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UNDERSTANDING THE NEW DISCOVERY LANDSCAPE: Federated Search, Web-scale Discovery, Next- Generation Catalog and the rest Marshall Breeding Director for.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDERSTANDING THE NEW DISCOVERY LANDSCAPE: Federated Search, Web-scale Discovery, Next- Generation Catalog and the rest Marshall Breeding Director for."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDERSTANDING THE NEW DISCOVERY LANDSCAPE: Federated Search, Web-scale Discovery, Next- Generation Catalog and the rest Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technology and Research Vanderbilt University Library Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Library Journal Webinar May 6, 2010

2 Description  "Discovery" is a hot topic these days, as libraries everywhere look for ways to increase collection usage, improve user experience, and raise the profile and value of the library. From OPACs to federated search to discovery layers to web-scale discovery, choices are growing, but so is confusion about the meaning and methodology of discovery. You’ve been to the conference sessions, read the articles and blog posts… are the gray areas just getting grayer?

3 Agenda  Learn the lingo, distinguish between current discovery product offerings, and examine today’s revolution in genuine discovery from Marshall Breeding of Vanderbilt University and editor of Library Technology Guides and the Smart Libraries Newsletter. Breeding has reported on discovery since its humble, often clunky beginnings to the present, training a keen eye on both theory and practical application.

4 Crowded Landscape of Information Providers on the Web  Lots of non-library Web destinations deliver content to library patrons  Google Search / Google Scholar   Wikipedia 

5 User expectations

6 Evolution of library collection discovery tools  Bound handwritten catalogs  Card Catalogs  Library online catalogs – OPACs  Next-Gen Catalogs / Discovery interfaces  Web-scale discovery services

7 Bound Catalog

8 Card Catalog

9 Online Card Catalog

10 Web-based online catalog

11 Next-generation Catalog


13 Modernized Interface  Single search box  Query tools  Did you mean  Type-ahead  Relevance ranked results  Faceted navigation  Enhanced visual displays  Cover art  Summaries, reviews,  Recommendation services

14 Web site as menu of search options

15 Disjointed approach to information and service delivery  Silos Prevail  Books: Library OPAC (ILS module)  Articles: Aggregated content products, e-journal collections  OpenURL linking services  E-journal finding aids (Often managed by link resolver)  Local digital collections ETDs, photos, rich media collections  Metasearch engines  All searched separately

16 Lack of unified Web presence  User’s don’t understand the distinctions we make  Catalog?  Articles and Databases?  Digital Library?  Search our Site?  Search interfaces based on content formats or management applications  Non-library Web sites are much more unified

17 A simple vision  A single point of entry to all the content and services offered by the library  …but with precision, nuanced sophistication, and multiple dimensions Search:


19 Web-scale discovery

20 Online Catalog vs. Discovery Layer  Online Catalog  Interface conventions from an earlier Web era  Scope: Tied to the ILS and its content domain  Discovery Layer  Modern interface elements  Scope: aims to address broad range of components that constitute library collections

21 Discovery Products

22 Decoupled from ILS

23 Social discovery  Tags, user-supplied ratings and reviews  Leverage social networking interactions to assist readers in identifying interesting materials: BiblioCommons  Leverage use data for a recommendation service of scholarly content based on link resolver data: Ex Libris bX service

24 Deep indexing  Metadata can no longer serve as the only basis for discovery  Increasing opportunities to search the full contents  Google Library Print, Google Publisher, Open Content Alliance, government publications, etc.  High-quality metadata will improve search precision  Commercial search providers already offer “search inside the book” and searching across the full text of large book collections  Important transition to full-text book search beginning in library projects  HathiTrust indexing 6 million volumes  Must become a routine component of library discovery  Deep search highly improved by high-quality metadata

25 Discovery product Trend  Initial products focused on technology  AquaBrowser, Endeca, Primo, Encore, VUfind  Mostly locally-installed software  Current phase focused on integrated access to both local content and remote articles to deliver Web-scale discovery. Examples:  Summon (Serials Solutions)  WorldCat Local (OCLC)  EBSCO Discovery Service (EBSCO)  Primo Central  Encore Synergy

26 Beyond Federated search  Federated Search / Metasearch use real-time queries against multiple information targets  No centralized index – presentation of dynamic results  Shallow results -- only a few results initially fetched from each target  Difficult to calculate relevancy  Performance challenges

27 Beyond local discovery interfaces  Pre-populated indexes  Web-scale  Exploits the full depth and breadth of library collections  Beyond the bounds of the local library’s collection  Targets the universe of objective, vetted library content

28 Pre-populated discovery services  New-generation interface  Harvested local content  ILS metadata  Institutional repositories, ETDs, Digital Collection platforms  Vendor-supplied indexes of library content  E-journals, databases, e-books Full-text and metadata corresponding to e-content subscriptions  Book collections beyond local library collections  Includes full-text indexing to the fullest extent possible

29 Federated Search Search: Digital Collections ProQuest EBSCOhost … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Search Results Real-time query and responses ILS Data

30 Discovery Interface Search: Digital Collections ProQuest EBSCOhost … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Search Results Real-time query and responses ILS Data Local Index MetaSearch Engine

31 Web-scale Search Search: Digital Collections ProQuest EBSCOhost … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Search Results Pre-built harvesting and indexing Consolidated Index ILS Data

32 Web-scale Search + Federated Search Search: Digital Collections ProQuest … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Search Results Pre-built harvesting and indexing Consolidated Index ILS Data Fed Search Non- harvestable Resources Non- harvestable Resources

33 Next-Gen Library Catalogs Marshall Breeding Neal-Schuman Publishers March 2010 Volume 1 of The Tech Set

34 Questions / Follow-up Marshall Breeding

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