-time planning under dynamic environment Real-time animation Network-based interactive 3D graphics Sensor fusion Bio-mimetic sensors, actuators, and batteries

20 Application of RoboCup technologies Disaster rescue Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) Deep space exploration Office robot Distributed agents

21 Can we accomplish the goal? 19031969 © NASA

22 Computer Chess ENIAC 1946 Deep Blue 1997 © IBM

23 RoboCup-97 Nagoya 35 teams from 12 countries

24 RoboCup-98 Paris 60 teams from 20 countries

25 RoboCup-99 Stockholm 90 teams from 30 countries

26 Recent and Future RoboCups RoboCup-2000 in Melbourne (video) RoboCup-2001 in Seattle –110 teams, 580 registered participants RoboCup-2002 in Japan –188 teams, 29 countries, 1004 participants –117,300 spectators! RoboCup-2003 in Padua, Italy

27 International RoboCup Events Competitions –Simulator: 11 vs. 11, fully distributed –Small-size robots: 5 vs. 5, global vision –Middle-size robots: 4 vs. 4, local vision –Legged robots: 3 vs. 3, fully autonomous –Humanoid robots: to be defined Workshop and technical discussions

28 Simulator system

29 Middle Size League Osaka Univ. vs. GMD University of Southern California RMIT-97

30 Sony Legged Robot League 98 Paris 99 Stockholm

31 RoboCup Humanoid League There are research groups which built humanoids. The first humanoid league in 2002. © Honda Motors Co.

32 RoboCup’s three major activites RoboCup Research oriented RoboCup Jr. Education and Entertainment RoboCup-Rescue Social Issues, Research

33 The Issues Creative kids Basic tools for creativity, and science education for youth.

34 RoboCup Jr. Mainly soccer, but not strictly limited to soccer. Different set up based on educational needs. Low cost Provide a basic tools and kits. Smooth transition to RoboCup

35 RoboCup Rescue Rescue simulation and rescue robots some common features with soccer, and some complementarily features Direct social impacts

36 Rescue vs. Soccer Heterogeneous agentsHomogeneous agents Very large number of11 agents / team agents (> 1,000) Hostile environmentHostile opponent LogisticsReactive teamwork Resource shairngReal-time planning Emergent teamwork

37 Current Status Large Scale Disaster Simulator publicly available. Study on rescue robots underway. First competitions were at RoboCup-2001

38 Current status on rescue research Very weak in disaster rescue simulation.. Almost none. Disaster simulation exists, but not integrated. There are few specific simulation such as fire proliferation, but not integrated with other aspects nor interactive.

39 3D Simulation and Visualization Computer Graphics by the Port Authority Research Center, Ministry of Construction, Government of Japan

40 3D Visualization Agent View Computer Graphics by the Port Authority Research Center, Ministry of Construction, Government of Japan

41 Vision of RoboCup-Rescue Develop a comprehensive Rescue Simulator and make it available to public. –Create “Rescue Science” –Evaluation of rescue strategies –Promote AI and robotics research Integrate with real command control system The standard for rescue systems.

42 Future of RoboCup A major international event on research and entertainment Robot sports, robot entertainment Socially significant research and activities in the area of Rescue and education

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