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AP English Language and Composition Monday, October 13 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "AP English Language and Composition Monday, October 13 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP English Language and Composition Monday, October 13 th, 2014

2 Warm-Up  See PSAT book

3 Due  Jefferson discussion questions  Roosevelt “Pearl Harbor Address” annotations

4 In-Class  Roosevelt Discussion Questions  Remember to talk with a partner about the historical context and the main idea before you start answering the questions!!  Watch video of speech?

5 Homework  Finish Roosevelt Discussion Questions  Bush “Address to Joint Session of Congress” annotations due Tues. Oct. 14 th  Reminder: PSAT is this Wednesday, Oct. 15 th !  Looking ahead: Jefferson OR Roosevelt OR Bush précis due Thurs. Oct. 16 th  Bullet-point pre-write  Hand-written rough draft  Typed final (MLA formatting)  Next week: Conferences  Mon/Weds: 1,2,3  Tues/Thurs: 4,5,6  Fri: 1-6

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