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The Federalist Era A Policy of Neutrality. In France, the peasants & middle class paid heavy taxes while nobles paid none! Like Americans, the French.

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Presentation on theme: "The Federalist Era A Policy of Neutrality. In France, the peasants & middle class paid heavy taxes while nobles paid none! Like Americans, the French."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federalist Era A Policy of Neutrality

2 In France, the peasants & middle class paid heavy taxes while nobles paid none! Like Americans, the French fought for their liberty & equality. # 1,2,3

3 Reign of Terror begins! The King & Queen loose their heads!

4 Europe is plunged into war for more than 20 years as the rulers of Britain, Spain, Prussia, Austria & Netherlands, fearing the spread of revolutionary ideas, send armies to quell the revolution in France.

5 French Revolution Divided Americans & its leaders: J Jefferson: supported French fight for freedom Hamilton & Adams: “Democracy can not be won with violence” # 4

6 G.W. is forced to form foreign policy as France seeks U.S. aid Foreign policy: Foreign policy: actions a nation takes in relation to other nations actions a nation takes in relation to other nations # 5

7 Hoping to avoid war, G.W. signed the Neutrality Proclamation: The U.S. will not support either side. Britain & France ignored U.S. neutrality and seized American cargoes. # 6, 7

8 G.W. knew that the U.S. was too weak for war so he sent John Jay to work out a treaty with England: England agreed to: pay damages for seized ships pay damages for seized ships give up forts in Ohio River Valley give up forts in Ohio River Valley United States agreed to : pay debts to British merchants pay debts to British merchants Americans were angered: It did not protect rights of U.S. neutral ships! JAY’S # 8,9

9 Washington’s Farewell Address G.W. warned Americans: remain neutral & avoid alliances with foreign nations remain neutral & avoid alliances with foreign nations His advice influenced foreign policy for more than 100 years # 10

10 The Federalist Era The rise of Political Parties

11 Americans saw how damaging factions were in Britain & they feared that political parties would threaten national unity. Americans saw how damaging factions were in Britain & they feared that political parties would threaten national unity. “ Men who have been friends all their lives cross the streets to avoid meeting…” ~Thomas Jefferson ~Thomas Jefferson # 2

12 POLITICAL PARTIES grew around Hamilton & Jefferson as they disagreed on what was best for the U.S. & how to run the government: grew around Hamilton & Jefferson as they disagreed on what was best for the U.S. & how to run the government: Hamilton – Federalists Hamilton – Federalists – Republicans Jefferson – Republicans

13 The Role of Government Hamilton favored a strong nat’l government power in the hands of the wealthy & educated Jefferson favored strong state gov’t power in hands of the common people #4,5 #4,5

14 Economic Policy: Hamilton favored the growth of: Economic Policy: Hamilton favored the growth of: Manufacturing & trade cities & merchant class Supported National bank: was necessary for gov’t to collect taxes & pay bills # 3

15 Economic Policy: Jefferson believed: farmers were the ‘backbone’ of the country manufacturing will corrupt the nation Opposed National Bank: would give too much power to gov’t & wealthy Believed Bank was unconstitutional! # 3,4,5,7

16 Interpretation of the Constitution Hamilton: in loose interpretation Believed in loose interpretation Congress had power to make laws Congress had power to make laws “necessary & proper” “necessary & proper” Jefferson: Believed in strict interpretation “ powers not given to federal gov’t belongs to the states” Remember the 10th Amendment? What constitutional clause enabled Congress to ‘stretch’ its powers if necessary?

17 Foreign Policy Hamilton: pro – British pro – British trade trade Jefferson: pro – French Allies during Revolution

18 HamiltonJefferson Hamilton Jefferson Democratic- Republicans: Small farmers Small farmers Craft workers Craft workers Some wealthy planters Some wealthy plantersFederalists: Merchants Merchants Manufacturers Manufacturers Some wealthy planters Some wealthy planters #10,11

19 Election of 1796 Republican Jefferson (P) Jefferson (P) Aaron Burr (VP) Aaron Burr (VP)Federalists John Adams (P) John Adams (P) Pinckney (VP) Pinckney (VP) Newspapers helped flame the rivalry between Political Parties. They took sides, mixed humor, opinion & facts, kept people informed & influenced public opinion #12

