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WPC Communication & Design The role of Interactive Voice Response in the Dutch infoline on smoking Amsterdam, 15th February 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "WPC Communication & Design The role of Interactive Voice Response in the Dutch infoline on smoking Amsterdam, 15th February 2002."— Presentation transcript:


2 WPC Communication & Design The role of Interactive Voice Response in the Dutch infoline on smoking Amsterdam, 15th February 2002

3 Agency Building a brand. Various communication instruments determine the balance integrated media with design as the cement. Knowing target groups and how to take advantage of trends. The inspired search for a striking, effective, interactive and contemporary approach in package design, corporate communication, advertising and interactive media. In our own characteristic way; transparent, friendly, helpful and with a smile. A MULTIDISCIPLINE AGENCY

4 Work Package Design Corporate Communication Interactive Media Advertising

5 E-zine WPC keeps you informed via the n@wsletter. The electronic newsletter of WPC. Appears at regular intervals. On-line cases, background information, developments according to discipline, strong e-commerce orientation.

6 Network WPC is part of Hangar 18, an international network of experienced consultants with strategic marketing insight for the integration of interactive technologies. Hangar 18 is an extremely active group in ICOM (see above). WPC coordinates Hangar 18 activities in Europe. WPC is the ICOM agency in the Netherlands. The 76 ICOM Agencies form a worldwide network in over fifty countries with over two thousand clients: independent, fast, cost-efficient and with a multi-location approach. ICOM agencies stand for (international) integrated communication, or the integration of corporate communication, advertising, PR, package design, interactive media and direct marketing.

7 Milan Oslo Dublin Madrid Stockholm Zürich Amsterdam Copenhagen London Vienna Brussels Helsinki Paris Lille Dusseldorf Munich Austria Belgium Denmark Great Britain Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Norway Spain Sweden Switserland Netherlands

8 DEFACTO The Dutch Infoline on Smoking

9 Background Do You Know Do You Care? Feasibility study interactive voice response for addiction prevention and information (Ministry of Health) How to improve public information on addiction, cost efficient, effective, limited human resources, fitting existing organisations Ministry of Health Info lines on addiction

10 Background welcome Flow chart 0900-500 20 20 Ministry of Health Info lines WPC © Alcohol Smoking Gambling Drugs Drugs Info line 0900-500 20 23 (and 0900-1995) Smoking Info line 0900-500 20 22 (and 0900-9390) Alcohol Info line 0900-500 20 21 Gambling Info line 0900-500 20 24

11 Interactive Voice Response Improved follow-up of mass media communication Improved efficiency in workload (DEFACTO, Trimbos-instituut, NIGZ) Improved availability (24/7) Improved reach (easy access, anonimous)

12 Research Tariff Availability of an operator More women phone (more men internet) Female voice for adults (Young male voice for adolescents)

13 IVR application Target audiences Wishes and expectations of information & services Structure and navigation (logic, number of choices) Content (‘personalised’ texts, directives) Tone of voice

14 Fulfilment Data enrichment Building a relational database Monthly marketing reports Bi-annual analysis for evaluation and adjustment


16 Facts & Figures 2001 Calls13.573 Time spent in IVR89% versus time spent with operator11% Average IVR call3,2 minutes Average operator call2,9 minutes Number of brochures ordered8.049

17 Facts & Figures medio nov – feb 2002 Calls8.123 Number of calls with operator24% Average IVR call3,2 minutes Average operator call3,2 minutes Number of brochures ordered7.383

18 Facts & Figures medio nov – feb 2002 Menu options Quit smoking10.000 Passive smoking600 Smoking and Children300 Listening to information1.000 Ordering of folders1.700 Operator2.000 Address of Quit Smoking course35

19 I can do that!

20 Experience, ambition and creativity facilitate a succesful cooperation. WPC would like to share this with our clients.

21 Marrit Sielias +31-20-6623166

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