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Social Audit Unit under MGNREGA Tripura
Society for Social Services Madhya Bharat Chapter (SoSSMBC) Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Social Audit under MGNREGA
The Act provides for a central role to ‘Social Audits’ as a means of continuous public vigilance. The objective of Social Audit is to ensure public accountability in the implementation of projects, laws and policies. Social Audits are periodic assemblies convened through Gram Sabhas where: - All the details of a project are scrutinized; Are a continuous process of public vigilance Serve as a forum for ensuring transparency in the process of administration and decision making Ensure accountability of PRI representatives and officials Serve the purpose of grievance redressal. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
SOSSMBC – An Independent Agency Appointed for Establishing the Social Audit Unit in Tripura
Organisations Strength & Track Record 13 Years of experience in implementation and conducting M&E assignments in Rural development sector all over India Institutional National Level Monitoring (NLM) Agency with Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India Concurrent Monitoring Agency for Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) in Rural & Urban Areas Verification Agency for PEAIS, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India. Verification Agency for Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP), Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Government of India. Conducting Social Audit of RD Programmes in Tripura State since Conducted many M&E assignments for various Ministries of GoI and State Governments Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Social Audit Unit in Tripura under MGNREGA
Independent Social Audit fully Established & Operational in Tripura State. Specified manpower in place State Unit :State Coordinator : 01 State Resource Persons : 02 District Unit : District Coordinators : 08 Block Unit : Block Coordinators : 18 GP/AdC Level Facilitators : 24 Village Resource Persons identified in 1118 GPs/ADCs Social Audit successfully conducted in for Quarter I & II in GPs/ADCs Salient findings GP/ADC wise submitted to respective Blocks for ATRs Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Impact of Social Audit in Tripura under MGNREGA
Awareness on MGNREGS & the Act improved. PRI Members actively engaged in the Social Audit process. Village Resource Persons identified and appointed to facilitate Social Audit. Villagers & MGNREGS beneficiaries proactive in claiming their rights & privileges. False & Ghost Job Cards checked & deleted. Job Card holders sensitized on output based payments. Improved documentation, record keeping and data management at GP/ADC level. (Job Cards, Asset registers and other records updated) Participation & Involvement in Social Audit Gram Sabhas gradually improving as issues are resolved instantly to the satisfaction of the beneficiaries The reports provide a blueprint on the ground realities of MGREGA implementation. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Impact of Social Audit in Tripura under MGNREGA
Improved knowledge of the PRI Members on provisions and procedures under the Act. The improved awareness levels have now created a congenial atmosphere for smooth implementation, better selection /prioritization of works and accountability under MGNREGA. Opening of Bank Accounts was accelerated and almost 100% of the wages now being disbursed through bank accounts. More active monitoring of works by Vigilance & Monitoring Committees. Improved Grievance redressal mechanisms and Voluntary disclosures of work details at all GPs. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Social Audit under MGNREGA: Challenges
Lack of clarity/understanding on concept/relevance of Social Audit process amongst the PRIs. Poor awareness levels of villagers, lack of interest and involvement of public in planning, execution and monitoring of RD schemes in the villages. The concept of transparency & accountability was very new to the villagers. Lack of systematic approach for regular/timely conduct of social audit in gram sabhas. Problems in monitoring the conduct and proceedings of social audits by the State. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Facilitating Social Audits by State- Objectives
To streamline and regularize the conduct of Social Audits in all the GPs of the State, it was decided to appoint an independent agency with the following objectives: To ensure regular & timely conduct of Social Audit in all GPs; Capacity building of PRIs on issues and procedures of conducting Social Audits. Creating an enabling environment for ensuring smooth and timely conduct of social audits. To improve the participation of all including the vulnerable sections of the society in the social audit process. Documentation of the conduct, proceedings and issue raised in the social audits and dissemination of the same at GP/Block/Distt. and State level on a periodical basis. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Plan of Action Preparation Planning Execution Action & Feedback
Orientation of District & Block Resource Persons Sensitization of District & Block Functionaries Planning Social Audit Calendar Identification of VRPs Execution Conduct of Social Audit Meetings Recording of proceedings & reporting Verification of Assets & Records Interview of Workers/Job Card Holders Reporting GP, Block, District & State Reports on Social Audit and Verifications conducted prepared quarterly and submitted to respective authorities for action & review Action & Feedback The Districts will submit an ATR to the SAU on issues raised in the previous report, same shall be compiled in the next quarter reports. The Reports shall be disseminated in public domain through MGNREGA MIS
Approach & Methodology
A Quarterly action plan to cover all GPs of a district is prepared on annual basis. The calendar of visits to GPs is then prepared in consultation with the Programme Officers at Block Level. Structured/ Semi-structured formats are developed to collect information. Multi- disciplinary teams are formed at State/Distt/Block and GP levels for conducting visits to the GPs. Quarterly visits so as to ensure that each GP is visited at least 4 times in a year. List of works completed/ongoing in each GP is downloaded from the Online MIS. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Verification Processes
Verification of the Muster Rolls, the entries therein and payments on a sample basis made in the specified time period, by contacting the wage seekers whose names are entered in such muster rolls. Verification of the work site, measurement and assessing the quantity with reference to records. Verification of assets in terms of their quality of implementation. Also assessment of beneficiaries’ satisfaction in usefulness of the assets created in the GPs. This will be carried out on sample study, interviewing at least 10% of the Job card holders in a year. Verification of the Cash books, Bank statements and other financial records in order to verify their correctness and reliability of financial reporting systems. Verification of the invoices, bills, vouchers or other related records used for procurement of materials to testify such procurement was as per the estimate, and was as per procedure laid down. Verification of the details of any other payment(s) made by the implementing agencies from the funds of the scheme. Verification that the public disclosures made by the implementing agencies are as per the prescribed format and the details contained therein is a true reflection of the records.
Deliverables The Facilitators during their visit to the Villages, interact with the PRI members, Workers and Villagers at large with the aim to improve the awareness on key provisions and procedures under the Act. The interactions are aimed at empowering the workers to articulate their demand and seek job under the Act. The Facilitators use pre-designed printed Flip Charts, for educating the villagers on the salient aspects of MGNERGA . A comprehensive report, with GP level findings on various important aspects of the MGNREGA processes is prepared State/Distt/Block Level and submitted on a quarterly basis. State & District level disclosure workshops are conducted with the participation of all stakeholders. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
Improvements suggested for the future
In light of the recent notification of MGNREGA Audit of Schemes Rules 2011, the scope and perspective of the Social Audit facilitation has to be widened. Following improvements are proposed for consideration: Proactive and Systematic approach for Capacity Building of PRI members/Gram Sabhas on Social Audit. Development of Training material and Capacity Building Manuals and web based reporting systems on progress of the same. Systems for regular up-dation of Social audit proceedings and action taken reports on web. Verification of records and cross checking with workers/job card holders at Social Audit sabhas. An intensive publicity and awareness campaign by the State/District to ensure active & full participation of all. Society for Social Services, Madhya Bharat Chapter
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