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Conference on Agriculture

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1 Conference on Agriculture
National Conference on Agriculture Rabi 24-25 Sep. 2008

2 Area under Kharif Crops
Kharif assessment 2008 Area under Kharif Crops Area in lac ha 5 Yrs Avg. 02-03 to 06-07 2007 Ach 2008 Target L Ach Cereals 64.84 68.95 65.70 59.91 Pulses 22.07 26.05 27.25 26.51 Oilseeds 12.81 14.99 15.95 17.32 Cotton 3.98 3.69 4.00 2.23 Guar-seed 20.06 29.10 23.00 27.72 Total incl. Others 129.45 147.44 140.60 137.93

3 Production under Kharif Crops
Kharif assessment 2008 Production under Kharif Crops Production in lac Mt/ lac bales 5 Yrs Avg. 2007 Ach 2008 Target L Ach Cereals 49.10 68.41 68.00 60.56 Pulses 6.07 9.51 13.73 13.03 Oilseeds 12.31 18.34 22.15 24.09 Cotton 6.71 8.62 11.00 6.80 Guar-seed 5.56 12..44 11.50 13.63

4 Productivity : Kharif Crops
Kharif assessment 2008 Productivity : Kharif Crops Productivity in kg/ha 5 Yrs Avg. 2007 Ach 2008 Target L Ach Cereals 757 992 1035 1011 Pulses 275 365 504 492 Oilseeds 961 1223 1389 1391 Cotton 286 397 468 519 Guar-seed 277 427 500

5 Rainfall Rajasthan As on 19th Sept. 2008 Rainfall in % Ganga Nagar
Hanumangarh Churu Jhunjhunu Bikaner Alwar Sikar Bharatpur Nagaur Jaisalmer Jaipur Dausa Dholpur Jodhpur Karauli Ajmer Tonk Sawai madhopur Barmer Pali Bundi Bhilwara Raj samand Baran Jalore Chittor garh Kota Rainfall in % 20 to 60 % - 20 to 2 % - 20 to –60 % Sirohi Jhalawar Udaipur Excess : 13 Distt. Normal : 13 Distt. Deficit : 7 Distt. Pratap garh Dungarpur Banswara

6 Rabi Prospects 2008-09: Area lac Ha. 5 yrs Average 21.21 1.97 9.39
26.40 2..04 Ach. 25.92 2.49 12.31 24.58 0.38 Target 26.00 3.50 13.00 27.00 1.40 WHEAT BARLEY GRAM MUSTARD TARAMIRA

7 Rabi Prospects 2008-09: Production
lac MT 5 yrs Average 60.16 4.64 6.35 31.76 0.74 Ach. 71.25 5.39 5.74 23.52 0.10 Target 78.00 9.29 10.39 34.49 0.73 WHEAT BARLEY GRAM MUSTARD TARAMIRA

8 Rabi Prospects 2008-09 : Productivity
Kg per Ha 5 yr. avg (10th Plan) 2836 2355 676 1203 Ach 2749 2165 466 957 Target 3000 2654 800 1277 WHEAT BARLEY GRAM MUSTARD

9 National Food Security Mission
Rabi Wheat- 15 districts, Pulses -15 districts SFSMEC & DFSMECs have been constituted consultants hired 75000 qtls extra seed of Wheat distributed as compared to last year Progress : Rs. in lacs Provision Release Expenditure Wheat Pulses 853 64.587 Publicity 105.00 32.144 Issues: Inclusion of coarse cereals for more comprehensive food security Inclusion of more districts in NFSM Wheat-9 districts, Rabi Pulses-11, Rice- 4, Kharif Pulses-5 Additional subsidy on seeds, micronutrients, etc to be extended to non NFSM districts so as to have common pricing of these inputs throughout the State

