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Health System Overview 13. General Health System Facts National health insurance program (“Medicare”) Central Government sets insurance standards through.

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1 Health System Overview 13

2 General Health System Facts National health insurance program (“Medicare”) Central Government sets insurance standards through Canada Health Act 13 provincial and territorial health insurance plans offers actual coverage and medical services Traditional single-payer model, tax funded Health policy fragmented, divided between central and provincial governments, especially pharmaceutical policy (discussed below) Private provision of primary care limited but growing 14

3 Health Expenditure TEH 11.2% of GDP spent on Health in 2011 – 1.7% higher than OECD average of 9.5% (2010 latest figures) 70.4% of total health spending in 2011 public expenditure – OECD average 72% (2010 latest figures) Long term decrease in public expenditure as % of TEH from averages of 74-76% during1970s-1990s to 70-71% during 2000s Annual average growth rate (AAGR) total health expenditure 4.6% per year 2000-2009 – OECD average 4.7% AAGR public sector 4.7% per year 2000-2009 – OECD average 4.8% Out of pocket spending 14.4% 2011 – OECD average 20.1% (2010 latest figures) 15

4 (2012) 0.00 16 2.00 6.00 4.00 Source: OECD Stat 8.00 16.00 Total Expenditure on Health % of GDP, 1960-2010 20.00 Canada 18.00 United States France 14.00 Germany 12.00 Japan 10.00 United Kingdom

5 1970197119721973 1974 1975197619771978197919801981198219831984198519861987 1988 19891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002 2003 20042005200620072008200920102011 OECD Stat (2012) 74 72 70 68 66 64 17 76 Public Expenditure on Health, % TEH, Canada, 1970-2011 78 Source:

6 18 OECD Stat (2012) 1010 4343 AAGR Canada and OECD Averages, 2000-2009 7 6 5 AAGRAAGR Public Sector Canada OECD Average US UK 2 Source:

7 19 Source: OECD Stat (2012) 0 10 80 70 60 Public Expenditure and Out-of-pocket payments, % Total Expenditure on Health, 2010/2011 90 Public Expenditure, % Total Health ExpenditureOut-of-pocket payments (households), % total expenditure on health Canada (2011) OECD Average (2010) US (2010) 50 UK (2010) 40 30 20

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