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Item 7A Ordinance No. 953, 1 st Reading, Adopt Illicit Discharge Ordinance.

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Presentation on theme: "Item 7A Ordinance No. 953, 1 st Reading, Adopt Illicit Discharge Ordinance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Item 7A Ordinance No. 953, 1 st Reading, Adopt Illicit Discharge Ordinance

2 City of Southlake Strategy Map Live Our Core Values The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of life for our residents and businesses. We do this by delivering outstanding value and unrivaled quality in everything that we do. Fulfill Our Mission Promote Learning and Growth Provide Financial Stewardship Serve Our Customers C1 Achieve the highest standards of safety and security C3 Provide attractive and unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests C4 Attract and keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic and sustainable economic environment C2 Provide travel convenience within city and region B5 Optimize use of technology B1 Implement and share best practices across all departments B3 Pursue innovative service delivery options B4 Provide high quality customer service B2 Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions F1 Achieve competitive financial benchmarks F2 Maintain or improve AA bond rating F4 Maximize return on investments F3 Invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets Manage the Business Safety Mobility Infrastructure Performance Management Quality Partnerships and Security and Service Delivery Development and Volunteerism L2 Enhance leadership capabilities to deliver results L3 Attract, develop and retain a skilled workforce L1 Ensure our people understand the strategy and how they contribute to it L4 Recognize and reward high performers L5 Actively promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement (individual and group) Deliver on Our Focus Areas Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork

3 Phase II MS4 Permit Six Minimum Control MeasuresSix Minimum Control Measures –Public Education –Public Involvement –Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Adopt ordinance to prohibit illicit discharges and effectively eliminate through enforcementAdopt ordinance to prohibit illicit discharges and effectively eliminate through enforcement Develop program to detect illicit discharges and enforce eliminationDevelop program to detect illicit discharges and enforce elimination –Construction Activities –Post-Construction –Municipal Good-Housekeeping

4 Purpose of Ordinance Prevent degradation of water qualityPrevent degradation of water quality Prohibit illicit discharges and illicit connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)Prohibit illicit discharges and illicit connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Provide for enforcement and remediation provisionsProvide for enforcement and remediation provisions

5 What is an Illicit Discharge? Any discharge that is not entirely composed of storm waterAny discharge that is not entirely composed of storm water Examples of discharge exceptions:Examples of discharge exceptions: –Fire-fighting activity discharge –Residential car wash –Irrigation water –Pumped ground water

6 Prohibited Discharges Excessive sedimentsExcessive sediments Excessive lawn wasteExcessive lawn waste Trash and debrisTrash and debris Any chemical, industrial waste, or regulated wasteAny chemical, industrial waste, or regulated waste Domestic wasteDomestic waste Swimming pool water containing chemicalsSwimming pool water containing chemicals

7 Prohibited Activities Operate a facility subject to storm water discharge permitting without approvalOperate a facility subject to storm water discharge permitting without approval Allowing illicit dischargesAllowing illicit discharges Purposely disposing of wastes in the storm drain systemPurposely disposing of wastes in the storm drain system Creating an Illicit ConnectionCreating an Illicit Connection –Any drain or conveyance which allows illegal discharges to enter a storm drain

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