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DOCLINE Update Medical Library Association 2009 Honolulu, HI Maria Elizabeth Collins Public Services Division National Library of Medicine National Institutes.

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Presentation on theme: "DOCLINE Update Medical Library Association 2009 Honolulu, HI Maria Elizabeth Collins Public Services Division National Library of Medicine National Institutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCLINE Update Medical Library Association 2009 Honolulu, HI Maria Elizabeth Collins Public Services Division National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Department of Health & Human Services

2 Agenda DOCLINE today Recent enhancements Changes currently in progress Upcoming plans

3 DOCLINE Today 3,097 libraries participating Over 1.55 million serial holdings records  1.27 million print  242,000+ e-journals (15.6%) 1.9 million ILL Requests in FY08 Fill Rate is 93% Average number of routes is 1.26

4 ILL Requests

5 Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshots

6 Recent Enhancements

7 DOCLINE Changes DOCLINE 3.4 (July 2008)  Email notification for new Loansome Doc requests  Added ElocationID data to receipts  Added alert notification to Borrow for author manuscript in PubMed Central New servers (February & March 2009) Oracle 10g (April 2009)

8 Coming Soon…

9 DOCLINE 4.0 – Serial Holdings Simplified title searching Added acquisitions status search filter Removed retrieval limits on search results Ability to list all of your own holdings for systematic review and updating Updated title and holdings display Improved navigation Improved holdings editing

10 Simplified Search

11 Title Results

12 Holdings Results

13 Show All My Holdings

14 All My Holdings Results

15 Edit Holdings

16 Coming Later … Requests module updating Improved screen layout Improved workflow Enhancements

17 We’re Still Thinking About … E-journals  Embargos  Licensing restrictions  Diverging content  Epub ahead of print

18 Talk With DOCLINE Team NLM Booth  Monday, 10am - 12pm DOCLINE Team Members at MLA  Maria Collins  Barbara Nicholson

19 Visit us at the NLM Booth Thank You

20 Questions & Answers

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