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Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) Afghanistan Resource Corridors Project (ARCP) Prepared By:

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Presentation on theme: "Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) Afghanistan Resource Corridors Project (ARCP) Prepared By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) Afghanistan Resource Corridors Project (ARCP) Prepared By: Afghanistan Resource Corridors Project Presented By: Abdul Mubeen Shahab Director, ARCP

2 Introduction: After tremendous success in the short run and looking at the importance of the project, GoIRA and the World Bank decided to design and establish ARCP on full scale. Total budget of USD 70 Million is committed for the project by the World Bank. MoMP share in the budget is 30 Million USD 40 million USD goes to MoWP (ID Cluster) Project Preparation Grant(PPG) Agreement was signed by GoIRA and the World Bank on 21 st May, 2013.

3 Goals : Progressing Afghanistan’s financial and economic independence through strategic and prioritized infrastructure development that enables private sector investment in the extractive industry. Connecting Afghanistan to the region and the rest of the world through promotion of inter-state resource corridors as a means to realize Afghanistan’s natural resource, growth, revenue and employment potential

4 I.Infrastructure ( Power, Water, Road, Railway) o Build infrastructure links in extractive industry o Integrate power and water plans with the help of opportunities that we have got from the extractive industry. o Conducting research, study and technical and economic analysis in the areas of infrastructure development, roads and power from extractive industry perspective.

5 II. Governance: o Build capacity to develop and implement policy, law and regulation for the purpose of effective governance among the project stakeholders III. Private Sector and Skills Development: o Facilitate and help the local enterprises to enhance their capacity for its larger contribution in the mining sector o Provide opportunity for local employment across mining sector value chain o Local Skills Development

6 o Public-Private Skills and supplier development program o Assist to enhance the Public Private Partnership (PPP) IV. Social & Environment: o Community benefits sharing in the extractive industry o Facilitate the “Right of Passage / Land Acquisition” o Arranging and conducting workshop, seminars and other program for capacity building and to enhance public awareness in social sector in regards to extractive industry. o Community Development Agreements o Special focus of ARAZI on corridors

7 Infrastructure LivelihoodsGovernance Environment and Social  MoPW  MoTCA  MoEW  Mining Investors  Local Businesses  Vocational Trainings Centers  MoCI, MoUD  ACCI, AISA MoMP MoF MoCI  CSO  NEPA  ALA ( ARAZI )  Local Community  Local Government  CSOs Development Partners

8 Counterparts within MoMP ARCP is closely working with ; Directorate of Cadastre Directorate of Policy Ayanak Authority Petroleum Authority Communication Directorate MoMP Provincial Directorate And donor funded projects like; MIDAS SDNRP-II Others..

9 I.Management: o Preparation of strategy for ARCP with the help of specialists from the World Bank. o The strategy includes reports about the railway routes, roads, water and energy, value addition, skills and private sector development. o Prepared project Fact Sheet. o Prepared Brucher o Prepared One Pager o Press Release o Media Kit

10 Continue.. II.Infrastructure: o Data collection and providing analysis for pre- feasibility study of Torkham-Hiaratan railway to FSDI. o Sustainable Resource study in extractive industry o Comparative Analysis of Shaberghan Gas Consumption Options o Cooperation in preparation of 4 chapters of framework for development of extractive industry of Afghanistan (EIDF). o Active participation in the planning process of Afghanistan National Railway Plan

11 Continue.. III. Social and Environment: o Conducted survey to identify social problems in Tala and Barfak Coal Mine. o Evaluated the social impacts of illegal extraction of coal in Bamyan. o Need Assessment of framework for Land Acquisition o Organized several workshops about social and land issues. o Facilitation in devising strategy for evaluating social and environmental impacts in Afghanistan’s Extractive Industry.

12 Continue.. o Conducted CDA Workshop in India. o Conducted CDA workshop in Mazare Sharif, Balkh o Cooperated in conducting workshops “Grievances Redress Mechanism” in the World Bank. IV. Skills and Private Sector Development: o Prepared Implementation Plan for skills development and active participation of private sector in the extractive industry. o Developed mechanism for Public Private Partnership o Developed mechanism for evaluation of private sector.

13 Continue.. o Prepared procurement guidelines for CNPCIW for awareness, involvement and prioritizing local private sector and for better utilization of human resources at Amu Darya. o Facilitating matchmaking dialogue between private sector (CNPCIW etc.), government and donors community o Conducted workshops for private sector development in different provinces such as Kabul, Sare Pul, Faryab, Andkhoy, Jawzjan and Balkh o Cooperated with Altai in preparation of “Private Sector Need Assessment” o Recruitment of Interns for skill development and their fulltime recruitment in CNPCIW

14 Future Plans I. Infrastructure: o Arrange capacity and skills development programs in the area of infrastructure development. o Continue the study on the designs of production and distribution of power/electricity in close coordination with other stakeholders o Initiate technical, analytical, economic studies about infrastructure development in extractive industry o Present comments and views about different studies and analysis

15 Continue.. II. Social & Environmental o CDA follow up workshop in different parts of Afghanistan o Recruitment of consultancy firms and legal advisors for the capacity building of Afghanistan Independent Land Authority (AILA) o Develop Grievance Redress Mechanism o Implementation of CDA Pilot Project o Support AILA in regulation of Land Expropriation Law o Public Awareness on Social & Environment positive & negative impact on PAP o Arrange social awareness programs

16 Continue.. III. Skills and Private Sector Development: o Recruitment of consultancies for skill development of ARCP and MoMP employees o Recruitment of consultancies for capacity building of small and medium enterprises in extractive industry o Continuation of capacity building programs for private sector o Work on strengthening Public and Private Partnership o Providing internship opportunity to fresh university graduates. o Providing opportunities of domestic and foreign trips for capacity building of fresh university graduates.

17 Evaluating Interns Performance, CNPCIW, Angot Camp, Sare Pul,2014

18 Workshop of “Procurement Opportunities” with CNPCIW in Sar e Pul Province, 2012

19 Participants Workshop of “Procurement Opportunities” with CNPCIW in Sar e Pul Province, 2012

20 Participants of a Workshop “ Procurement Opportunities” in Balkh Province,2012

21 Participants of a Workshop “ Procurement Opportunities” With CNPCIW, 2012

22 Participants of a Workshop “ Procurement Opportunities” with CNPCIW, 2012

23 Meeting of MoMP Officials with FSDI regarding Aynak, Railway, China, 2012

24 ARCP Director Presenting at workshop organized by, Investment Promotion Directorate, 2013

25 Senior Infrastructure Engineer, ARCP, participated in a workshop about Afghanistan National Railway Lines held in USA, 2013

26 Director ARCP Participating in 9 th Afghan-US Matchmaking Conference Held in Washington DC, USA, 2013

27 H.E DM Hares addressing 9 th Afghan-US Matchmaking,, Conference, Washington DC, USA, 2013

28 CDA Workshop, New Delhi, India, 2014

29 CDA Workshop –India, 2014

30 Follow-up CDA Workshop, Mazar-e-Sharif, 2014

31 Thanks! Contact: Mr. Abdul Mubeen Shahab Director ARCP / MoMP Email: Mobile: +93(0) 799 86

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