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Published byBarrie Henry Modified over 9 years ago
LIA-FKPPL Workshop, KIAS, Seoul, March 8-9, 2011. KIhyeon Cho (KISTI) and Aurore Savoy-Navarro (CNRS-IN2P3) Beyond CDF: Defining a new project
Contents The French and Korean LIA teams in 2010 Report on CDF in 2010 Beyond CDF: Defining a New Project 2
France Group Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE/IN2P3-CNRS) Matteo Corbo (PhD UPMC & FNAL) Valeri Saveliev Associated LPNHE Nidal Ershaidat Associated LPNHE Nicola d’Ascenzo Associated LPNHE
Kihyeon Cho (KISTI) + 3 Postdocs Intae Yu (SKKU) + 1 student Soo-Bong Kim (SNU) + 2 Postdocs Kyungkwang Joo (CNU) + 2 students Korea Group 4 Byungwon Ko (KIAS) + 1 Postdoc Dong Hee Kim (KNU) + 1 Postdoc
France members & research topics Name Topic of research Dr. Aurore Savoy-Navarro Bs Physics Top/Higgs into τ lepton(s) Prof. Valeri Saveliev Bs Physics Dr Nicola d’Ascenzo Bs Physics Prof. Nidal Esrhaidat Bs Physics. Matteo Corbo (PhD student since Oct 2008) Top into τ & impact in the Higgs sector (H + & H 0 ) CDF Silicon Detector operation Member 5
Korea members & research topics NameInstitute Topic of research Dr. Kihyeon ChoKISTIBs Physics Prof. Intae YuSKKUB Physics Prof. Soo-Bong KimSNUSingle Top & Top dilepton decays Prof. Kyung Kwang JooCNUTop Physics Prof DongHee KimKNUW’ search (single top) Prof. Byungwon KoKIASTop, Bs physics Phenomenolgy 6 Also Collaborative contacts established with theoreticians in France and Korea.
The contents of collaboration between France and Korea 1) We have exchanged visits: -Aurore Savoy-Navarro visited Korea on March (Aurore visited CDF related institutes and gave seminars – SNU, SKKU, KNU & KIAS on CDF and Silicon Detectors R&D) -M. Corbo, N. Ershaidat and A. Savoy-Navarro visited KNU, Daegu on June 28 - June 30 to attend the France Korea Workshop -YoungJin Kim visited France on August for two weeks to work on Bs physics (MC studies for the TT trigger) 2) We have performed analyses in close collaboration and work together on Bs Two Track Trigger (see next)
Video Conference FKPPL-CDF videoconference meeting using EVO –February 5, Daejeon, KISTI, Korea: half day conference Every Friday, we have EVO/SKYPE meeting between KISTI & IN2P3 at 9:00 am Paris Time, 5:00 PM Korea time To report on progress in our analyses and exchange ideas with the theorists
2nd joint Korea-France Collider Physics Workshop organized by DongHee Kim (KNU)
2nd joint Korea-France Collider Physics Workshop 1.First day, Monday June 28 th, 2010 – Higgs, Top physics and SUSY 2.Second day, Tuesday June 29 th, 2010 – B physics and detector R&D 3.Third day, Wednesday June 30 st, 2010 – Discussions and Tour
Some photographs of the Workshop at KNU-WCU organized by DongHee Kim
Acquired & shared Top physics knowledge on: Single top (France) => W’ searches (France+Korea) Top into dilepton –Top pair production with hadronic tau plus electron and impact on Higgs sector (France) –Dileptons (electrons and muons) (Korea) ttbar forward-backward asymmetry (Korea) -Experiment -Phenomenology -M T2 method MC generation and full simulations (France and Korea)
Single top Observation of Single Top Quark Production and Measurement of |V(tb)| with CDF T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D82, 112005 (2010). arXiv: 1004.1181. Abstract, PDF (5513KiB). 10063: Added: Friday, 2010 December 17 09:30:02 CST AbstractPDF (5513KiB)
Top pair production with tau lepton plus e or μ Matteo Corbo Analysis to be achieved for Summer Conferences, with preliminary result presentation at APS 2011, and PhD thesis in September.
