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B ELL WORK 9/28/2012 On a blank sheet of paper name the four groups of people who moved west and briefly explain why they decided to go (pull/push factors)

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Presentation on theme: "B ELL WORK 9/28/2012 On a blank sheet of paper name the four groups of people who moved west and briefly explain why they decided to go (pull/push factors)"— Presentation transcript:

1 B ELL WORK 9/28/2012 On a blank sheet of paper name the four groups of people who moved west and briefly explain why they decided to go (pull/push factors)

2 N ATIVE A MERICAN W ARS 1860-1890 Goal 4

3 S AND C REEK M ASSACRE Fall of 1864 a band of Colorado militia came upon an unarmed camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians, who were under US Army protection. The troops opened fire killing men, women, and children.

4 S AND C REEK M ASSACRE U.S. Army killed Native Americans Most of the dead were women and children. Force Native American’s onto reservations.

5 B ATTLE OF L ITTLE B IG H ORN /C USTER ’ S L AST S TAND June 1876 The last and greatest Native American victory over US forces in the West. General Custer and all his men recklessly rushed into battle and were slaughtered by Sioux Indians under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.

6 S ITTING B ULL Sioux Indian chief who fought to defend the Sioux way of life from white settlers.

7 N EZ P ERCÉ W AR 1877 Nez Percé Tribe led by Chief Joseph that tried to escape to Canada, only to be caught 30 miles from the border and forced to relocate to reservations in Oklahoma.

8 B ATTLE OF W OUNDED K NEE 1890 Last notable conflict between the US army and Native Americans. The battle was sparked by white concerns regarding the “Ghost Dance”. When soldiers tried to arrest Sitting Bull, a gunfight broke out that killed the Sioux leader and ultimately led to the deaths of more that 150 Native Americans.

9 Think of a time when you were forced to do something you didn’t want to do. What was it? How did you react? How did you feel before/during/after?

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