10 National Food Security Mission

11 National Food Security Mission

12 National Food Security Mission

13 National Food Security Mission

14 Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Rs crores released during For the year GOI has allocated Rs crores under RKVY. Out of which GOI has also released 1st installment of Rs crores SLSC constituted- 3 meetings held so far ( 1st March, 22nd July & 18th Aug.) Department-wise projects sanctioned in : S.No. Department/Organisation Amount Rs. in lac 1 Agriculture 2 Horticulture 3 Fisheries 222.50 4 RCDF 607.00 5 MPUAT, Udaipur 875.00 6 RAU, Bikaner 96.00 TOTAL

15 Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Department-wise projects sanctioned in : S.No. Department/Organization Amount Rs. in lac 1 Agriculture 2 Horticulture 3 Fisheries 4 RCDF 5 MPUAT, Udaipur 6 RAU, Bikaner 7 Animal Husbandry 8 Cooperative 9 Higher Education 10 Water Resources 11 Sadguru (NGO) TOTAL Progress: Against released amount of Rs lacs ( lac), financial sanction of Rs lacs has been issued. Out of this, an amount of Rs. 17 crores has been utilized so far. Issues: Against sanctioned projects of Rs lacs, GOI has released only Rs lacs. Therefore, GOI may kindly consider early release of funds under stream I

16 Extension System Reforms: ATMA
Status of ATMA scheme in Rajasthan in 2008 – 09 SREP of 22 districts has been approved by GOI SREP of remaining 10 districts has been vetted and approved by MANAGE and is under final printing Partial SEWP of 3.66 crores for organizing the Agriculture and Farmers’ Development Workshop - cum - Exhibition has been approved by GOI Final SEWP of about crores is under preparation and would be sent to GOI before the end of September 2008 Proposed out lay for by GOI is 12.5 crores Expenditure incurred Rs lacs (upto 15th September 08) No fund has been released by GOI in 2008 – 09

17 Extension System Reforms
Kharif Abhiyan 2008 –pre Kharif Panchayat level campaign to reach out to farmers with special focus on productivity enhancement “Kheti Ri Batan” a live daily Radio program with farmer-friendly format-phone-in, success stories, farmers interviews etc. Agro ecological situation wise PoP prepared and distributed Inter-state 165 exposure visits are being organized Beneficiary trainings ( Software ) included in implementation of components ( hardware ) viz. seed production, agri. implements, sprinkler, drip, pipe line etc. Kisan Call Centre 2nd highest calls in the country

18 Extension:New Initiatives
Action Research Project prepared for Drip in Cotton: 95 Trials laid out (Ajmer-17, Jodhpur-15, Bhilwara-3, Chittore-6, Banswara-6, Ganganagar-30, Hanumangarg-18) During kharif 2008, projects prepared and executed for analysis, estimation and enhancement of the following productivity determinants: - Bio Fertilizer Use Rate  - Bio Agent Use Rate - Bio Pesticides Use Rate - Micro Nutrient Use Rate - Gypsum Use Rate This will help in popularizing low cost inputs among farmers leading to sustainable development of agriculture.

19 Seed: Enhanced Production & Distribution
Increased lifting of Breeder Seed – Rabi Year (tgt) in Qtls Increased Certified Seed Distribution – Rabi Year (tgt) lac Qtls Increased Certified Seed Distribution – Total lac Qtls New Seed Scheme – Involvement of Private Sector in Seed Production and distribution Minikit distribution scheme refined as seed production scheme for self-use Quality control measures enforced strictly

20 Seed Arrangements : Rabi
in lac Qtls. 5 years Average (02-03 to 06-07) distribution Targets Wheat 3.48 6.73 9.10 Barley 0.24 0.51 1.00 Gram 0.28 0.48 0.97 Mustard 0.54 0.80 0.92 Total 4.54 8.52 11.99

21 Seed Replacement Rate in rabi crops (SRR%)
Mustard 85.00 81.50 60.10 47.81 44.55 35.00 wheat 25.98 Barley 19.42 19.12 28.57 15.86 12.42 20.30 11.69 15.13 10.00 Gram 5.25 3.96 3.91 3.13

