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Jefferson High School Presents WORLD EXPOSITION 2013.

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1 Jefferson High School Presents WORLD EXPOSITION 2013

2 A brief history of world expos  The first official world expo was held in 1851 at the Crystal Palace in London  The theme was “Industry”

3 Exposition Universelle 1889  Paris, France  Showcased civil engineering

4 Pageant of the Pacific 1939  Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA


6 Shanghai 2010 “Better City, Better Life”  Theme was urban development  Cleaner, more efficient cities

7 Daly City 2012 (Europe) “Architecture Across the Pond”


9 Daly City 2013- East Asia: “Shui- Building Blocks of Life”

10 Why Water?  Water is the most critical resource in the world

11 Objectives  Using the 5 themes of geography, you will be presenting an East Asian country with a focus on its major cities

12 Our Region…  EAST ASIA

13 Instructions  Each team will pick a country in East Asia and research its five themes of geography  Each day you will have a task to complete in the computer lab

14 Human-Environment Interaction  Particular focus on the way people use water  What are the main sources of water?  How do people use water in this area?  Hydroelectricity?  Freshwater  Farming  Reclaim land  What are some methods people use to recycle, reuse, and reduce water consumption?

15 Example: Nevada, USA  Boulder City, Nevada, USA  Colorado River was once used solely for irrigation  In the 1930’s, President FDR commissioned the construction of the Boulder Dam (now known as the Hoover Dam)  Harnessed the power of the Colorado River for Hydroelectric power  Lake Mead was formed as a result and is used for recreation

16 World Fair Project Components  Research Packet (10 days total)  Research Paper  Display  World Fair Presentation  Class Presentation

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