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Painful. Heal a Wound and release Biblical faith for Miracles & Healings What the Bible says: “When WE have more faith we see more miracles” DANGER LINE.

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Presentation on theme: "Painful. Heal a Wound and release Biblical faith for Miracles & Healings What the Bible says: “When WE have more faith we see more miracles” DANGER LINE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Painful

2 Heal a Wound and release Biblical faith for Miracles & Healings What the Bible says: “When WE have more faith we see more miracles” DANGER LINE  The word “You” is ____________! Plural X Scriptures


4 God’s Shortcut to Powerful Corporate Faith is __________ Back  Miracle Healing Teams  Today Healing / Intercession!  Future – Announcements become Ministry Time!

5 Eph. 5:26


7 Acts 1

8 Isaiah 6

9 Isaiah 6:3-4 And they were calling to ONE ANOTHER : “ Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty ; the whole earth is full of his glory.” 4 At the sound of their voices the Doorposts & Thresholds H O H O Psalm 24





14 II Chron. 20

15 Ushers John 12

16 today

17 II Tim. 1:6-7

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