22 National Horticulture Mission
Provision Progress Upto Aug.08 Out lay (Rs. In lacs) 466.66 Nursery development (Nos.) 42 44 28 7 New gardens (ha.) 13897 7365 16540 4062 Water resources (Nos.) 114 215 300 40 IPM (ha.) 10085 5850 10000 245 Organic farming (ha.) 825 235 2500 70 Vermi-compost units (nos.) 155 535 600 72 Bee- Keeping (Nos.) 6940 Cold storage (Nos.) - 16 20

23 Initiatives PHM & MARKETING:
Food Processing training centre at Kota through SIAM for developing technologists, managers & entrepreneurs in food processing through courses Terminal market o be set up in the State through collaboration with SOI and private sector. Capacity building of all categories of agricultural personnel through NIAM for upgradation and attitudinal change for PHM & Marketing Capacity building for price risk management for selected crops by promotion of futures trading through MCX & NCDEX. Kishan Bhawan has been proposed at each district. H.Q.

24 Marketing Reforms Terminal Market : at Muhana - Completed and developing also for flower Mandi By inserting a new section 14 A in the Raj. Agriculture Produce Marketing Act 1961 provision of single licence in the State has been inserted. By which a trader can trade in more than one market with a single licence. The reservation of 10% shops/ plots for Agriculturist increased to 20% on has been reserved only for agriculturist women. Out of them 30% reservation for SC/ST agriculturist women.

25 Marketing Reforms….. Development of 20 Commodity - Specific mandis e.g. Henna (mehendi) in subyard Sojatcity (Sojat Road) flower mandi in Pushkar & Ajmer (F & V), Cumin (Jeera) mandi in Jodhpur (Grain) and Mertacity, & Pea(Matar) mandi in Basedi total Project cost Rs Crores. Agri Export Zones for Coriander and Cumin established - Activities for improving quality & enhancing productivity started. APMC Act amended (21st Nov, 2005) for contract farming, direct purchase & private mandies. Crop Produce Company Cotton Cotton Corporation of India Soyabean, Wheat, Maize, Bajra, Mustard, Barley ITC Ltd (Agro Divn) SAB - Miller & CARGILL India Ltd (H.O. Gurgaon) (KOTA) All Mandies computerized AWB Krishi Suvidha - Parisad (Kota) Pvt. Ltd., vill. Aktasa (Bundi)

26 Fertilizer Arrangements : Rabi
in lac M.T. Consumption Last 5 yrs avg. 03-04 to07-08 Arrangement DAP 2.22 2.10 2.41 3.00 UREA 7.54 8.47 8.17 9.50 SSP 0.79 0.94 0.61 1.10 Others 0.45 0.55 0.26 0.81 Total 11.00 12.06 11.45 14.41 Continuously wide spread rains in whole state Rabi area & production likely to be high All time high demand of DAP/ Urea expected Demand of DAP for Oct.08 is 1.50 lac MT whereas allocation by DOF is only 0.60 lac MT Advance procurement of 1.50 lac MT DAP from IPL As per DOF instructions till to date, no placement of DAP for rabi by IPL Buffer stock of MT of urea has not been replenished by CFCL till date.

27 Soil Health Enhancement through INM
Massive increase in distribution of soil health cards lac in , lac soil samples analyze and 1.28 lac distributed during (till Aug. 2008) Micro nutrient testing facility available in 32 labs - Micronutrient testing done for samples in and samples analyzed in so far Special software being used to generate Computerized soil health cards – recommendations in terms of fertilizer materials for 4-8 important crops. 28.04 lac village soil health cards of villages were distributed for the first time in 32.07 lac village package of practice – soil health cards were distributed and villge-wise trainings were organized in villages as special campaing from 10th April to 25th May, 2008, lac farmers benefitted. Block-wise fertility maps prepared Fertility maps on GIS –Maps of 09 districts displayed on GIS. Rest to be completed by Stress on Precision Farming - PoP as per Agro Ecological Situations have been prepared in Rabi 2007 and Kharif 2008. Large scale (4 lac ha area) use of Gypsum in Oilseeds and Pulses as source of nutrient

