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UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Mid-term Review.

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Presentation on theme: "UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Mid-term Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development UNEP Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Mid-term Review Meeting Geneva,16-17 February, 2005 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

2 2 Objectives of the Economics & Trade Programme Enhance countries’ capacities to adopt a balanced and integrated approach to economic, trade and environmental policies, and maximize the contribution of trade to reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development.

3 3 Mandate  UNCED underlined the importance of integrating environmental considerations in macroeconomic policies.  Agenda 21 underlined the key role of UNEP in the further development & promotion of the widest possible use of environmental impact assessment.

4 4 Mandate “ Governments, in cooperation with international organizations, should strengthen national institutional capability and capacity to integrate social, economic, developmental and environmental issues at all levels of development decision-making and implementation. Attention should be given to moving away from narrow sectoral approaches, progressing towards full cross-sectoral coordination and cooperation”. “ Governments, in cooperation with international organizations, should strengthen national institutional capability and capacity to integrate social, economic, developmental and environmental issues at all levels of development decision-making and implementation. Attention should be given to moving away from narrow sectoral approaches, progressing towards full cross-sectoral coordination and cooperation”. Agenda 21

5 5 Mandate  CSD recommended that UNEP develop a framework to facilitate the assessment of environmental impact of trade policies, taking into account the needs of DCs & CIT.  The WSSD emphasized the importance of taking a holistic approach to implement sustainable development & the use of environmental impact procedures.

6 6 Mandate  GC UNEP to  Integrate environmental considerations in macroeconomic policies  Develop & implement mutually supportive trade & environment policies  Promote national development & application of EIA  Promote greater understanding of the linkages between poverty & environment  International community to work towards poverty reduction

7 7 Mandate   MDG 1 “Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger” reduce by half the people living on less than one dollar a day and those who suffer from hunger.   MDG 7 “Ensure environmental sustainability” integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes.

8 8 Background  Modest effort to integrate, ex-ante, environmental concerns into economic policies and multilateral agreements  Macroeconomic policies continue to be developed in isolation from environmental and social policies

9 9 Background  To achieve sustainable development, environment & economic policies should be developed in an integrated fashion  Assessment tools have an important role to play in achieving policy coherence  To date, there is no internationally agreed upon framework for integrated assessment  Different approaches and methodologies have been developed by OECD, CEC & EU

10 10 Why Integrated Assessment  Provides interaction/interlinkages between sustainable development pillars  Identifies positive & negative linkages  Provides insights into challenges & opportunities  Provides policy response packages including economic instruments, command & control & voluntary measures

11 11 Why Integrated Assessment  A tool for policy makers, trade negotiators & assessment practitioners  Inter ministerial coordination  Public participation & involvement of relevant stakeholders  Country ownership  Transparency & good governance

12 12 Why Integrated Assessment  Indigenous knowledge & culture  Development priorities  Mutually supportive policies  Strengthen institutional & human capacity

13 13 Country Projects Enhance the capacities of countries, particularly developing countries & countries in transition, assess the environmental, social & economic impacts of trade & trade liberalization Enhance the capacities of countries, particularly developing countries & countries in transition, assess the environmental, social & economic impacts of trade & trade liberalization  Nineteen sector-specific country studies  Sectors included Cotton, Banana, Cocoa, Fisheries Forestry, Pulp & Paper, Rubber, Rice, Mining, & Automobile sector  Implementation phase  Trade, environment & poverty reduction  Organic agriculture

14 14 Main Activities  Country Projects on the impacts of trade liberalization on the environment, related economic & social effects, & design of policy responses  Reference Manuals on Environmental & Integrated Assessment of Trade Related Policies  UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force on Trade Environment & Development

15 15 UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force Assist Assist developing countries enhance their understanding of & address issues at the interface of trade, environment & development   Country projects  Thematic Research   Development of training materials   National & regional capacity building workshops  Networking & information exchange

16 16 Main Activities  In 1997 UNEP initiated six Country Projects on environmental assessment of trade liberalisation and on economic instruments in: Bangladesh, Chile, India, Philippines, Romania, and Uganda;  Completed a second round of country specific projects on integrated assessment in 2002 in: Argentina, China, Ecuador, Nigeria, Senegal, & Tanzania;  UNEP completed a third round of projects in the rice sector in Senegal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Colombia, in 2004.

17 17 Environment, Trade and Poverty Reduction Enhance countries’ capacities, particularly DCs & CITs in undertaking integrated assessment & planning for sustainable development, with a particular focus on poverty reduction, environmental management & sustainable trade promotion

18 18 Environment, Trade and Poverty Reduction Identify the potential environmental, social & economic impacts, both positive & negative of particular policy or planning process & reconcile these three dimensions against Sustainability reference points

19 19 Objectives  Integrate environmental/sustainability considerations into PRSPs, plans & programmes  Institutionalize an assessment & planning process conducive to sustainable development & poverty reduction  Develop & apply integrated assessment methodology applicable to different sectors & country contexts  Framework Document on Integrated Assessment & Planning for Sustainable Development

20 20 UNEP ’ s Approach Selection of methods and tools by countries based on:   data availability   accumulated in-country experience & knowledge   Relative emphasis given to three pillars of sustainability   political acceptance

21 21 Integrated Assessment and Planning  Substantive integration Particular focus on linkages between environment protection, poverty reduction and sustainable trade promotion  Stakeholder integration Ministries, & key stakeholders, including the poor & marginalized communities  Procedural integration The assessment is able to influence the planning process (is done ex-ante or concurrently)

22 22 Criteria for the selection of country projects  Selected planning process  Commitment and active involvement of different government ministries/offices  National institution able to allocate a multidisciplianry team and implement the project  Regional balance

23 23 Environment, Trade & Poverty Reduction Colombia Brazil Chile Tanzania Uganda Kenya Indonesia Russia Czech Rep. Lebanon China Eleven Country Projects

24 24 Environment, Trade and Poverty Reduction  International working group (World Bank, UNDP, UNCTAD, FAO, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, OECD DAC, EC, NGOs from developed & developing countries  Ministries of planning & environment, sectoral ministries, academia, & private sector  Capacity building  Policy integration  Implementation  Monitoring & follow up

25 25 Environment, Trade and Poverty Reduction  Expert Working Group Meeting – Feb. 2003  Planning Meeting – June 2003  Country Selection Sep. – Dec. 2003  Development of Framework for IAP country projects (Ongoing)  Expert Working Group Meeting – Nov. 2004  Launching workshops (2004)  Training Workshop Feb. 2005

26 26 Objectives Mid-term Review Meeting  Provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences with the country teams.  Review and comment on the prliminary findings of the projects.

27 27  Second Review Meeting  National Workshops  International Meeting  Synthesis Report – Publication of Studies Next Steps

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