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Disruptive Forces: Driving a Human Services Revolution Georgia Association for Homes and Services for Children May 31, 2012 Susan Dreyfus, President and.

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Presentation on theme: "Disruptive Forces: Driving a Human Services Revolution Georgia Association for Homes and Services for Children May 31, 2012 Susan Dreyfus, President and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disruptive Forces: Driving a Human Services Revolution Georgia Association for Homes and Services for Children May 31, 2012 Susan Dreyfus, President and CEO Alliance for Children and Families

2 Disruptive Forces: Driving a Human Services Revolution As the Alliance approached its 100th anniversary, a goal was to develop a corollary to the IBM Global CEO Study for the human services sector Part of the Alliance’s value proposition to its members is to help them see the future and position their organizations for it Alliance’s Strategy Counts initiative is creating a laboratory for new ideas and strategic positioning 2

3 Disruptive Forces: Driving a Human Services Revolution To fully appreciate and maximize this report for its real potential, we must embrace the ambiguity it creates. Within ambiguity lies the space for creativity and innovation. 3

4 Significant Environmental Trends Reset of government and the economy Demographics (aging) Immigration Cultural shift 4

5 Significant Sector Trends Social contract being renegotiated Move from program outcomes to community impact and root causes Health care reform − beyond access A focus on home and community-based care − and systems of care principles − across systems Knowledge advancements Move from linear to dynamic relationship with funders, partners, and communities 5

6 Six Disruptive Forces 1. Purposeful Experimentation 2. Information Liberation 3. Integrating Sciences 4. Uncompromising Demand for Impact 5. Branding Causes, Not Organizations 6. Attracting Investors, Not Donors 6

7 Force #1: Purposeful Experimentation Increased and purposeful experimentation will be required Culture of innovation must be created and intentional Active participation in continuous learning and knowledge development Take calculated risks and be willing to embrace failure 7

8 Force #2: Information Liberation Information sharing will be a key aspect to improving delivery models Move from linear service delivery to dynamic integration for results Fullest engagement of those we serve and their access to us will be key What is our “Facebook” for effective case management? 8

9 Force #3: Integrating Sciences Advances in science and technology are evolving rapidly and are impacting us today! Health care reform is at a critical point for creating sector relevance and advancing health care sciences Successful human service organizations in the future will: Leverage advances in sciences for policy and practice Create deeper partnerships with the research community 9

10 Examples of Integrating Sciences New technologies for diagnoses Online treatment programs Video e-health Consumer tracking technologies Interpersonal neurobiology In-home support technologies Virtual reality applications for behavioral problems Technologies for cognitive assistance and brain retraining Consumer self-service, self-assessment, and self- monitoring with new technologies Robotics deployed to provide disability support services Source: Open Minds 10

11 Force #4: Uncompromising Demand for Impact Funders and communities will expect greater impact at a lower cost Competition will be cost based with return on investment Successful organizations need to view themselves − and be viewed − as highly relevant to impact beyond program outcomes 11

12 Force #5: Branding Causes, Not Organizations In the future, it will be much more effective for organizations to create movements and support based on issues that create emotional connection It is imperative for human services organizations to speak about their programs and services in a transformational versus transactional frame It is time for us to fully embrace and lead civic engagement Example: Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) 12

13 Force #6: Attracting Investors, Not Donors Attract and work with donors as investors Funding shift to an investment paradigm Successful organizations will collaborate with funders to co-create more complex models of accountability 13

14 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Understand and frame core competenciesCapacity to perform within networksLead, inspire, and build partnerships Maximize organizational excellence, efficiency, and productivity Diversify and identify new funding sourcesMarket success 14

15 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Understand and Frame Core Competencies What are your organization’s core competencies beyond clinical and programmatic expertise? Is everyone thinking creatively about how to leverage your core competencies both internally and externally? Are there organizations that complement where you are not strong? 15

16 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Capacity to Perform Within Networks Move to managed care Person-centric models Changing payment models Focus on outcomes 16

17 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Lead, Inspire, Build Partnerships Is your organization committed to collaborating widely and partnering deeply for larger system advancement Can you find opportunities to partner with others to purposefully experiment and build new knowledge? Are there nontraditional organizations you should be partnering with? Do they see you as relevant to their work? 17

18 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Maximize Organizational Excellence, Efficiency, and Productivity Are you creating a lean culture for continuous process improvement across your organization? Are you nimble enough to change longstanding beliefs or organizational practices? 18

19 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Diversify and Identify New Funding Sources What new relationships across sectors can create new funding opportunities? Are you ready for new ways human services will be financed? Should you further diversify your funding and increase your charitable giving as percent of budget? 19

20 Micro-Level: Organization Roadmap Market Success How effectively (frequency, reach, message) do you articulate your goals, vision, and impact to investors, clients and the community? What do you do to report out on how you are doing, and the difference you are making, to volunteers, community members, and investors? What modern communication methods are you using to tell your story and be visible as a leader in the community? Which broader movements, alliances, or networks do you align with or link with to increase your reach and impact? 20

21 The future is here …. are you ready? 21

22 Thank You! Susan Dreyfus President and CEO Alliance for Children and Families Milwaukee, Wisconsin 414-359-6546 Report download: General site: 22

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