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Engaging parents in the transition in and through work Celine McStravick Director NCB NI.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging parents in the transition in and through work Celine McStravick Director NCB NI."— Presentation transcript:


2 Engaging parents in the transition in and through work Celine McStravick Director NCB NI

3 NCB’s vision is a society in which children and young people contribute, are valued and their rights respected. NCB’s mission is to improve children and young people’s experiences and life chances, reducing the impact of inequalities

4 NCB achieves its mission and aims through: Policy Proof Practice Participation Partnership

5 Content What does employability mean ?Rationale for careers guidance?What does the evidence tell us?Can we re-frame service delivery?Can we re-frame policy?Challenges?

6 Employability Ability to gain employment Ability to maintain employment and make effective transitions between jobs Employability assets –Knowledge (what) –Skills (how) –Attitudes ( why)

7 Careers guidance rationale? Linked to employability assets Abilities are required –Career management skills –Job search skills –Strategic support –Demonstration of employability assets

8 Individual Employability assets Knowledge Skills Attitudes Individual Employability assets Knowledge Skills Attitudes External macro factors External macro factors Effective Intervention Careers Guidance? = Employability Personal circumstances

9 What does the evidence tell us? 1.16 million

10 What does the evidence tell us? 48,000 21.4%

11 What does the evidence tell us? ATTAINMENT –By the age of 18 45% of those with no reported qualifications had spent more than one year as NEET – utures.pdf utures.pdf DEPRIVATION –16 year olds with free school meals more than twice as likely to be NEET than peer group

12 What does the evidence tell us? Children's life chances are most heavily predicted on their development in the first five years of life- (The foundation years : preventing poor children becoming poor adults frank fields) Gaps in the attainment of richer and poorer children can open as early as 22 months and can have implications for achievement in adult life. - (The foundation years : preventing poor children becoming poor adults frank fields)

13 What does the evidence tell us? Some employability skills include; Team working, communication, flexibility, initiative, motivation, self awareness. School Readiness and skills development Impact of family

14 What does the evidence tell us? Heckman (2000) argues that children who develop well at earlier ages and are ready to start school are in a position to elicit interactions and experiences that accelerate their subsequent development and facilitate their achievement

15 Can we reframe service delivery? Where does careers guidance fit in the young persons pathway to employment? Young NCB – “too late”, “my parents tell me the best options for me”, “all the school cares about is results”

16 Poleglass Twinbrook Lagmore Kilwee Largest deprived area in Northern Ireland with a total population of 30,000. Same population as Newry City and Larger than Coleraine with Large Town Status. The Colin Area

17 The Colin Neighbourhood Renewal Area has: The highest percentage of under 16s, 36% compared to 26% the average across the 36 N.R. areas. Highest percentage of lone parent households with children, at 30% compared to the average of 17% across the 36 N.R. areas and 6% in non N.R. areas. KS2 - % Achieving level 4 or above Maths 2009 Colin area 69%, Non NR Areas 84%, N Ireland 82% School Leavers (2009) 5+ GCSE (A-C) Inc. Eng & Maths; Colin area 41%, Non NR Areas 62%, N Ireland 58%. 54% of those claiming Job Seekers Allowance are in the 16-36 yrs age groups. Deprivation

18 Some progress… Strong, vibrant Community Neighbourhood Partnership Child and Family Support programmes  Footprints Women's Centre  Ionad na Fuiseoige  Fathers development  SureStart  Roots of Empathy  Mellow Babies  New Parents Project with Health Visitors

19 BUT… What about Key Indicators; Education, Health and Employment % Achieved At Least 5 GCSE's grades A*-C (or equiv)

20 Previous interventions have not fundamentally changed outcomes within the Colin area. A different approach is required to break the cycle of disadvantage. The Early Intervention Strategy offers a different and innovative approach.

21 Early Intervention Community in Colin What is it? Where community Leaders understand and lead the development/implementation of Early Intervention programmes Generates a positive vision for change Has Inter-agency support and commitment Reflects local need/gaps

22 Colin Early Intervention Community Vision: Children, young people and families of the Colin community will have the best possible lives where hope will flourish.

23 Partners


25 Outcomes Five cross cutting themes: Health and Well being Education and Training Parent support and Engagement Provision and Delivery of services Community Change/ Empowerment The theme of Child Development was integral to all outcomes and outputs

26 Outcomes Health and Well being There will be a reduction in rates of suicide and alcohol and drug use in young people and adults. Education and Training Children will be better able to manage school transitions Parental Support and Engagement There will be improved communication within families

27 Investment Principles User Involvement Evidence based Sustainable Connectedness Evaluation, Tracking and Outcomes


29 School Counselling Roots of Empathy Incredible Years Mellow Parents Time to Read Mellow Babies Parent Support Speech and Language Our Journey – the programmes/projects


31 Can we reframe service delivery? Public Health Agency –Family nurse partnership –Roots of empathy Atlantic Philanthropy children and youth programme –Social and emotional learning, resilience, parenting, literacy and numeracy

32 Can we reframe policy? To develop effective career decision makers leading to increased and appropriate participation in education, training and employment”- Preparing for success word-preparing for success implementation report march 2011.pdf “ There is a particular challenge in promoting a culture of expectation and aspiration among pupils, their families and community and to recognise the value of education”

33 Can we reframe policy? Pathways to success success-consultation-document.pdf success-consultation-document.pdf –Planned actions A. Information B. Interventions C. Prevention

34 Challenges Investing the best possible support at the most appropriate time Learning from our experience- what does the actual evidence tell us? Targeted interventions with those most in need –“in my experience parents are largely left to their own devices which means that pushy, articulate middle class (it literate) parents are in a far better position to support their kids” Building connectivity amongst services and sectors.

35 Final thought Are we listening? Are we learning? Are we changing?

36 NCB Northern Ireland 2 nd Floor, Albany House 73-75 Great Victoria Street Belfast BT2 7AF Tel : 0208 9089 1730 Email : Web :

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