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Airspace Infringements Iain McDermott-Paine, Southampton Airport AOA Representative – Airspace Infringement Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Airspace Infringements Iain McDermott-Paine, Southampton Airport AOA Representative – Airspace Infringement Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airspace Infringements Iain McDermott-Paine, Southampton Airport AOA Representative – Airspace Infringement Working Group

2 Agenda Airspace Infringements – a definition The consequences of an Airspace Infringement The Airspace Infringement Working Group The UK picture – where do our Infringements happen? The 2015 plan – the 5 ‘hot spots’ ‘Fly on Track’ CAA Infringement Tutorial Some of the challenges

3 What is an airspace infringement? “An Airspace Infringement is generally defined as a flight into notified airspace without previously requesting and obtaining approval from the controlling authority of that airspace in accordance with international and national regulations” Source – European Action Plan for Airspace Infringement Risk Reduction; January 2010

4 The consequences of an airspace infringement? Mid air collision or ‘Airprox’ The worst case scenario Loss of standard separation Potential to cause loss of control on board an aircraft, even injuries if violent maneuverers are required. Risk of commercial traffic operating outside of controlled airspace Operational impact Increased controller / pilot workload Adverse economic and environmental impact due to additional track mileage Disruption to schedules

5 Airspace Infringement Working Group (AIWG) National group chaired by CAA Manager Airspace Regulation Group has been in place for a number of years working on a range of infringement initiatives Membership of AIWG includes: CAA (Airspace, GA unit, Flight Ops, Communications) Military Aircraft Operators and Pilots Association Light Aircraft Association General Aviation Safety Council British Microlight Aircraft Association NATS (Safety / En route) Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers British Gliding Association Airport Operators Association

6 UK National Infringement Data Source: CAA Infringement Action Plan, 2014

7 ‘2015 Hot Spots’ Airspace Infringement Working Group (AIWG) have identified 5 hot spots: 1.Southampton / Solent 2.Heathrow 3.Birmingham 4.Luton / Stansted 5.Gatwick Each aerodrome has been requested by the AIWG and CAA to set up a Local Airspace Infringement Team (LAIT). The LAIT’s will continue to feed into the AIWG during 2015. Each LAIT must set targets for a reduction in high risk infringements (guidance from CAA is between 30% and 50% reduction) The CAA may impose airspace mitigations if targets are not met This is a 12month programme though may be extended if recommended by each LAIT and agreed by the AIWG

8 ‘Fly on Track’ Independent resource primarily aimed at GA pilots Content includes: Tips on how to avoid an infringement Statistics Radar replays of infringements Pilot reports / Incidents

9 CAA Infringement Retraining / Tutorial Launched Autumn 2014 Password can be sent to infringing pilot by CAA and licensing action taken if not completed and passed within one month 20 random questions, 10 minutes, pass rate 80%

10 CAA Infringement Retraining / Tutorial (cont…) Not all infringing pilots are asked to complete the test – each case is reviewed to determine whether poor airmanship is underlying cause Distinct from existing licensing action that can still be taken if CAA deem necessary Tutorial available for all pilots Results analysed by AIWG

11 Some of the Challenges Getting the message to the target audience - those with excellent airmanship skills are often already the most engaged Improving the reporting level and analysing trends from all available data, including military Is the underlying issue the Pilot, the Flying School, or the Instructor? Possible Airspace mitigations and the impact on all airspace users

12 Some helpful links: Fly on track CAA IN 2013/140 – Introduction of post infringement questionnaire Eurocontrol (including action plan)

13 Any questions?

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