28 Best Practices - Kharif Campaign- 2008
Kisan Mahotsava campaign from 15th May to 30th June 2008 Convergence of Agri. services at the door step Disseminate appropriate technology & practices for Kharif crops Arranged availability of inputs for Kharif through Beej Raths Coverage -all 9189 Gram Panchayat H.Q Encouraging people’s participation lac farmers Major Achievements: Soil samples collected lac Soil Health Cards distributed lac Village Soil Health Cards distributed lac Seed minikits distributed lac Applications prepared lac Farmer Friendly literature dist lac booklets, lac pamphlets

29 Best Practices :District and crop specific projects
Kharif Projects for Productivity Enhancement Operation 150% for Pulses , Castor, Til Target 20+ for Soybean Projects for Increasing SRR Target 35% Castor, Til Target 28% Moong Target 20% Urd Target 10% Moth Target 25% Arhar Target 18 % Guar  Target 25% Soybean Target 30% Maize Seed Treatment- Target 100% Remark-Impact assessment of crop specific projects undertaken during kharif 2008 through M&E unit by organizing crop cutting experiments and analyzing the yield increase.

30 Best Practices : Quality control
Targeted Sampling - ABCD analysis of PP chemicals, Fertilizers & Seed producers on the basis of past quality performance. Targeted sampling with more samples drawn from poor performers Sampling at manufacturing units - Control at source Special Campaign – to draw samples from dealers from whom no samples taken in last 5 years or with dubious track record Pre season Quality Control Campaigns % of failed samples decreased % Active ingredient increased in failed samples Year wise samples taken: Year Fertilizers Pesticides Seed Total Samples

31 Best Practices- Women Empowerment
Sanction in the name of women – women beneficiaries likely to increase from 9% ( ) to about 70 % during c.f.y To encourage girl students to choose Agriculture as subject the Stipend started --- Rs.3000/- for 10+2, Rs.5000/- for Post graduation and Rs for Ph. D Students Special training for women farmers - a State effort Popularization of drudgery reduction equipments for women farmers. Distribution of seed minikits to women farmers

32 New Initiative: Pesticide Residue Testing Laboratory
One Pesticide Residue Lab established and become operational Standard operating procedures for cumin, coriander, wheat, moong has een prepared and 15 samples analysed so far. Trial testing for vegetables & other agricultural comodities are under process.

33 Best Practices- Rabi 2008-09 :Efficient extension delivery system
Krishi Yojanaen –Apke Dwar ( Pre-Rabi Campaign) Period- 15 th Sep. to 15th Oct. 2008 Camps in all Gram Panchayats Service delivery at doorstep of farmers i.e. availability of inputs, transfer of latest technology through trainings & literature etc. collection of soil samples, Soil Health Cards distributed for already collected samples. Applications are prepared for individual beneficiary activities. Minikits distributed. Easy & transparent execution of schemes with people’s participation (PRIs/ input manufacturers/public etc) On the spot processing of applications of individual beneficiary schemes. Disbursement of subsidy for already processed applications. Discussions on productivity enhancement, quality improvement,cost reduction etc. Distribution of farmer friendly literature- Capacity Building of farmers Social Audit of beneficiaries of previous years / season.

34 Issues for Consideration
Agriculture- Settlement of claims under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)- Release of balance amount of crop compensation by GOI for Kharif 2005 (Rs crore ) and Rabi (Rs crore) total amounting to Rs crore. NFSM- 1.Inclusion of coarse cereals for more comprehensive food security Inclusion of more districts in NFSM (Wheat-9 districts, Rabi Pulses-11, Rice- 4, Kharif Pulses-5) Advance stock building of DAP avoided crisis. But, this system placed an huge burden on the state finances. GOI should provide assistance for advance stock building. Propositioning of DAP for rabi as per DOF instructions Horticulture- Expansion of National Horticulture Mission in all the districts Inclusion of all horticultural crops including vegetable under NHM Change in cost norms of green house, flower area expansion: Credit link Projects Increase the subsidy upto 50% under PHM activities Thanks

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