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Nuclear Chemistry Courtesy I. Markic
Topic 12 Nuclear Chemistry Courtesy I. Markic
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
The study of nuclear reactions and their uses in chemistry When nuclei change spontaneously, emitting radiation, they are said to be radioactive
Radioactive elements are used in medicine as… diagnostic tools
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Radioactive elements are used in medicine as… diagnostic tools treatment for cancer determine mechanisms for chemical reactions trace movements of atoms in biological systems Radioactive elements are used in archeology… To date important historical artifacts Uses of nuclear reactions… generate electricity create WMDs of property and/or life
Radioactivity Radioactive nuclei are called radionuclides
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Radioactive nuclei are called radionuclides Atoms containing radioactive nuclei are called radioisotopes Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called isotopes Different isotopes of an element are distinguished by their mass numbers Different nuclei have different stabilities The nuclear properties of an atom depend on the ratio of neutrons to protons in its nucleus
Types of Radioactive Decay
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Types of Radioactive Decay The most common types… alpha decay α 2He4 beta decay β -1e0 or -1β 0 gamma radiation 00 or just
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
+ Battery -
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Alpha Radiation α 2He4 Contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Alpha Radiation α 2He4 Contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons Has heavy mass, does not travel far…| …stopped by a thin sheet of paper or skin Dangerous if ingested 92U 90Th He4 α emission 92U He4 94Pu242 α absorption
Beta Radiation β -1e0 or -1 β 0 Less charge than alpha particle
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Beta Radiation β -1e0 or -1 β 0 Less charge than alpha particle Extremely small mass More penetrating, can pass through paper… …stopped by aluminum foil or thin pieces of wood 6C 7N e0 β emission 19K e0 18Ar42 β absorption
Gamma Radiation 00 or just No mass, no charge High energy photon
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Gamma Radiation 00 or just No mass, no charge High energy photon Often emitted with α or β particles during decay Can pass though paper, wood, and our bodies Can mostly be stopped by several meters of concrete or several cm of lead 90Th230 86Ra He4 + 00
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Figure: 21-T01
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Figure: 21-T02
Nuclear Transformations
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Nuclear Transformations There are ~115 different elements, but more than different nuclei are known (Wait a minute—how is this possible?) Only 264 nuclei are stable and do not decay over time Stability of a nucleus depends on it neutron-to-proton ratio The stable nuclei are in a region called the band of stability
The stable nuclei are located in the belt of stability (shaded )
As the at # increases, the 0n1:1p1 ratio of the stable nuclei increases The stable nuclei are located in the belt of stability (shaded ) Radioactive nuclei occur outside this belt 2:1 neutron-to-proton ratio Figure: 21-02 Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
positron decay or electron capture
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 n/p too large => need more 1p1s &/or fewer 0n1s; so… turn 0n1s into 1p1s by… n/p too large beta decay X n/p too small => need fewer 1p1s &/or more 0n1s; so… turn 1p1s into 0n1s by… Y n/p too small positron decay or electron capture
Nuclear Stability Certain numbers of 0n1s and 1p1s are extra stable
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Certain numbers of 0n1s and 1p1s are extra stable 0n1 or 1p1 count = 2, 8, 20, 50, 82, 126 Like extra stable numbers of -1e0s in noble gases (2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86) Nuclei with even numbers of both 1p1s and 0n1s are more stable than those with odd numbers All isotopes with at#s ≥ 84 (Po) are radioactive All isotopes of 43Tc and 61Pm are radioactive
Transmutation Reactions
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Transmutation Reactions Transmutation - the conversion of an atom of one element into an atom of a different element Can occur by radioactive decay Can occur when particles (1p1-s, 0n1-s, or 2He4-s) bombard the nucleus of an atom 7 N H1 6C12 + 2He4 92U n1 93Np β0 4Be9 + 2He4 6C12 + 0n1
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Sample Exercise What product is formed when radium-226 undergoes alpha decay? What element undergoes alpha decay to form lead-208? 12Mg27 decays by beta emission to form… 1H3 __ + -1e0 3Li9 4Be9 + __
Sample Exercise 6C14 -1e0 + ____ 95Am241 2He4 + ____
