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New Technologies to Facilitate the Planning Process to Manage Water Over-Exploitation Prof Wim Bastiaanssen & Dr. Peter Droogers.

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Presentation on theme: "New Technologies to Facilitate the Planning Process to Manage Water Over-Exploitation Prof Wim Bastiaanssen & Dr. Peter Droogers."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technologies to Facilitate the Planning Process to Manage Water Over-Exploitation Prof Wim Bastiaanssen & Dr. Peter Droogers

2 Ttan Balance inflow & outflow Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft Expenditures exceeding income is not sustainable Reduce expenditures = reduce evapotranspiration income expenditures

3 Water Resources Yemen Problem: Data is outdated, incomplete, inconsistent & sometimes contradictory Source: Worldbank study using public domain data

4 TRMM validation over Pakistan Manifold solutions exist Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft Reduce abstractions of groundwater -Quota on water use, well licences, stop subsidized diesel for pumps -Reduce crop ET by improved irrigation technologies -Reuse urban, industrial and irrigation water Control agricultural areas -Control irrigated area (ha) -Control cropping intensity -Abandon certain crops -Land retirement Rainwater harvesting -Local infiltration dams -Constructing more reservoirs Crop productivity improvement -New seeds -Better fertilizers -Optimal water supply Desalinization Import food ……

5 Which tools are available to assist planning ? Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft Remote sensing Water basin models Groundwater flow models Climate models Water accounting GIS data Smart phone SMS messages

6 Models are Required for Future Projection PAST FUTURE FUTURE: C FUTURE: A Policies: A, B, C Policies: A, B, C Observations Remote Sensing Simulation Models FUTURE: B

7 Many satellites provide free data

8 TRMM validation over Pakistan Satellite Image of Irrigation Systems Siham Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft Situation 2006 Changes 2006 to 2009

9 Actual evapotranspiration Abyan

10 Yearly Rainfall TRMM Satellite 1998 to 2012 Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft

11 RainfMM validation over Pakistan Rainfall trend 1998 to 2012 Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft

12 Modelling water basins Channel/Flood Plain Processes

13 Modelling Recharge and Runoff for period 2000-2009 (SPHY model)

14 TRMM validation over Pakistan Remote sensing for calibrating hydrological model Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft Remote sensing Hydrological model

15 Change in precipitation (present vs. 2050) CMIP3 – average 9 GCMS - 2040-2050 relative to 2000-2009 So somewhat more rain in some areas, but….

16 Change in Evapotranspiration (present vs. 2050), but…. evaporation also higher and demand for irrigation even much larger

17 Water accounting

18 Smart phones Local farmers being supported

19 Water productivity gap Morocco (Doukkala)

20 Reduce irrigated area Saudi Arabia Ban on wheat

21 Water credit card Italy Pump stops working if water credits are finished

22 China Plain: ET management

23 We need information to answer the following questions: Cheema – Ph.D. student TU-Delft How much water do we have ? Where is the water going to ? Who is using the water ? What are the recharge mechanisms ? What is the local sustainable aquifer yield ? What is the remaining aquifer life ? Can we introduce water savings without hampering crop production ? Geographical and hydrological data provides the knowledge base

24 Tools create data at our fingertips Share the data via the cloud !

25 Thank you !

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