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+ Welcome families of TD certified students Please Sign In & take a handout (one per family). with Mrs. Foley, Lead TD Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Welcome families of TD certified students Please Sign In & take a handout (one per family). with Mrs. Foley, Lead TD Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Welcome families of TD certified students Please Sign In & take a handout (one per family). with Mrs. Foley, Lead TD Teacher

2 +

3 + Why are we here tonight ?


5 + Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields,and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities. Federal Definition

6 + How are we different ?

7 + Irwin’s Magnet Paths or 3-5 Talent Development TD certified students receive differentiated educational services for their unique needs All K-2 students begin on this accelerated path *All 2 nd graders are screened for TD K-2 Learning Immersion 3-5 Learning Immersion Students participate in an accelerated enrichment instructional program *Only K-2 non-certified Irwin students

8 + How are we different? Instruction Traditional Setting Irwin Academic Center Student Placement Randomly grouped Wide range of abilities within classes and grade levels Strategically grouped Homogeneous by certification Flexible groups meet regularly for differentiation Classroom Environment Focus may be on below grade level students, above grade level students are used as “helpers” K-5 students receive a full day of rigorous, academically challenging, research-based instruction which provides opportunities for students to achieve their fullest potential. Level of Support TD teacher may be part time, may pull out groups, limited time with students per week Academic Facilitators are AIG certified Full time lead TD teacher supports with direct & indirect services. All work closely with staff and students

9 + Lead TD Teacher’s Direct Services Talent Development Department 9 NEW: Flex Group Support & FLEX time! Co-teaching Demonstration Lessons Small group instruction Special Projects Enrichment opportunities Ex. Robotics, UN, Student council, clusters

10 + Lead TD Teacher’s Indirect Services 10 Prepare and support the design of lessons and activities Frequent collaboration with the Classroom Teacher to ensure rigor and challenge Gifted identification and maintenance (assessments & compliance) Administrative duties

11 + How are we different? InstructionCMS Irwin Academic Center Math Instruction Single curriculum (Investigations, District issued) Combination of resources (Project M3, Hands on Equations, Challenge Math, etc.) Language Arts Program Basal Reader focus (ImagineIt!, District issued) Multiple resources (Seminars, William & Mary, Novels, Jr. Great Books, integrated writing) Science & Social Studies Separate Integrated, global awareness initiative, hands-on, guest speakers, 21 st century, current events Innovative Strategies Randomly used Curriculum studied in greater depth, more challenging lessons, accelerated

12 + Innovative Strategies Interdisciplinary, accelerated, challenging units of study Experiential Learning with Problem & Project Based Learning Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Bloom’s Taxonomy Differentiation: Curriculum Compacting, contracts, small groups instruction, choice menus, pre/post tests

13 Irwin’s TD program: What it is NOT … NOT an add on NOT separate NOT more of the same NOT boring 13

14 + How are we different? InstructionCMS Irwin Academic Center Parent Involvement Varies Strong PTA & Volunteers PLC meetings Book study (?) Professional Development Focused on district initiatives Varied opportunities, on going, differentiated, research based Student Expectations On grade level objectives Critical & Creative Thinking Handle accelerated & advanced pace, (Performance Review)

15 + Attain levels of academic achievement consistent with abilities Engage in abstract, creative, and affective reasoning Apply insightful questioning Develop a capacity to see interconnections among disciplines Irwin’s TD program: Desired Outcomes

16 + Talent Development Performance Review (handout – white paper) Content Evaluation Thoughtfully interrelates complex knowledge from all subject areas Exceptional insight to themes and generalizations Demonstrates sophistication in learning and applying new information to tasks Process Evaluation Asks provocative questions which probe and analyze problems Gives diverse, thought- provoking responses which lead to innovative solutions Insightfully evaluates information and ideas Talent Development Department

17 + Talent Development Performance Review (handout – white paper) Product Evaluation Products synthesize from a variety of challenging sources Products reflect insights gained from exploring “big ideas” Products demonstrate significant effort in multiple intelligences and exceptional growth Affective Evaluation Always completes HW and CW on time Initiates and goes beyond required assignments Is motivated and takes responsibility for learning Student shows exceptional ability to work with others Talent Development Department

18 + How are we different? Instruction Traditional Setting Irwin Academic Center Certifications Limited, Some may be highly qualified Classroom teachers have gifted certification or are in the process of being certified. Also, NBCT & masters degrees Enrichment Opportunities Limited, Before/After school Enrichment Clusters School-wide events Service Opportunities Before School Clubs Tuition Funded Opportunities Beyond Elementary Neighborhood Assignment Provides a strong foundation for IB Middle School (Guaranteed acceptance)

19 + Handouts: Parenting Gifted Children (excerpt) Purple handout Websites white & yellow handout Good Reads! Pink handout Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Fronseca Anxiety Free Kids by Zucker Parenting Gifted Kids by Delisle Letting Go of Perfect by Adelson & Wilson Parenting Gifted Children by Treffinger, Inman, Jolly & Smutny Raising a Gifted Child by Fertig

20 + Thank you for coming! Please contact me with specific questions/concerns …

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