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13th Off-Campus Library Services Conference, April 2008 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross.

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Presentation on theme: "13th Off-Campus Library Services Conference, April 2008 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross."— Presentation transcript:

1 13th Off-Campus Library Services Conference, April 2008 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross

2 Overview of Screencasting Software Project History Uses for Point-of-Need Tutorials Examples of Uses in Online Courses Examples of Uses in Face-to-Face Courses Experiments With These Tutorials in Chat Reference and Other Library Services Future Directions Assessment of the Tutorials Design Guidelines Collaborative Tutorial Projects Presentation Outline

3 Formatting MLA Citation Indentation and Spacing Using Microsoft Word 2003 Visual Tutorial

4 Adobe Captivate CamStudio Qarbon Viewlet Builder Mac, Linux, Freeware: “Software We Like,” wikiSoftware We Like Screencasting Software (PC):

5 Feinberg Library Instruction Unit Online Initiative—Course-Related (one-shot) sessions Course Tutorials Reference Services Project History

6 To foster independent learning To appeal to various skill levels To increase the visual component, addressing learning styles and active learning Hands-on alternative to office visits To address point-of-need questions and problems Why Tutorials for Online Courses?

7 To answer student questions Class announcements and e-mail Feedback on assignments Point-of-Need Uses in Online Courses

8 Student Question Student Question: “How can I see what my grades are so far?” My response: Angel Grades Tutorial Student Question: “How can I see what my grades are so far?” My response: Angel Grades Tutorial

9 Class Announcement and E-Mail Angel Grades Tutorial Checking Spelling in Discussion Forums Tutorial

10 Assignment Question: “What method/s did you use to look for the full-text of your article in the library databases?” Student Answer: “The full text version was found in the search.” Feedback: “When you don’t have this access in the database you’re searching, you can look for your journal title in Journals AtoZ to see what other Feinberg databases include your journal. This tutorial shows how to do this:” Assignment Feedback

11 Tutorial linked in an assignment Tutorial within a lecture Tutorial preparation for a group activity Tutorial Sharing with other Librarians

12 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross 13 th Off-Campus Library Services Conference April 2008

13 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross 13 th Off-Campus Library Services Conference April 2008

14 Visual Tutorials for Point-of-Need Instruction in Online Courses Debra Kimok and Holly Heller-Ross 13 th Off-Campus Library Services Conference April 2008

15 Reference Services Subject Research Guide for Nursing Experiments With Other Library Services

16 2003/04 Academic Year: 245 questions 2006/2007 Academic Year: 513 questions Plattsburgh Online Chat Reference (IREF)

17 Chat Reference Conversation dragOnKing38: hi dragOnKing38: can you tell me how to access the e-reserve? psuiref: I can. It’s at psuiref: You can also see how to use the system with a very brief tutorial: dragOnKing38: thanks psuiref: You’re very welcome.

18 379 chat transactions reviewed and categorized More than half could benefit by tutorials Chat Reference Analysis

19 Chat Analysis Category# of Questions% of QuestionsImprovement Approach Help locating books or media in the online catalog 5013.2%Create new tutorials or…add books and media searching to the catalog tutorial on finding periodicals Unique Questions 4712.4%Continue reference service Help locating full-text of articles/ documents 369.5%Create tutorial for the A-Z database Help locating electronic course reserves 174.5% Use existing tutorial

20 Embedded in Research Guides

21 Future Directions Increased interactivity Example Narrated tutorial alternatives

22 Class comments Survey responses Initial Assessment

23 Survey Questions Basic Searching in PlattCat Survey

24 Required Slides Consistent Design Set Demonstration Defaults Design Guidelines for Feinberg Library Tutorials

25 Title Objectives Instructions Review More Help Survey Required Slides

26 Recording Size Backgrounds Caption and Button Font Styles, Sizes, Colors Click Box Highlight Colors Hyperlinks Consistent Design

27 Review assessment instruments and analyze the results Create more tutorials Survey faculty for desired tutorials Review software options Next Steps

28 Animated Tutorial Sharing Project (A.N.T.S.) Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online Database (ACRL Primo)Online Database Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) TeacherTube Collaborative Tutorial Projects

29 Tutorials List Presentation Handout

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