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Applying for funding: how does it work? Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' Open Info Day -Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying for funding: how does it work? Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' Open Info Day -Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying for funding: how does it work? Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' Open Info Day -Horizon 2020 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' Brussels, 22 Nov 2013

2 Disclaimer Pending formal adoption by the EU of the Horizon 2020 legal texts, the content of these slides is not definitive and so should not be taken as such, nor used or referred to as such in any way or for any purpose

3 From CALL to GRANT Publication of the calls Submission of proposals Signature grant agreement Information on the outcome of the evaluator Time to prepare the proposal Finalisation of the grant Evaluation

4 Rules for Participation and Dissemination Finding funding opportunities- proposal submission HORIZON 2020

5 Rules for Participation and Dissemination

6 Innovation, Simplification and Coherence Rules for participation: Three main objectives RfP Horizon 2020 CoherenceSimplification Innovation

7 Keeping flexibility where needed. A single set of rules etc. EU Financial Regulation Specific rules for participation Covering all H2020 research and innovation actions EU Financial Regulation Specific rules for participation

8 WE KEEP Grants as main form of funding Standard collaborative actions Coordination and support Use of Grant Agreements Actual costs Forms of funding - I

9 What is Grants to SME instrument Grants to Programme co-fund actions Specific provisions targeting innovation: pre-commercial procurement, procurement of innovative solutions and inducement prizes. Forms of funding - II NEW Enhanced use of other lump-sums, flat rates and unit costs.

10 SME Instrument: Implemented via single centralised management structure Bottom-up approach Continuously open call Only SMEs eligible for participation Specific procedures : SME Instrument

11 Conditions for Participation Minimum conditions Standard collaborative actions At least three legal entities each established in a different Member State or an Associated Country; ERC, SME instrument, programme co-fund, coordination and support, training and mobility actions: One legal entity established in a Member State or in an Associated Country. Additional Conditions In the work programme or work plan. No additional conditions in Health WP except for SME instrument

12 Participation Open for all legal entities established in third countries and for international organisations. International Cooperation - I Restrictions only possible if introduced in the work programme. For reciprocity reasons; For security reasons.

13 Funding Third country identified in the Work Programme or General list in Annex A plus entities established in US International Cooperation - II participation deemed by the Commission essential in the action or when provided under a bilateral scientific and technological agreement

14 One project = One rate For all beneficiaries and all activities in the grant. Defined in the Work Programme: ‒ Up to 100 % of the eligible costs; ‒ but limited to a maximum of 70 % for innovation projects (exception for non-profit organisations - maximum of 100%). (*) Research and technological development includes scientific coordination. (**) For beneficiaries that are non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs (***) The reimbursement of indirect eligible costs, in the case of coordination and support actions, may reach a maximum 7% of the direct eligible costs, excluding the direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary. (****) Including research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs) Maximum reimbursement rates Research and technological development activities (*) Demonstration activities Other activities Network of excellence 50% 75% (**) 100% Collaborative project(****) 50% 75% (**) 50%100% Coordination and support action 100% (***) A single funding rate FP7

15 Single indirect cost model 20% ? 60% ? Real ? Simplified? Single model: 25 % Flat Rate Single model: 25 % Flat Rate FP7

16 An example New funding model: what impact on the EU contribution? Direct costs Indirect costs Total costs % EU contribution EU contribution Flat-rate (60%)1006016075%€ 120 Direct costs Indirect costs Total costs % EU contribution EU contribution 100/25 Funding10025125100%€ 125 FP7 Majority of HES & RTOs

17 Personnel costs Wider acceptance of average personnel costs Acceptance of supplementary payments for non-profit organisations of up to 8000 euros/year/person Simplifying participation for SMEs Less requirements for time records …and more in the Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement Cost reimbursement

18 Controls and Audits Financial viability  Restricted to coordinators for projects ≥ €500 k€ CFS [Certificate for Financial Statements]  Only for final payments/per beneficiary /for actual costs ≥ €325 000 €  Optional Certificates on average personnel costs Ex-post audits  Provisions in Horizon 2020 Regulation!  Commission's audits up to two years after payment of the balance  Audit strategy focused on risk and fraud prevention Extrapolation  New Financial Regulation will apply  Continuity with FP7 Guarantee Fund

19 Ownership for the participant who generates results, joint-ownership only in specific circumstances Protection where appropriate Exploitation General obligation to exploit Dissemination principle maintained; Intellectual Property Rights - I We keep

20 Transfer and exclusive licences outside the Union/Associated Countries the grant agreement may foresee right to object if a participant has received Union funding Access rights for implementation and for exploitation purposes (also for affiliated entities established in MS/AC) Tailor-made provisions in the MGA for: security-related activities, ERC frontier research, SME instrument, mobility, support, KICs, etc. Intellectual Property Rights - II

21 What is Additional exploitation /dissemination obligations (in the work programme) Open access: obligatory for scientific publications and, to research data (in appropriate areas and when foreseen in the work programme) Access rights: for the Union under all parts of the programme and, for MS under 'Secure societies', Specific provision: for pre-commercial public procurement and for procurement of innovative solutions Intellectual Property Rights - III NEW

22 Time to grant: speeding up the process - I A maximum TTG of 8 months 5 months for informing all applicants on scientific evaluation 3 months for signature of GA

23 Time to grant: speeding up the process - II How to speed up the process No detailed negotiations: each proposal evaluated 'as it is', not as 'what could be'; Legal entity validated in parallel. No more paper: e-communication & e-signature of grants.

