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Alan F. Blumberg and Nickitas Georgas Davidson Laboratory August 22 -23, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan F. Blumberg and Nickitas Georgas Davidson Laboratory August 22 -23, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan F. Blumberg and Nickitas Georgas Davidson Laboratory August 22 -23, 2013

2 New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System Integrated system of observing sensors and forecast models TO OBSERVE TO PREDICT TO COMMUNICATE Weather Currents Water Level Salinity Temperature Waves

3 3D Circulation Model (ECOM/POM-derived): Boussinesq, Hydrostatic, Primitive Equation, Sigma Coordinate Model Mode Splitting: 10 external/internal steps, Δt e =1sec. Smagorinksy lateral diffusion: HORCON=0.01, Prandtl Number=1000! Mellor-Yamada 2.5-Kl vertical closure: UMOL=10 -6 m 2 /s. Bottom stress: C Dmin =3x10 -3, z 0 =10 -3 m, everywhere! *Modified by dynamic wave boundary layer (Grant-Madsen)! Surface Wind Stress: Large and Pond 1982. Barometric Pressure Gradient forcing: Switched off. 2D Surface Heat Fluxes: Ahsan and Blumberg, QUAL-2E-type. *Modified for 10m winds, generalized for UTC or local time coordinate. Robust, explicit, wetting and drying. Dynamically Coupled, Surface Wind Wave Model (GLERL-derived): Empirical Wave Momentum Model, JONSWAP spectrum. Wind-wave growth equation: γ=2.8%, C Ds =0.7x10 -3,,z 0w =σ/5. Incl. Bottom dissipation: f w =0.04 Incl. Depth-induced breaking: γ B =0.8261 (Longuet-Higgins and Fenton, 1974). *Dynamic depth from circulation model. Incl. Offshore wave boundary condition. Adopted new dispersion eqn. for shallows. Included and validated Thin Dams (obstruction grids). Standardized, CF-protocol-compliant, NetCDF Outputs. sECOM Hydrodynamic Model. NYHOPS App.

4 Bathymetry: Over 1M soundings! Resolution: 4km -> 25m DE NJ CT RI NY NYC NYHOPS Forecast Model _ it is all about realism! 3D General Circulation Model dynamically coupled with Surface Wind-Wave model Input forcing: (O): Observed (F): Forecasted (H): Historic Tides (O+F) NOS Offshore Surge and Steric (O+F) NOS Offshore Waves (O+F) Surface Winds (O+F) NAM 12km Heating and Cooling (O+F) 239 Rivers and Streams (O+F) NERFC 280 Major Dischargers (H) River Ice (O+F) Output: hindcasts+forecasts 4x/day Results every 10min, since 2006.  Total water level.  3D Currents, Salinity, Temperature.  Significant wave height and wave period. Colored DOM and light absorption. + 1967 + Real time Observations External data and models Distributed Inflows and Effluents

5 A fully automated system of systems New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System 0.5 hrs + 1.5 hrs + 2.0 hrs

6 Validation Every model has errors. Validation tells us that they are sufficiently small. Adopted NOAA/NOS Model Evaluation Software (DB-MEE). 2 years of recent in situ data: 2007-2009; 6+ years of real-time experience Over 100 local stations (Georgas and Blumberg ‘10, DiLiberto et al ’11, etc.) T/S vertical transect profiles from gliders (Georgas and Blumberg ‘08) Satellite SST comparisons (Bhushan ‘09, Bhushan, Blumberg, Georgas ‘10) HF-radar (Gopalakrishnan ‘11) and surface drifters (Blumberg et al, forthcoming).

7 Marine Search and Rescue (SAR) Missions………… NY/NJ Harbor Commercial Pilots & Schedulers (Harbor Pilots Associations, Marine Transportation)…………… Recreational Boaters (Regattas, Kayaks,…)……………….. Coastal Flooding Responders (PD, FEMA, NWS)…… Scientists/Engineers…… NYHOPS supports: New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System

8 Sandy surge Post-Sandy Nor’easter 1 Totals for Sandy’s forecast period: 30,334 unique hits. The NYHOPS/SSWS forecast water elevation (posted Saturday at 6am): -Along coast of NJ/NY and all of the Hudson River were within 5%, -the Battery, NY was low by 20%, -Long Island Sound was low by 10%

9 Conclusions NYHOPS established as an urban ocean forecast system – large following – extensive validation MARACOOS assets a blessing – hf radar, drifters, gliders and “met forcing” Need more robust assimilation – bring in mobile sensors, including truncated fisheries data Need better offshore boundary forcing Study wave and wave-driven set-up modeling Faster code… offsite mirroring… online data store Thank you NWS & NCEP & NOS– great operational products Links needed to National Hurricane Center collection of hurricane models; Include infrastructure ensembles/probabilistic forecasts;

10 Thank You!

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