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Sample Exercise 6C14 -1e0 + ____ 95Am241 2He4 + ____ 7N16 6O16 + ____ Alpha decay of francium-208… Beta emission by argon-37… Positron emission by fluorine-17…
Sample Exercise 3Li6 + 0n1 2He4 + __
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Sample Exercise 3Li6 + 0n1 2He4 + __ 92U n1 __ + 56Ba n1 13Al27 + 2He4 __ + -1e0 92U235 38Sr90 + __ + 0n e0 83Bi214 2He4 + __ 14Si27 -1e0 + __ 29Cu66 30Zn66 + __
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Decay Series Figure: 21-04
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Half-Life (t½) The time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioisotope sample to decay to products After each half-life, one-half of the atoms we had at the beginning of the half-life have decayed into atoms of a new element
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Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Fig. 23.3
Decay of a 10.0 g Sample of Sr-90
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Decay of a 10.0 g Sample of Sr-90
Decay of a 1.000 mg Sample of Mo-99
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Decay of a mg Sample of Mo-99
Brigham Young Researcher Scott Woodward Taking a Bone Sample
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Brigham Young Researcher Scott Woodward Taking a Bone Sample
A Dendrochronologist Cutting a Section from a Dead Tree
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Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Sample Exercise Po-214 has a relatively short t½ of 164 sec. How many seconds would it take for 8.0 g of this isotope to decay to 0.25 g? How many days does it take for 16 g of Pa-107 to decay to 1.0g? t½ of Pa-107 is 17 days.
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Sample Exercise In 5.49 seconds, 1.20 g of Ar-35 decay to leave only 0.15 g. What is t½ of Ar-35? Na-24 has a t½ of 15 hours. How much Na-24 remains in an 18.0 g sample after 60 hours?
Sample Exercise Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 In 6.20 h, a 100. g sample of Ag-112 decays to g. What is t½ of Ag-112? Mn-56 is a β emitter with t½ of 2.6 h. What is the mass of Mn-56 in a 1.0 mg sample of the isotope at the end of 10.4 h? C-14 emits beta radiation and decays with t½ of 5730 years. Assume you start with 2.00 x g C-14. How long is 3 t½s? How many grams of the isotope remain at the end of 3 t½s?
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Occurs when the nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons… …and the nucleus splits into smaller fragments In a chain reaction, some of the neutrons produced react with other fissionable atoms, producing more neutrons with will react with still more fissionable atoms Can release enormous amounts of energy (atomic bombs, nuclear reactors) Exothermic processes Undergoes fission when struck by a slow-moving neutron U-235 or Pu-239
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Fig. 23.6
Fission Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Uranium Oxide (refined uranium)
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Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
An Aerial View of the Fermilab High Energy Particle Accelerator
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The Accelerator Tunnel at Fermilab
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Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Chain Reaction If the fission process continues and the energy is unchecked, the result is a violent explosion The sample of fissionable material must have a minimum ‘critical mass’ – if not, 0n1-s escape from the sample before they strike another nucleus and cause additional fission The chain Rx stops if enough 0n1-s are lost
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Critical Mass The amount of fissionable material large enough to maintain the chain reaction with a constant rate of fission When critical mass is present, only one 0n1 from each fission is subsequently effective in producing another fission
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Figure: 21-16
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Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass (a)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass Critical Mass (a) (b)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass Critical Mass (a) (b)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass Critical Mass (a) (b)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Subcritical Mass Critical Mass (a) (b)
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Subcritical Mass Critical Mass (a) (b)
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Figure: 21-20C
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Figure: 21-19
Reactant Core Coolant fluid Na(l) or H2O Moderator
Slows 0n1s so they can be absorbed (D2O, graphite) Control Rods Decrease the # of slow moving 0n1s (B, Cd) Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Shield Steam To steam turbine Shield Water Pump Control rod
