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A LOOK AT THE RESOURCE Presented by the ULM Library Reference Department.

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Presentation on theme: "A LOOK AT THE RESOURCE Presented by the ULM Library Reference Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 A LOOK AT THE RESOURCE Presented by the ULM Library Reference Department

2 Session Overview  What *IS* it, exactly?  What can I use it for?  What does it do?  Here’s how it works  Getting to it from home  Questions?

3 What *IS* It, Exactly?  CQ Researcher is a searchable collection of authoritative reports addressing current issues and topics from around the world  The reports are written by experienced, reliable journalists and include the resources they’ve used  The reports are also fact-checked by professionals  The scope of CQ Researcher is global  Reports are updated as new info is discovered  CQ Researcher is considered a scholarly source and is therefore appropriate for your research projects

4 What Can I Use It For?  Like Wikipedia, CQ Researcher can provide you with an introduction, overview, and in-depth look at a topic – the difference being that CQ Researcher is written by recognized authorities, is fact-checked, and is fully intended for proper research  You can use it to obtain reports and resources for any kind of research assignment or project  You can use it to give yourself a crash-course on topics you may not be AS familiar with

5 What Does It Do?  It allows you to browse topics  OR you can browse reports  OR you can search the collection using keywords  It provides you with any reports that match your keywords  It allows you to email or print a copy of a report OR just a section of a report  It’ll cite the report FOR YOU in a variety of formats (including APA and MLA), which you can copy and paste into your paper

6 Here’s How It Works In order to access the database, you’ll need to start with the Library’s homepage – so that’s where we’ll start, so you can see CQ Researcher in action:

7 Getting To It From Home  Most of the Library’s electronic resources can be accessed remotely – that is, from places other than campus or the Library – via the website  However, in order to use the resources, you’ll have to login  Your login information is very simple:  Username: Campus Wide ID (CWID)  Password: MMYY  CQ Researcher is one of the resources that can be accessed from off-campus

8 Getting To It From Home

9 Questions?

10 Remember, if you need research help, all you have to do is ask the librarians. You can…  Visit the Reference Desk, Library 1 st floor  Email us at  Call us at (318) 342-1071 Thanks for your attendance!

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