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Meet SVP An Introduction for Potential Applicants August 10 and 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet SVP An Introduction for Potential Applicants August 10 and 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet SVP An Introduction for Potential Applicants August 10 and 13, 2015

2 Today’s Speakers Sandy Hughes, SVP Chair Susan Ingmire, SVP Investment Committee Chair Supporting Cast of SVP Partners

3 Today’s Goals Introduce Social Venture Partners and our hands-on model of support to nonprofits We are part of an international network of 39 SVP affiliates from Boston to Bangalore Help you determine if an SVP investment of money and capacity-building support is right for your organization

4 Agenda Overview of SVP & our unique approach to Grants as Investments Steps to a successful partnership with SVP Application process & criteria Whole Again

5 SVP Cincinnati Vision Connect Philanthropists Strengthen Nonprofits Enrich the Social Sector Healthier people Stronger communities Amplify Impact

6 What do we, at SVP, mean by building capacity? Develop core infrastructure skills Enhance your effectiveness Improve sustainability We invest our resources to help you build a better organization. We are your Partners. We call you an Investee, not a Grantee.

7 SVP Model vs. Traditional Grants Social Venture Partners Traditional Funders Multi-year One year Unrestricted/Capacity building Program or capital focus Organization based Proposal or project based Engaged donor relationship Limited donor contact $ + time + connections $ only Work begins at investment Work ends at grant Aim for trust/transparency including challenges Focus only strengths

8 Current & Former Investees Transforming the Lives of Children & Youth at Risk ▫ Family Nurturing Center – completing its final year ▫ Lawn Life – 2 nd year ▫ Whole Again - graduated The Environment/Environmental Education ▫ Civic Garden Center – graduated ▫ Gorman Heritage Farm – graduated ▫ Imago for Earth – graduated

9 2013 & 2014 Investees Were Engaged in Transforming the Lives of Children & Youth at Risk Serving economically at risk populations Focus on addressing developmental and systemic changes involving the entire family or support system of the child Broad community appeal

10 Examples of How We Help Marketing/Branding Governance Financial Systems IT Board Development Strategic Planning Fundraising Strategies We don’t do the work for you; we teach you to fish. At the same time, you teach us. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship.

11 Video: Civic Garden Center

12 New SVP Focus for 2015-2016 Health and Wellness adopted by partnership Two priorities ▫ Promoting increased physical activity ▫ Promoting healthy eating and improved nutrition Aligned with Interact for Health, which is SVP’s 501c3 fiscal sponsor Excludes school booster programs, hospitals and health systems and former investees


14 Agenda Overview of SVP & our unique approach to Grants as Investments Steps to a successful partnership with SVP Application process & what we look for Imago for Earth

15 An SVP Partnership Requires Time from your Board and Staff Commitment to Capacity Building Transparent/Trusting Relationship Resources to Move Forward

16 SVP Operates as Consultants Social Venture Partners works with you in a consulting capacity. Think of us as an advisory team of consultants. We do not replace your staff or your board. We are not paid, in fact we make a $20,000 grant to you for each of the 3 years of our partnership.

17 Organizational Self- Assessment Determine Needs Annual Action Plan Match Volunteers to Needs Mid-Year Check-in Achieve Impact Based on Mutual Outcomes Annual Review

18 Key Success Factors ▫ Vision for your organization for the next three to five years and real examples of how SVP can help. ▫ Data and clarity about how your organization can measure its work product and scale future success. ▫ What is unique about you, given all the community needs.

19 Red Flags for SVP Success Leadership in flux and/or board is not engaged So big it’s hard to understand where SVP fits in So small, you have too few support staff Organization is in a state of chaos or financial crisis No demonstrated buy-in from board and program staff

20 Agenda Overview of SVP & our unique approach to Grants as Investments Steps to a successful partnership with SVP Application process and what we look for Gorman Heritage Farm

21 Timeline Letters of Intent are due9.3.15 by 5 pm Requests for full proposals 10.1.15 (Invitations to 6 semi-final organizations) Full proposals are due 11.2.15 by 5 pm Site visits by SVP TeamsJanuary 2016 Finalists Selected (3 organizations) 2.4.16 Presentation CoachingFebruary 2016 Finalists Present to SVP Evening of 3.15.16 ▫ New Investee Selected3.16.16

22 5 Key Factors We Look For Organization’s mission fits with SVP goals  Willing to innovate and use technology to deepen organizational impact Organization fills a significant niche in the community  Improves quality of life in Greater Cincinnati  Measures progress and evaluates its outcomes

23 Organization needs help growing capacity  There is a good match between your needs and SVP partners’ skills  Organization has been in business 3+ years Organization has strong, engaged leadership team  Has adequate and receptive board to work with SVP  Has at least 3 FT staff members

24 Organization has an adequate financial platform to support its work Has an annual budget of $300,000+ Is a 501(c) 3 in good standing with the IRS Program you seek help with or organization as a whole has potential to scale Is committed to sustainability

25 Video: Pastor Chandler Whole Again

26 Things to Think About Before Applying Are you ready to invest time and energy to establish a working relationship with SVP for the next few years? Includes regular reporting and communications through planning and execution. Assess your comfort and preparedness to build a trusting, open relationship. Ensure your staff can adequately support new work.

27 Compelling Letter of Intent Describe how the SVP relationship will be leveraged to move your organization forward. Remember: SVP’s niche is consulting/organizational support - not program development. That’s your expertise! Convey a clear sense of who you are as an organization and what your challenges are that you’d like to address in partnership with SVP.

28 Compelling Letter of Intent Describe your mission and how you meet the needs of your target population - why are you effective? Identify a 3-5 year vision for the organization and what internal capacity-building needs you seek to achieve that vision. Can you tell your story in front of our partnership?

29 Proposal Pointers Demonstrate clear, shared vision and mission for your organization. Integrate your top capacity-building needs with the vision. ▫ How does your scope of work meet a defined need in the community effectively? ▫ How will capacity building improve your ability to deliver services and meet your mission?

30 More Proposal Pointers Demonstrate buy-in from multiple stakeholders including staff and board Tell us how SVP Partners can have an impact on the organization Share strengths and current challenges Show understanding of SVP model of engaged philanthropy

31 Did we meet today’s goals? ▫ Introduce Social Venture Partners ▫ Help you determine if an SVP “grant” is right for your organization. We appreciate your interest and time. Tell your friends, colleagues and board members about SVP! Thank you for coming!

32 Q&A Your SVP point of contact is Sandy Hughes, SVP Chair 513-458-6715 Social Venture Partners 3805 Edwards Road, Suite 500 Cincinnati, OH 45209

33 Thank you!

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