Fr-Kr CDF Meeting(2/5/2 010) Chang-Seong Moon, Seoul National University 15 Preliminary DIL Cross Section For pre-tag signal events For b-tag signal events C.S. Moon
Top Dilepton papers in 2010 Measurement of the Top Pair Production Cross Section in the Dilepton Decay Channel in p anti-p Collisions at 1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D82, 052002 (2010). arXiv: 1002.2919. Abstract, PDF (333KiB). 9991: Added: Thursday, 2010 September 23 15:27:46 CDT AbstractPDF (333KiB) Measurement of W-Boson Polarization in Top-quark Decay in p anti-p Collisions at 1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 042002 (2010). Fermilab-Pub-10-041-E. arXiv: 1003.0224. Abstract, PostScript (244KiB). 9995: Added: Monday, 2010 July 26 16:21:08 CDT AbstractPostScript (244KiB) Search for Single Top Quark Production in p anti-p Collisions at 1.96 TeV in the Missing Transverse Energy Plus Jets Topology T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D81, 072003 (2010). arXiv: 1001.4577. Abstract, PDF (1213KiB). 9933: Added: Thursday, 2010 April 22 11:06:33 CDT AbstractPDF (1213KiB)
MT2 distributions for b-tagged Dilepton events (Full Monte Carlo) with various top masses at CDF (CDF note 9679) 17 Y.G. Kim
Korea Group France Group
2010.06.28-29Joint KR-FR Workshop@KNU19 Forward-Backward Asymmetry ~2 away from the SM prediction. Need to confirm with more analyses NLO QCD: CDF (3.2 fb -1 ) In SM DØ (1 fb -1 ) Hyunsoo Kim & Chang-Seong Moon New Paper in preparation (blessing) on the FB asymmetry in top paire production in the dilepton channel (2011)
20 Use of 6- dimension four quark operators with all the possible Dirac and color structures. Considering s-, t- and u- channel exchanges of spin-0 & spin-1 particles whose color quantum number is either singlet, octet, triplet or sextet. The results encode the necessary conditions for the underlying new physics in a compact and an effective way when those new particles are too heavy to be produced at the Tevatron. FB asymmetry at Tevatron Model independent analysis P. Ko & S.-h Nam., PLB 691, 238 (2010) The region in (C1,C2) plane that is consistent with the Tevatron data at the one sigma level.
B Physics common searches Physics stream Bs physics searches with data & the 2 track triggers new data stream. Since last year KISTI team head by Kihyeon Cho and YoungJin Kim joined the french team to collaborate on the 2 track trigger data searches Bs → J/ψ φ: CP violation related studies –CP even and odd measurement: sin2βs and related measurements (France) ( started by G.P. di Giovanni and A. Savoy-Navarro pursued with N. Ershaidat, N. d’Ascenzo and V. Saveliev) – B → J/ψ K *0 competitive results with Babar/Belle (France) => –Bs → J/ψ Φ, using new PID (dE/dx andTOF) and TTT (Two Track Trigger) => sin2βs (France/Korea) The goal is to achieve this analysis for Summer Conferences (see 2 nd part) 9/11/2015 21 Observation of B0(s) --> J/psi K*(892)0 and B0(s) --> J/psi K0(s) Decays T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. D February 10, 2011. Fermilab-Pub-11-030-E. arXiv: 1102.1961. Abstract, PDF (227KiB). 10363: Added: Thursday, 2011 February 10 10:33:48 CST AbstractPDF (227KiB)
22 Mixing Using Right-handed model Currently pursuing this phenomelogical study on Bs mixing Right-handed currents cannot significantly & simultaneously contribute tp ΔM Bd & ΔM Bs Soo-hyeon Nam