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Shield Steam To steam turbine Shield Water Pump Control rod Uranium fuel
Nuclear Waste Fuel rods are one major source of waste
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Fuel rods are one major source of waste Fuel rods are made of fissionable isotope U-235 or Pu-239 Isotope-depleted (spent) fuel rods are removed and replaced with new fuel rods All nuclear power plants have holding tanks, or “swimming pools,” for spent fuel rods Water cools the spent rods, and acts as a radiation shield to reduce the radiation levels (12 m deep) The rods continue to produce heat for years after their removal from the core Spent fuel rods spend a decade or more in a holding tank
Annual Waste Production
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 35,000 tons SO2 4.5 x 106 tons CO2 1,000 MW coal-fired power plant 3.5 x 106 ft3 ash Annual Waste Production 1,000 MW nuclear power plant 70 ft3 vitrified waste
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Fig. 23.p961bottom
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Hazards of the radioactivity in spent fuel compared to that of uranium ore
Nuclear Fusion Nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass Fusion Rxs release more energy than fission Rxs Energy released by the sun comes from nuclear fission Only occurs at high temperatures, over 40,000,000 °C H nuclei (1p1s) fuse to make He nuclei (a combination of 2 low-mass nuclei to form a nucleus of larger mass) 1H2 + 1H3 2He4 + 0n1 + energy More appealing because.. the greater availability of light isotopes fusion products are generally not radioactive
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Figure: 21-13
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Detecting Radiation Radiation cannot be heard, heard, felt, nor smelled… …but, radiation produces ions, which can be detected by instruments… … such as Geiger counters, scintillation counters, and film badges
Geiger Counter Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Figure: 21-10
Geiger-Muller Counter
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 18–69 Geiger-Muller Counter
Geiger-Muller Counter
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Geiger-Muller Counter
Scintillator Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
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Film Badge
Using Radiation Radioisotopes (tracers) are used in agriculture to test the effects of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers Radioisotopes are used to diagnose medical problems and to treat diseases Radiation (medical) in the body should… have short t½ be quickly eliminated from the body Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Household Smoke Detector
Contains a small amount of Am-241 When smoke particles interfere with ionizing O2 in the air, smoke gets ionized instead The drop in current is detected by an electric circuit which sounds an alarm Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
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Radiation in our Lives Figure: 21-23
Dose-dependent Effects of Radiation
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Dose-dependent Effects of Radiation
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Radioisotopes in Medicine
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Radioisotopes in Medicine 1 of 3 hospital patients has a nuclear medicine procedure Na-24, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, blood-flow tracer I-131, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, thyroid gland activity I-123, t½ = 13.3 hr, g-ray emitter, brain imaging F-18, t½ = 1.8 hr, b+ emitter, positron emission tomography Tc-99m, t½ = 6 hr, g-ray emitter, imaging agent Brain images with I-123-labeled compound
Chemistry In Action: Food Irradiation
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Dosage Effect Up to 100 kilorad Inhibits sprouting of potatoes, onions, garlic; inactivates trichinae in pork; kills or prevents insects from reproducing in grains, fruits, and vegetables 100 – 1000 kilorads Delays spoilage of meat poultry and fish; reduces salmonella; extends shelf life of some fruit 1000 to 10,000 kilorads Sterilizes meat, poultry and fish; kills insects and microorganisms in spices and seasoning.
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
Fig. 23.p969top
Image of a portion of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Image of a portion of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant
A pellet containing radioactive I-131
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Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Radiation
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08 Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Radiation
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Typical radiation exposures for a person living in the United States (1 millirem = rem)
Nuclear Chemistry rev. 11/19/08
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