24 Finding funding opportunities - proposal submission

25 25 All call related documentation is published on the Participant Portal User friendly Participant Portal Easy to find funding opportunities H2020 Calls

26 Home page

27 Search Topics Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Calls Horizon 2020 COSME Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €70 billion budget. The first calls for proposals for Horizon 2020 are envisaged for December 2013. Its simplified rules and submission and grant management tools should facilitate participants' tasks. For practical guidance, see the H2020 Funding Guide. H2020 supports SMEs with a new instrument that runs throughout various funded research and innovation fields, so it should be easy for SMEs to find opportunities in many calls. H2020 also aims to enhance EU international research cooperation so there are more opportunities for Third Country participation. Having built H2020 around the main societal challenges like an ageing population, food security, energy efficiency, the EU attaches high importance to embed socio-economic sciences and humanities into the work programme. Another important priority of the Commission is to ensure gender is embedded in the design of Horizon 2020 project proposals.gender Other calls This page lists additional research activities, initiatives executed by several Member States or joint programmes, co-funded calls, thematic opportunities, and intergovernmental actions. Call updates The page displays the latest updates to the calls, like change of deadlines. Search The call search tool has several filtering options to help you select funding opportunities that are most relevant to your activities. COSME Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) will run from 2014 to 2020, with a planned budget of €2.3bn. It will facilitate SME access to finance, create supportive environment for business creation, help small businesses operate outside their home countries and improve their access to markets. FP7 and CIP – previous programmes FP7 and CIP are previous instruments to fund research and innovation activities in Europe for the period 2007 to 2013. You can view closed calls information of these programmes. Funding opportunities landing page

28 HORIZON 2020 CALLS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Calls Horizon 2020 COSME Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP)  Excellent Science  Industrial Leadership Industrial Leadership  Societal Challenges Societal Challenges  Spreading excellence and widening participation  Science with and for society   Filter options 66 results Specific Programme: Status: Type: ◎ Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls ☑ Calls for proposal ☑ Calls for tender ◎ Publication date Sort by: ○ Deadline ○ Title ○ Call ID Horizon 2020 calls Search Topics

29 SEARCH TOPICS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Cross-cutting Key-Enabling Technologies (KETs)  ERA-NET  GenderGender  International cooperation  SME Instrument  Socio-economic science and Humanities  Search keywords: climate change Search COSME Calls Search Topics Horizon 2020 predefined criteria: Search topics Horizon 2020

30 SEARCH TOPICS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Search keywords: climate change Search COSME Calls Horizon 2020 predefined criteria: 3 results ○ Publication date ◎ Deadline ○ Title ○ Call ID ◎ Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls Filter options: Sort by: Topic:SFS 7 - 2014: Optimising external nutrient inputs in intensive crop production systems in Europe European crop production is facing more and more difficulties in remaining competitive in the global market for many reasons. One of these reasons is certainly the high cost of external nutrient inputs necessary More… Call title: Sustainable Food SecurityStatus: Open Call identifier: H2020-SFS-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-03-18 Topic:WATER 2 – 2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate changeWATER 2 – 2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change The rising demands of a growing world population for food, water, materials and energy will put increasing pressures on land use, water resources and ecosystems. Energy consumption is expected to increase, More… Call title: Water Innovation: Boosting its value for EuropeStatus: Open Call identifier: H2020-WATER-2014/2015Deadline: 2014-03-18H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Topic:WATER 5 – 2014/2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water Developing countries, especially in Africa, are facing serious challenges for sustaining its development. Sustainable water supply and sanitation is fundamental to the food security, health, survival More… Call title: Water Innovation: Boosting its value for EuropeStatus: Open Call identifier: H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-03-18 Search topics – Results Horizon 2020 Cross-cutting Key-Enabling Technologies (KETs)  ERA-NET  GenderGender  International cooperation  SME Instrument  Socio-economic science and Humanities  Search Topics

31 HORIZON 2020 CALLS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Topics ▶ WATER 1 – 2014/2015: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication WATER 1 – 2014/2015: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication ▶ WATER 2 – 2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change ▶ WATER 3 – 2014/2015: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area ▶ WATER 4 – 2014: Harnessing EU water research and innovation results for industry, policy makers and citizens ▶ WATER 5 – 2014/2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water WATER INNOVATION: BOOSTING ITS VALUE FOR EUROPE H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Publication date: 2013-12-11 Deadline Date: 2014-03-18 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2: 2014-05-22 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget: €65.000.000Specific programme:Societal challenges Status: Open OJ reference:OJ C2020 11 of December 2013OJ C2020 11 of December 2013 Call summary Water is an invaluable resource for human health, food security, sustainable development and the environment, and is an economic sector of growing importance for Europe. However, water resources are constantly under pressure from climate change, urbanisation, pollution, overexploitation of freshwater resources and increasing competition between various user groups, and the improvement of the state of water resources will trigger substantial economic benefits. More… Latest info Call documents Get support Subscribe to Notification COSME Calls Submission Service Horizon 2020 calls – Call details Search Topics Horizon 2020