Scientific Production related to our collaborative research in 2010 Talks - CDF in FKPPL Aurore Savoy-Navarro and Kihyeon Cho, 2 nd FKPPL workshop, SKKU, Seoul, Korea, Mar.15~16,2010 - France-Korea CDF Searches on Bs CPV Kihyeon Cho, Korea CDF meeting, Jeonju, Korea, April 30 -France-Korea CDF searches on Bs CPV N. Ershaidat and A. Savoy-Navarro, France Korea Workshop, KNU, June 2010 - B Standard Ntuples in CDF Experiment YoungJin Kim, Korea CDF meeting Jeonju, Korea, October 8; YoungJin Kim, Korea Physical Society Meeting, October 20~22; YoungJin Kim, Korea Supercomputing Conference, December 6~7 Publications Internal Notes in Preparation on the Bs-CPV searches and related issues Presentations at the CDF weekly B meetings. Forthcoming CDF Publications in 2011
Beyond CDF: launching a new proposal WHY? A number of facts have lately occurred: Shutdown of the Tevatron Program in 2011 Impressive LHC running conditions and Postponing from 2012 to 2013 the one year LHC shutdown Aurore is moving to another Laboratory
Si TevatrOn Run III No? Finance issues Politics Manpower Detector aging Scientific motivations Impact on the FNAL future Over the last year, both CDF and D0 collaborations carried on a lot of work & discussions and meetings with the US authorities (DOE) to extend 3 more years the Tevatron Run: Run III TEVATRON END
Tevatron is breaking records: FY2011: 0.75fb-1 till 13/1/11 Peak Lum: 3.2-4.0x10 32 cm -2 s -1 Weekly Integrated Lum: 80 pb -1 Tevatron is running better than ever 02 06 08 07 10 09
Tevatron's holiday gift: two milestones in one week The Accelerator Division achieved two new records for the holidays. During the week of Dec. 21, the Tevatron set a record for the number of store hours: 151.25. The complex produced physics data during nine stores for a total of 151 hours. The plot above shows how little time passed between each store. During that same week, the Antiproton Source produced a record number of antiprotons, equivalent to 4,033 milliamps. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010
Tevatron's holiday gift: two milestones in one week The Accelerator Division achieved two new records for the holidays. During the week of Dec. 21, the Tevatron set a record for the number of store hours: 151.25. The complex produced physics data during nine stores for a total of 151 hours. The plot above shows how little time passed between each store. During that same week, the Antiproton Source produced a record number of antiprotons, equivalent to 4,033 milliamps. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010 January 15 2011: TEVATRON RUN WILL END IN 2011 and depending level of budget cuts even before end of fiscal year 2011.
LHC running in 2011-2012 In 2011, Instantaneous Lum is expected to reach up to 2 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 and a total Luminosity of 2 fb -1 delivered per experiment In 2012, Inst. Lum is expected to reach up to 5 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 with a total Lum up to about 8-10 fb -1 delivered per experiment The one year-shutdown is postponed to 2013. Impacts of Bs and Higgs sectors reach
Forthcoming B s Physics results at LHC In most B Physics channels, LHCb very soon wins: 1) B s →μ+μ- (KNU) New CDF results presented at Winter conferences Sensitive to SUSY Higgs (ex M A =600 tgβ~30) Similarly in the study of CP-violation in the Bs sector (see next)
LHC: Low mass Higgs discovered in 2 years from now ? updated CMS NOTE-2010/008 VERY TOUGH!! but if low mass Higgs, with hard work on analyses and on the accelerator…we may get it!
LHC vs Tevatron: Higgs sector 3σ3σ 5σ5σ 5 fb -1 at 8 TeV => 3σ for 114 to > 500 GeV Tevatron aims to 2.4σ exclusion in 100-185 GeV by end 2011….. BUT E.c.m. (& smart experiments) win! ATLAS & CMS estimated Higgs sensitivity if 8 TeV Hard work pays!!
