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2011 Superintendent’s Business Breakfast “The State of the School Division, and Honoring Corporate Contributions to Educational Excellence” October 13,

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Superintendent’s Business Breakfast “The State of the School Division, and Honoring Corporate Contributions to Educational Excellence” October 13,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Superintendent’s Business Breakfast “The State of the School Division, and Honoring Corporate Contributions to Educational Excellence” October 13, 2011 Dr. Steven L. Walts

2 2 Today’s Agenda Did You Know This About PWCS? Celebrating Success Hot Topics in Education Excellent Schools Are Everyone’s Business Powered by SPARK

3 3 Did You Know This About PWCS? 2011-12 Enrollment 81,635 students Increase of more than 2,500 students Represents 3.2% growth PWCS continues to be Virginia’s second largest school division

4 4 We Have “The Best & Brightest” Approximately 10,000 employees Over 64,000 teacher applications processed We welcomed approximately 650 new teachers Did You Know This About PWCS?

5 5 Daily, Our Support Services Provide 13,000 breakfasts 53,000 lunches 800 buses on the road, traveling over 66,000 miles Bus transportation for 61,000 Cleaning of 9,900,523 square feet of space Did You Know This About PWCS?

6 6 Opened three new schools: Patriot High School and T. Clay Wood and Piney Branch Elementary Schools Two schools under construction: Ronald Wilson Reagan Middle School and PACE West Did You Know This About PWCS?

7 7 Numerous School Improvement Projects: Energy efficiency upgrades -Hylton solar array -Boiler replacement - Lighting retrofits Additions at Westridge and Swans Creek Elementary Schools 66 portable classroom relocations Did You Know This About PWCS?

8 8 Celebrating Success Prince William County Named One of the Nation's Best Communities for Young People

9 9 “It’s called ‘reading.’ It’s how people install new software into their brains.” Kappan February 2011 Celebrating Success

10 10 Based on VDOE Data released on 9/23/11 Celebrating Success Nearly 90% of our students passed math and reading Standards of Learning (SOLs) All elementary schools exceeded the state math benchmark of 70 percent passing by at least an additional 10 percentage points 15 our of 17 middle schools and all high schools scored 80 percent passing or higher, which is 10 percentage points higher than the benchmark

11 11 All 10* high schools continue to be in the top seven percent nationwide 31.7% of graduates had a qualifying score in AP, IB, or AICE, exceeding national average of 15% All schools accredited Celebrating Success *As a new school, Patriot High School is not yet eligible for this ranking

12 12 VA On-Time Graduation Rate for 2010 was 88.13% (up from 84.24% in 2009) All high schools met the graduation requirements for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) purposes Celebrating Success

13 13 Education Pays in Higher Earning and Lower Unemployment Rates Unemployment Rate in 2009 (Percent) Education Attained Median Weekly Earning in 2009 (Dollars) 7.9 2.5% 2.3% 3.9% Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics 2009 “The Washington Post” September 22, 2010 Associate degree Professional degree Some college, no degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral degree High school graduate Less than high sch. diploma Average all workers $774 5.7% 6.8% 8.6% 9.7% 14.6% $1,532 $1,529 $1,257 $1,025 $761 $699 $626 $454 Celebrating Success

14 14 PWCS Student Demographics* White:39.7% Hispanic:24.3% Black:22.9% Asian:7.7% Other:5.3% Hot Topics in Education: Diversity * Based on latest available data from 2010

15 15 Cedar Point Elementary ESOL Laura’s 4 th -grade essay Hot Topics in Education: Diversity

16 16 Hot Topics in Education: Budget “…And if I get my R.I.F. notice today, your homework will change from ‘The Mayflower’ to ‘Why the school district should keep the young teachers…” Kappan V91 N2

17 17 Revenue Sources for the Operating Fund of $811,314,119 All Funds = $1,116,903,580 (e.g., Capital Projects, Health Insurance, Debt Service, Food Service) * PWC and PWCS operate under a revenue sharing agreement whereby the school division gets 56.75% of county general revenue Hot Topics in Education: Budget

18 18 Operating Fund Expenditures All Funds = $1,116,903,580 (e.g., Capital Projects, Health Insurance, Debt Service, Food Service) Hot Topics in Education: Budget $811,341,119 Budgeted

19 19 “You expect me to check my text messages, twitter all my friends, load my iPod, watch American Idol and still do my homework?” Kappan Dec/Jan 2011 Hot Topics in Education: Social Media and Technology

20 20 Cultural Influences Hot Topics in Education: Social Media and Technology

21 21 Hot Topics in Education: Anti-Bullying Rachel’s Challenge Known across the nation for its message on creating safe schools by promoting proactive steps to prevent school violence and bullying, and training adults “to inspire, equip, and empower students to affect permanent positive change.” Keynote to all leadership staff by Craig Scott, Rachel’s brother

22 22 Hot Topics in Education: STEM SeaPerch underwater robotics competition Expansion of robotics at all grade levels Virginia Student Training and Refurbishment Program (VA STAR) Nova’s SySTEMic Solutions Governor’s School @ Innovation Park

23 23 Hot Topics in Education: Recruitment Identify, recruit, and mentor middle and high school students interested in the field of education –Future Educators Association –Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow / Teacher Cadets –Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Teachers (TSTT) Over 300 students now involved in these programs

24 24 Excellent Schools are Everyone’s Business The Office of Community and Business Engagement Supports: Programs/Curriculum Internships Mentor students Job shadowing Equipment donation Career awareness

25 25 2011 Business Partnerships of the Year Excellent Schools are Everyone’s Business

26 26 Will our winning partnership representatives please stand and be recognized? Excellent Schools are Everyone’s Business

27 27 Supporting Partnerships And Resources for Kids Grants - Over $530,000 in Innovative Grants since inception Scholarships - $28,000 in Dr. Edward L. Kelly Memorial Scholarships plus seven additional scholarship funds Capital projects Michele Wickham Endowment Fund Powered by SPARK

28 28 Additional Programs Include: Back-to-School Supply Drives –Partner with Prince William Chamber of Commerce Holiday Helpers Program –Partner with Volunteer Prince William Eats for Education and “Tee Off” Golf Tournament –Fundraisers supported by local businesses Powered by SPARK

29 29 Flood Relief Assistance – Over $85,000 –Partner with Prince William County Government, Volunteer Prince William, American Red Cross, ACTS, SERVE “Saluting Our Stars Ceremony” –Recognize educational excellence at both the student and staff levels Powered by SPARK

30 30 Powered by SPARK Preparing Students for School Smart Beginnings 18% of students are not ready to be successful in kindergarten Public / Private Partnership working to improve the quality of childcare and early education, better preparing children for kindergarten and life Proudly funded through SPARK by PNC Bank’s “Grow Up Great” Initiative

31 31 Contact Sharon Henry at to learn more and to advertise your business on school Web Other opportunities also available Powered by SPARK Commercial Advertising

32 32 Join Us in Supporting SPARK Powered by SPARK

33 33 A Sincere Thank You to Our Business Community For your contributions of time, money, and goods and services For supporting innovative programs For advocating for Prince William County Public Schools For helping us build our World-Class schools

34 2011 Superintendent’s Business Breakfast “The State of the School Division, and Honoring Corporate Contributions to Educational Excellence” October 13, 2011 Dr. Steven L. Walts

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