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Public Relations Sales Promotion Events, and Sponsorships.

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1 Public Relations Sales Promotion Events, and Sponsorships

2 2/40 Public Relations what PR is and how it differs from advertising most common types of PR programs Analyze the key decisions in PR planning Explain the most common types of PR tools Discuss the importance of measuring the results of PR efforts

3 3/40 The Practice of Public Relations Used to generate goodwill for an organization Helps an organization and its publics relate to each other

4 4/40 Comparing Public Relations and Advertising Media use Control Credibility Public relations people seek to persuade media gatekeepers to carry stories about their companies This aspect of PR is called publicity

5 5/40 Comparing Public Relations and Advertising Media use Control Credibility In the case of news stories, public relations people are at the mercy of the media gatekeeper Advertising runs exactly as the client who paid for it has approved

6 6/40 Comparing Public Relations and Advertising Media use Control Credibility The public tends to trust the media more than they do advertisers Implied third-party endorsement

7 7/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing Focuses on developing media contacts Knowing who in the media might be interested in the organization’s story

8 8/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing Programs that communicate information to employees Internal marketing –Communication efforts aimed at informing employees about marketing programs

9 9/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing All communication efforts aimed at the financial community

10 10/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing Corporate communication programs with government and with the public on issues related to government and regulation –Lobbying –Issue management

11 11/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing The practice of raising money by collecting donations

12 12/40 Types of Public Relations Programs Media relations Employee relations Financial relations Public affairs Fund-raising Cause marketing When companies associate themselves with a cause, providing assistance and financial support

13 13/40 Public Relations Planning Research and SWOT analysis Targeting Objectives and strategies The Big Idea PR’s Role in IMC

14 14/40 Public Relations Tools Controlled media Uncontrolled media Semicontrolled Advertising House ads Public service announcements Corporate advertising

15 15/40 Public Relations Tools Publicity News releases Pitch letters Press conferences Media tours Publications Pamphlets Booklets Annual reports Books Bulletins Newsletters Inserts and enclosures Position papers

16 16/40 Public Relations Tools Videos/DVDs, CDs, Books Ideal tools for distributing in-depth information Speakers and Photos Speaker’s bureau –A group of articulate people who will talk about topics at the public’s request PR departments maintain file of photos to provide to the public

17 17/40 Public Relations Tools Displays and Exhibits Booths Racks and holders for promotional literature Signage Special Events/Tours Celebrate company milestones –Open houses –Birthday celebrations –Corporate sponsorship of events

18 18/40 Public Relations Tools Online Communication Intranet –Connects people within an organization Extranet –Connects people in one business with its business partners External communication Internal communication Web challenges

19 19/40 Effectiveness and PR Excellence Evaluation is based on setting measurable objectives in the beginning Practitioners track the impact of a campaign in terms of output and outcome Factors of Excellent PR 14 factors of excellent PR grouped into four categories –Program level –Departmental level –Organizational level –Effects of excellent PR

20 20/40 Explain the principles that drive the use of sales promotion List and explain the use of various consumer promotions Summarize the types and purposes of trade promotions Describe the use of other types of promotions Explain the strategic use of promotions in marketing

21 21/40 Sales Promotion A marketing discipline that utilizes a variety of incentive techniques to structure sales-related programs that generate a specific, measurable action or response

22 22/40 Growth in Sales Promotion Pressure for short-term profits Need for accountability Easy to evaluate Move to Sales Promotion Consumer behavior Pricing Market share Parity products Power of the retailer

23 23/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Temporary price reduction or sale price –Cents-off –Price-pack deals –Bonus packs –Banded packs

24 24/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Provide a discount on the price of the product –Retailer –Manufacturer

25 25/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Marketer’s offer to return a certain amount of money to the consumer

26 26/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Allowing the consumer to try the product or service

27 27/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Create excitement by promising something for nothing Contests based on skill or ability Sweepstakes based on luck

28 28/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Tangible reward for a particular act Work by adding value to the product –Store premiums –In-pack premiums –On-pack premiums –Container premiums Self-liquidating

29 29/40 Consumer Promotions Price deals Coupons Refunds and rebates Sampling Contests and sweepstakes Premiums Specialties Presents the brand’s name on something that is given away as a reminder

30 30/40 How to Use Consumer Promotions Awareness Trial Maintain or increase market share Brand reminder

31 31/40 Trade Promotions Point-of-purchase display Retailer kits Trade incentives and deals Contests Trade shows and exhibits Manufacturer-designed display distributed to retailers Retailers use the displays to call their customer’s attention to product promotions

32 32/40 Trade Promotions Point-of-purchase display Retailer kits Trade incentives and deals Contests Trade shows and exhibits Materials that support retailer’s selling efforts or help representatives make sales calls on prospective retailing customers

33 33/40 Trade Promotions Point-of-purchase display Retailer kits Trade incentives and deals Contests Trade shows and exhibits When a manufacturer rewards a seller financially for purchase or support –Buying allowances –Advertising allowances

34 34/40 Trade Promotions Point-of-purchase display Retailer kits Trade incentives and deals Contests Trade shows and exhibits Advertisers can develop contests and sweepstakes to motivate resellers Contests far more common

35 35/40 Trade Promotions Point-of-purchase display Retailer kits Trade incentives and deals Contests Trade shows and exhibits When companies in the same industry gather to present and sell their merchandise and to demonstrate products

36 36/40 How to Use Trade Promotion Two primary roles for a trade promotion –Trade support –Excitement Demand: Push-and-Pull strategies –Bonuses –Dealer loaders –Buying allowances –Advertising allowances –Cooperative advertising –Display allowance Attention Motivation Information

37 37/40 Promotions That Cross the Lines Promotion techniques that blur the lines between promotions, advertising, and public relations Sponsorships and event marketing Other promotional support Interactive and Internet promotions Loyalty programs Partnership programs

38 38/40 Promotion Strategy Promotion objectives The issue of brand building Promotion integration Promotion effectiveness

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