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!☻☻!Disorders Friday!?! Or Stuck in the middle with Speech Chapter 7 & 8 Mencher for next Quizette (Oct 29)

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1 !☻☻!Disorders Friday!?! Or Stuck in the middle with Speech Chapter 7 & 8 Mencher for next Quizette (Oct 29)

2 Otitis Media (Chap 6 in Mencher)  Symptom Sudden pain (< 24 hours)Sudden pain (< 24 hours) Moderate to profound hearing loss (1 – 14 days)Moderate to profound hearing loss (1 – 14 days)  Population Respiratory InfectionRespiratory Infection Diver/High pressure environmentDiver/High pressure environment  Diagnosis Acute otitis media serousAcute otitis media serous  Serous fluid (produced in the middle ear) built up  Eustacian tube blocked by resp. infection Self resolve or grommetSelf resolve or grommet  Chronic otitis media serous ChildrenChildren Glue in ear, must aerateGlue in ear, must aerate

3 Masking Speech  SNR = signal to noise ratio 0 dB SPL SNR -> 1 to 1 levels0 dB SPL SNR -> 1 to 1 levels -10 dB SPL SNR -> Signal 10 dB less intense than noise-10 dB SPL SNR -> Signal 10 dB less intense than noise  Hearing aid benefit Boost signal in quietBoost signal in quiet Improve SNR 0 to 20 dB SPL (‘good’ = 8 dB)Improve SNR 0 to 20 dB SPL (‘good’ = 8 dB)  Directional, number of microphones, algorithms for suppressing noise

4 What kind of Noise?  Energetic Masking Gaussian Noise or specific frequenciesGaussian Noise or specific frequencies  Broad or partial mask of signal No semantic contentNo semantic content Continuous, powerful maskContinuous, powerful mask  Informational masking Multiple talkersMultiple talkers Competing semantic contentCompeting semantic content Partial energetic mask, discontinuousPartial energetic mask, discontinuous  Dependent on speech envelope

5 How does masking affect hearing?  Test: comprehension of nonsense sentences ‘The house flew the kitchen’‘The house flew the kitchen’ Informational vs. Energetic maskerInformational vs. Energetic masker  Spatial separation of masker & signal 0˚ to 180˚0˚ to 180˚ PREDICTIONSPREDICTIONS  Demo: masking speech  Unilateral hearing loss on Speech?

6 Otitis Media  Symptoms Frequent ear infectionsFrequent ear infections  Initially acute  Pain & discharge Conductive hearing lossConductive hearing loss  Population Aural surgery in youthAural surgery in youth Crowded living conditions/large familyCrowded living conditions/large family  Diagnosis Chronic Suppurative Otitis MediaChronic Suppurative Otitis Media  Perforated tympanic membrane Did not heal properly after surgery?Did not heal properly after surgery? Inflammation of MucosaInflammation of Mucosa  High risk for infection  May cause granulation of Media Drainage & antibiotics may be requiredDrainage & antibiotics may be required If severe tympanoplastyIf severe tympanoplasty

7 ‘Hearing’ Speech with Dyslexia  Traditional dyslexia Normal intelligence & sensory abilityNormal intelligence & sensory ability Difficulty Reading, Writing & SpellingDifficulty Reading, Writing & Spelling  Visual dysfunction  New View on Dyslexia (Wallace & Flowers, under review) Multisensory matching difficultiesMultisensory matching difficulties Exp: Which of two flashes occurred firstExp: Which of two flashes occurred first  With/without coincident ‘beep’  Change latency of visual flash relative to beep 50 – 400 ms Result: Dyslexics performance is enhanced over greater latencies (up to 350 ms)Result: Dyslexics performance is enhanced over greater latencies (up to 350 ms)  Disturbed multisensory matching

8 Otitis Media Ramifications  Social consequences Hearing loss (frustration, etc)Hearing loss (frustration, etc) Avoidance of pressurized environmentsAvoidance of pressurized environments  Local consequences Erosion of the long process of the IncusErosion of the long process of the Incus Erosion into labrynth (semi-circular canals) & fistulaErosion into labrynth (semi-circular canals) & fistula

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