Aurore is moving to APC Laboratory APC is hosted in Uni. Paris Diderot and is part of CNRS-IN2P3
Close relations with Korea: Only french U. with Licence degree in Korean Language and Culture The president of U. Diderot Paris: instrumental for restituting the Korean Royal Manuscripts Korea will build a korean garden on Uni. roof University Paris Diderot:
Close contacts Korea and APC: P. Binetruy Lab director’s visits Experiments and G. Smoot Nobel Prize G. Smoot (Berkeley U.) is: Prof. at U. Paris Diderot and Director of IEU (institute for The Early Universe) EWHA U. Thus we are encouraged to pursue and further develop our collaborative efforts, in this new context University Paris Diderot: Les Grands Moulins APC Buildings in Paris XIII
Beyond CDF: launching a new proposal We decided to change our collaboration goals => 2011 = transition year We thought essential to keep the positive momentum that we succeeded to build over these last 2 years. This is why we didn’t want to stop this LIA action but instead to keep the fruitful collaboration framework and friendly links it created, in order to further expand it and build a new proposal Due to a number of facts that lately occurred: Shutdown of the Tevatron Program in 2011 Impressive LHC running conditions and Postponing to 2013 the one year LHC shutdown Aurore is moving to another Laboratory
Achieving the Bs-CPV analysis by Summer Results with full statistics and where we add a new data stream from a powerful trigger: Two Tracks trigger (see next slide). Developing further the R&D on Si detectors: generic R&D for future experiments & applications to Medical imaging (already existing collaborative work on generic Silicon R&D to be further developed) Investigating common Physics interests: experimentalists x theoreticians Beyond CDF: launching a new proposal HOW ?
Achieving the Bs-CPV Kr-Fr analysis The unique features of the analysis we developed to study Bs-CPV in the process: Bs→J/Ψφ are: Detailed and unique analysis of the Two Track Triggers (TTT) in CDF (14 different TTT trigger paths) and of their evolution over the full run II period = 10 Years (trigger algorithm changes and luminosity increase) Dedicated and new TTT MC and full simulation studies (note here a collaborative effort established with Tsukuka U. on this respect). New ROOT Fitter to analyse data and extract the results Same analysis method applied to both data streams: dimuons and TTT and ready to combine them. Still competitive until Summer conferences Legacy: analysis method and powerfulness of triggers (especially Si tracking based triggers) In the pipe: Internal Notes and towards June blessing of results & preparation of Publication over this summer.
Level-3 trigger We carried on a unique study on the TTT In CDF; the aim was to well understand the content of these selected data. One important result: the TTT does not include PID => one has to revisit the decay Parameters as selected by TTT/Offline reconstruction First time TTT is used for not purely hadronic signatures
Fitter: Mass distribution (gaussian + exponential) Full CP final states angular analysis cτ error (sum of gamma functions) Dilution (from sidebands and background subtracted data) Tagging and tagging efficiency (ready to include it) TTT Bs mass TTT data TTT MC YJ.Kim (collaborative effort with Tsukuba, H. Miyake)
Already long term collaboration with Pr. Hwanbae Park (KNU): last year visit ASN at KNU (March) and contributions to the France-Korea Workshop at KNU (June), also extended to other Korean Institutes* *Korean Universities around KNU & ETRI KEK & Tokyo U. Hamamatsu HPK
Beyond CDF a new proposal: Pursuing our weekly Bs-CPV Friday video meeting until completion of our analysis this summer. First action towards developing new proposal : Brainstorming MiniWorkshop at KIAS March 11: 2 to 7h30 pm Regular (each 2 months) EVO meetings Workshop by end of 2011 in Paris GOAL: To have for FKPPL 2012, new proposal with hopefully already some results…! WORK PLAN:
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