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Chapter 1 Love Loyalty Sacrifice Betrayal Violence No Greater Story.

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2 Chapter 1 Love Loyalty Sacrifice Betrayal Violence No Greater Story

3 Chapter 1 Three witnesses –J–John –G–God –T–The Holy Spirit One Enemy: Satan The Beginning of Jesus Public Life

4 Chapter 1 Brief Introduction Jesus calls on men to follow Him Jesus confirmed His teaching with miracles

5 The good news is about Jesus Christ, the Son of God –J–Jesus: Jehovah Saves –C–Christ: Anointed One –S–Son of God: Divine Mark’s Brief Introduction, 1-15 Prophet King Priest

6 Chapter 1 John prepared the way for Jesus, 2-8 –P–Per prophecy, Mal. 3:1; Isa. 40:3-5; cf. Lk. 16:16 –B–By baptism Of repentance, Mt. 3:2 For the remission of sins, Heb. 9:15; 10:4 Mark’s Brief Introduction, 1-15

7 Chapter 1 John prepared the way for Jesus, 2-8 –“–“All” Judea came, Lk. 7:29, 30 –B–Baptized “in” Jordan, Jn. 3:23 –R–Rugged, 2 Kgs. 1:8 –H–Humble –C–Coming Holy Spirit baptism, Acts 1:5; 11:15, 16; 2:17 Mark’s Brief Introduction, 1-15

8 Chapter 1 Jesus begins His “public” ministry, 9-15 –H–His baptism, Mt. 3:15; Jn. 1:29-34 –H–His temptation, Heb. 4:15 –H–His teaching Repentance Belief Kingdom Mark’s Brief Introduction, 1-15

9 Chapter 1 Four fishermen knew Jesus –J–John’s disciples, Jn. 1:35-37 –“–“Believed” in Jesus, Jn. 1:40, 41 –N–NOT blind faith Jesus Calls Men To Follow Him, 16-20

10 Chapter 1 They left fishing –O–Others needed to leave money, Mk. 10:21 –N–Not a universal requirement, cf. Acts 16:14, 27 Jesus Calls Men To Follow Him, 16-20

11 Chapter 1 They responded immediately –L–Learn the truth –C–Called –R–Respond, cf. Acts 24:25 Jesus Calls Men To Follow Him, 16-20

12 Chapter 1 He taught in the Synagogue –D–Devout –O–Opportunity –S–Sabbath keeping NOT a pattern, cf. Jn. 2:13 Jesus Confirmed His Word w/Miracles, 21-25

13 Chapter 1 The people were astonished His miracles were immediate The demons recognized Him –F–Fearful –S–Silenced Jesus Confirmed His Word w/Miracles, 21-25

14 Chapter 1 Jesus was focused on His mission –P–Prayer, Lk. 6:12 –P–Preaching was PRIMARY, cf. Jn. 6:26, 27; 1 Cor. 14:1 His fame spread, 28, 32, 33, 37, 45 Jesus Confirmed His Word w/Miracles, 21-25

15 Chapter 1 Jesus cleansed the leper –R–Recognized the problem—desperate –B–Believed –T–Took action—called out –R–Received compassion –C–Cleansed Jesus Confirmed His Word w/Miracles, 21-25

16 Chapter 1 Jesus cleansed the leper –T–Told to keep silent –D–Disobeyed—Hindered Jesus’ work Jesus Confirmed His Word w/Miracles, 21-25 No matter how well intentioned, disobedience to the Lord’s commands ALWAYS hinders His cause!

17 Chapter 1 Brief Introduction Jesus calls on men to follow Him Jesus confirmed His teaching with miracles

18 Love Loyalty Sacrifice Betrayal Violence No Greater Story

19 Chapter 1 Three Witnesses One Enemy Do You Believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?

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