32 HORIZON 2020 CALLS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Call: Water innovation: boosting its value for EuropeWater innovation: boosting its value for Europe Topic:Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication WATER 1 – 2014/2015 Specific challenge : One of the main factors hampering the market uptake of innovative solutions in the field of water is the lack of real scale demonstration of their long term viability. In addition, highly promising and advanced eco-innovative water technologies, processes, products and services often do not reach the market due to pre-commercialisation challenges and the residual risk linked to scaling-up. The first Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water has identified as priority areas: water reuse and recycling; water and wastewater treatment, including recovery of resources; water and energy integration; flood and drought risk management; and the role of ecosystem services in the provision of water related services. Scope : Actions should address one or more of the following: demonstration/pilot activities of new or improved innovative water solutions (technologies, processes, products and/or services) in a real environment the first application and market replication of near commercial water solutions. They should focus on the priorities identified in the first Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water, and/or helping process industries become less water dependant while ensuring efficient management of other resources (e.g. raw materials and energy), and/or exploiting untapped potential of ICT by developing and deploying advanced ICT solutions for water resources management in agriculture and urban areas. Expected impact : Wide and fast deployment of eco-innovation in the water sector in line with the priority areas of the EIP 'Water'. Support to the objectives of the Sustainable Process Industries Public-private Partnership (SPIRE PPP), in particular helping process industries to view water as a highly valuable asset rather than a consumable. Market penetration, long-term application and sustained use of successful solutions by various end-users, and creation of new market opportunities both inside and outside Europe. Increased resource efficiency and environmental performance of the water sector, through synergies between public water authorities, water utilities, various economic sectors, big companies, SMEs and research organisations. Type of action : Innovation actions (70%) COSME Calls Topic Description Topic Conditions Topic Conditions Submission Service Submission Service Call Documents Horizon 2020 calls – Topic details: topic description Search Topics Horizon 2020

33 HORIZON 2020 CALLS F U N D I N G G U I D E Stay informed RSS feed  iCal  Email notification  Other Funding Opportunities Call Updates Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Submission Service To access the Electronic Submission Service of the call, please select the type of action that is most relevant to your proposal from the list below. You will then be linked to the correct entry point. To access existing draft proposals for this call, please login to the Participant Portal and select the My Proposals page of the My Area section. Download the user guide of the Participant Portal Submission Service. COSME Calls Submission Service Call Documents START SUBMISSION WATER 1 – 2014/2015 Water1-…  Horizon 2020 calls – Topic details: submission service Search Topics Call: Water innovation: boosting its value for EuropeWater innovation: boosting its value for Europe Topic:Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication Topic Conditions Topic Conditions Topic Description Topic Description Horizon 2020

34 Find your project partners

35 Finding funding opportunities SC1-proposal submission

36 36 Electronic Submission Electronic Submission System accessed from the call page ECAS password PICs for all partners Prepare proposal, On-line for Part A structured part Upload Part B - pdf file(s) Submit the proposal! Validation checks Complete submission, before the 17h00 deadline Submission failure rate in the past = + 1% Only reason for failure; waiting till the last minute Technical problems Panic-induced errors (uploading the wrong proposal) Too late starting upload, run out of time

37 37 Part A – online 1/2 Section 1 Title, acronym, objective etc. Fixed and free keywords 2000 character proposal abstract previous/current submission Declarations Section 2 (one form per partner) Participant Identification Code (PIC) compulsory! Department Dependences Contact information Other contact information

38 38 Part A – online 2/2 Section 3 Cost and requested grant details Section 4 Ethics' questionnaire Section 5 Call related questionnaire, e.g. for clinical trials

39 Part B - pdf file(s) Based around evaluation criteria: Excellence Eg. Objectives, concept, progress beyond state-of-art... Impact Eg. Potential impact (incl. with reference to WP); measures to maximise impact (dissemination, communication, exploitation) Implementation Including work packages descriptions Information on third parties and subcontractors Template supplied by the submission system (.rtf) 39

40 Submission in H2020 Self check for SME status, financial viability Proposal part B closely matching criteria Aligned with Grant Agreement “Description of Work” Tougher page limits “warn and watermark” in first round of calls Two-stage and single-stage calls indicated with the topics

41 41 Experts Appropriately qualified individuals may apply to work as experts in H2020 evaluations Application via Participant Portal Call for experts planned for November Register as an expert … or make sure that your profile is up to date We need your expertise!

42 Learn more and-work/living-healthy-ageing-well portal

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