20 Adams (Federalist) becomes President with the majority of electoral votes Adams (Federalist) becomes President with the majority of electoral votes Jefferson (Republican) becomes V.P. with the second most electoral votes Jefferson (Republican) becomes V.P. with the second most electoral votes What problems can you anticipate Adams & Jefferson will encounter in their term? #13

21 XYZ AFFAIR Adams faces crisis with France! Upset with Jay’s Treaty, France begins to seize U.S. ships. Upset with Jay’s Treaty, France begins to seize U.S. ships. Adams sends diplomats to France to discuss U.S. rights as a neutral nation. Adams sends diplomats to France to discuss U.S. rights as a neutral nation. #1

22 The XYZ Affair French Foreign Minister Talleryand refused to meet with Adam’s diplomats & sought bribes for himself & France. American’s were outraged and demanded war! #2

23 Adam’s show of strength avoids war & convinces French to stop attacking U.S. ships Builds frigates - fast sailing ships with guns - to strengthen the U.S. Navy Builds frigates - fast sailing ships with guns - to strengthen the U.S. Navy USS Constellation fought French ships in the Caribbean in December 1798 to protect American commerce #3

24 The Federalist Party splits! Adams loses Federalist support High Federalists: Hamilton & supporters who criticized Adams’ refusal to go to war. They hoped a war with France would: weaken the Republican Party who were supporters of France weaken the Republican Party who were supporters of France Force U.S. to build military which would increase federal power Force U.S. to build military which would increase federal power Napolean Bonaparte did not have time for a war so he agreed to stop seizing U.S. ships. Napolean Bonaparte did not have time for a war so he agreed to stop seizing U.S. ships. #5,6,7

25 Alien & Sedition Acts Federalists passed laws in hopes of gaining power. Immigrants, most likely to support Republicans, came to the US seeking freedom & opportunity. Immigrants, most likely to support Republicans, came to the US seeking freedom & opportunity. Immigrants: people who entered a country to settle there. Immigrants: people who entered a country to settle there. #9

26 Alien Acts expell any alien, or foreigner who was considered a threat. Alowed President to expell any alien, or foreigner who was considered a threat. Laws were passed that denied vote to immigrants. Laws were passed that denied vote to immigrants. #8

27 Sedition Acts Sedition: stir up rebellion against a government Sedition: stir up rebellion against a government Sedition Acts punished those who criticized the government Sedition Acts punished those who criticized the government #10,11

28 Alien & Sedition Acts Nullified Jefferson & the Republicans: argued that these new laws violated the Constitution 1 st Amendments rights argued that these new laws violated the Constitution 1 st Amendments rights Urged states to nullify, or cancel, them Urged states to nullify, or cancel, them #12,13

29 Kentucky & Virginia pass resolutions States can nullify a federal law if it thinks it’s unconstitutional States can nullify a federal law if it thinks it’s unconstitutional Raised important question: Raised important question: Do states have the right to decide if a law is unconstitutional? Do states have the right to decide if a law is unconstitutional? #14

30 Election of 1800 Republicans hoped to win power from the Federalists by focusing on 2 issues: Attacked Federalists for raising taxes Attacked Federalists for raising taxes Opposed Alien & Sedition Acts Opposed Alien & Sedition Acts #15

31 And in this corner … Republican candidates: Jefferson – President Aaron Burr - VP Federalist candidates: Adams - President #17, 18 #16 Although Jefferson won the popular vote, there was a tie in the electoral college. According to the Constitution, the House of Representatives decides the election! Jefferson was chosen President and Burr became VP

32 Election of 1800: End of the Federalist Era The 12 th Amendment requires electors to vote separately for Pres & VP The 12 th Amendment requires electors to vote separately for Pres & VP Federalists won fewer Congressional seats & after Hamilton is killed in a duel the Federalist party declines. Federalists won fewer Congressional seats & after Hamilton is killed in a duel the Federalist party declines. #19,20

33 Power shifted from the more industrial New England to the Southern states and their agricultural interests. This increased tensions over slavery. Power shifted from the more industrial New England to the Southern states and their agricultural interests. This increased tensions over slavery. Burr got 73 votes to tie with Jefferson

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